When I want to compile the actual Irrlicht SVN-Revision i get 3 Compiler errors that there are Dx8core.h and some other files(Dont have the name right now, but it has to do with dx8) are not available. I use:
Microsoft VC++ Express 8
DirectX SDK (August 2006)
on an
AthlonXP2200+ with WinXP SP2
All files are linked into VC++. He finds everything in the DirectXSDK except these files. As i looked into the DXSDK Folder I also didnt found the required files.
Could need some help.
The World is OpenSource if you have an IrrLicht that leads you...
Short answer: in include\IrrCompileConfig.h, comment out the line:
Long answer: IrrLicht built on Windows still assumes that a DirectX 8 SDK is available. It's an historical quirk. I suppose some people might still be using DX8, just like some people still make fire by bashing rocks against their head.
This catches out just about everyone building on Windows, so I hope that a design decision is made to turn off DX8 support by default, or at least providing some very clear #pragma messages that explain exactly what's going on.