The Starflight3 project needs Irrlicht.NET programmers

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Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 11:37 am

The Starflight3 project needs Irrlicht.NET programmers

Post by elander »

Information about the Starflight3 project can be found here:

The project forums:

If you are interested in contributing please join the forums and ask for Opie (i'm zingbat in the same forums).

Some information about the project.

The project will be freeware (with the authorization of the original Starflight develpers) and all data and art contribution will be put under the creative commons license.

The team is composed of more than 10 active members who post regularly and can contribute with python coding, C# coding, documentation, art and music. It's an active and pratical working team.

We have an svn depot and an ftp site where programmers can create a branch of their own Irrlicht.NET project.

Opie is working on a game editor in C# that will generate and also allow visual editing of sector maps and game object properties. The game xml format is being worked on and is already defined for sector hyperspace objects like stars, planets, fluxes, encounter zones, trade routes, nebulas, etc

In terms of art and design we have design docs for the game with the plot setup. Art for space ships, alien life-forms is 50% created. All music and sounds are done.

What we need from you is:

- very good knowledge of cg game engines. In particuar knowing how to setup and manipulate a camera, transform objects, handle collisions and picking in 3d space.

- knowing how to setup a gui for the game

- knowledge on how to setup a event based scripted behavior model for the game actors

- very good knowledge of Irrlicht.NET