How to set up DirectX8ExporterMod in blender?

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How to set up DirectX8ExporterMod in blender?

Post by VooDooMilivoje »

I've got one newbie question- i decided to start working with Blender, but i just can't set up exporter DirectX8ExporterMod in it. I have got file named: "", but dont know what to do with it..Should i copy it somewhere in Blender's directory or what??

Sorry about this beginers torturing.. :?
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Post by Xandar »

U folderu u kome si instalirao blender postoji .blender folder i u njemu folder
scripts. Tu kopiraj "". Startuj blender i u meniju File/Export naci ces DirectX8ExporterMod.
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Post by VooDooMilivoje »

To sam uradio na samom startu, ali nista..File/export lista ostaje ista kao sto je bila. A, pazi ovo: maknem neke .py fajlove iz scripts foldera, i lista takodje ostane ista,samo sto normalno, ne reaguje kada kliknes na taj eksporter (nije bas da ne reaguje-u konzoli javlja da ga nije nasao..), uglavnom bez obzira na sadrzaj foldera scripts, sadrzaj file/export liste je skroz isti.. ne znam kako to da podesim! U svakom slucaju,hvala ti zemljak! :D Kako ide kod tebe, radis li nesto interesantno?
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Post by VooDooMilivoje »

E,rijesio sam problem! Znas sta je fora.. samo kliknes na scripts/update menues i apdejtuje listu :wink: Pozdrav
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Post by Zoophile »

i using blender 2.42
and installed DirectX Exporter Mod 1.3.2 to Blender\.blender\scripts

its not work
phyton skript error

how to export skeleton animation from blender to irrlicht
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