Question about lighting and reflection

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Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:04 pm

Question about lighting and reflection

Post by Thomaskkc »

I've draw a plan from 3dsmax and have map a texture and set that texture that has reflection. When it reading from 3dsmax, it can show there is a reflection from the texture, however, when i load it into irr, it seems the effect doesn't work, how can be done just like in 3dsmax??

Also about the lighting, i have set some light source from 3dsmax, so how can it be load into irr engine also?

Thanks for any help and suggestions :)
Posts: 48
Joined: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:35 pm

Post by funcdoobiest »

Hate to break it to you but you can't just export a scene from max and have it work just the same in Irrlicht (or any engine for that matter), it just doesn't work that way I'm afraid (just look at how long it takes to render a single frame in max for starters). Irrlicht doesn't really support real-time reflections, if you are just refelcting in a plane you can use render to texture to generate a usable texture (search the foumns, read the tutorial). It does support sphere maps I think but they are far from the ideal solution. Cubemnaps aren't supported full stop (if I ever get mine working I'll let you know!). have a search through the forums (you may have already), reflections seem to get asked about quite a bit, there may be some interesting workarounds or solutions.

Again don't expect your lighting to be as 'perfect' as max. I don't really use max (I leave that to the artists) so I don;t know how the lights are actually set but if you know all their attributes, position, colour, specular colour (i think its is areas like this that max and DX and OGL lights start to difffer maybe) etc then you can just set the lights in irrlicht with the matchin properties. Or you can generate lightmaps (irredit can do this) rahter than using realtime lighting.
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