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//! Finds the collision point of a line and lots of triangles, if there is one.
bool CSceneCollisionManager::getCollisionPoint(const core::line3d<f32>& ray,
ITriangleSelector* selector, core::vector3df& outIntersection,
core::triangle3df& outTriangle)
if (!selector)
return false;
s32 totalcnt = selector->getTriangleCount();
s32 cnt = 0;
selector->getTriangles(Triangles.pointer(), totalcnt, cnt, ray);
core::vector3df linevect = ray.getVector().normalize();
core::vector3df intersection;
f32 nearest = 9999999999999.0f;
bool found = false;
f32 tmp;
for( s32 i = 0; i < cnt; ++i )
if( Triangles[i].getIntersectionWithLine( ray.start, linevect, intersection ) )
if( intersection.isBetweenPoints( ray.start, ray.end ) )
tmp = (f32)intersection.getDistanceFromSQ( ray.start );
if( tmp < nearest )
nearest = tmp;
outTriangle = Triangles[i];
outIntersection = intersection;
found = true;
return found;
Also, in triangle3d.h, change the getIntersectionWithLine function to -
EDIT: Don't use isPointInsideFast, I came across a bug with that as well, where not all intersections were returned. If you keep using isPointInside and then fix the isOnSameSide function, it will work perfectly!!!
In triangle3d.h, change isOnSameSide to
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bool isOnSameSide(const vector3d<T>& p1, const vector3d<T>& p2,
const vector3d<T>& a, const vector3d<T>& b) const
vector3d<T> bminusa = b - a;
vector3d<T> cp1 = bminusa.crossProduct(p1 - a);
vector3d<T> cp2 = bminusa.crossProduct(p2 - a);
return (cp1.dotProduct(cp2) >= 0.0f);
Also in triangle3d.h, change getIntersectionOfPlaneWithLine function to -
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bool getIntersectionOfPlaneWithLine(const vector3d<T>& linePoint,
const vector3d<T>& lineVect, vector3d<T>& outIntersection) const
vector3d<T> normal = getNormal().normalize();
T t2 = normal.dotProduct( lineVect );
if( t2 == 0.0f )
return false;
T d = pointA.dotProduct( normal );
T t = -( normal.dotProduct( linePoint ) - d ) / t2;
outIntersection = linePoint + (lineVect * t);
return true;
Happy colliding!
![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)