need to know something about the sdk before i download

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need to know something about the sdk before i download

Post by a guest »

hey all i just foudn out about this program

im on 56k and it is really slow to downlaod 10 meg so i need to ask is this al source code and u need to compile it ur self and do all the codeing or is there a builder with it where u jsut add in stuff u want i need to know this beofre i downalod 10 meg on my 56k will take me about 6 hours :p it is really slow


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Post by fretnoize »

yeah you need a compiler, you'll be doing a lot of coding, you'll need to compile your code, but you won't need to compile the engine, unless you're doing changes to it.
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Post by kakTuZ »

it won't take you 6 hours. with a 56k modem you can download it in ca 40 min
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Post by Rat »

if your just wanting to build a game, and not get into coding it, or just want to do very little coding, I would suggest downloading a game builder like 3dRad, DarkBasic, blitz, or other simple types. If you have Half Life, Quake3, or one of the UT type of games, you dont have to code at all, you can just MOD a game idea using what is already available, or the free level builders that you get with buying the game, or freely available on the internet.
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Post by Tyn »

...But that's not as fun :D
a guest


Post by a guest »

kakTuZ wrote:it won't take you 6 hours. with a 56k modem you can download it in ca 40 min
yes my downalod speed is really slow trust me it took me once 6 hours jsut to get 5 meg once at times i get 200bytes per second

umm yea i get it then cause i thought u had to compile the engie and change that so do u jsut run the compiled code with the engie and kaboom it works

any thanks for ur help im gonna start downloading now aha it is going at 700bytes per second can't wait till i get my dsl

any way u should all visit my webage flamingsoul

thanks for ur help agian
a guest


Post by a guest »

aha i started downaloding it then my modem for my dsl came and the guys to set all the cable lines up so i came off then downloaded again and it only took 53 seconds how cools that im messing around with the codeing for the examples and stuff any one got a basic fps tutorial or code jsut something with 1 enemy 1 gun, bullets and guy


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Re: aha

Post by Tels »

a guest wrote:aha i started downaloding it then my modem for my dsl came and the guys to set all the cable lines up so i came off then downloaded again and it only took 53 seconds how cools that im messing around with the codeing for the examples and stuff any one got a basic fps tutorial or code jsut something with 1 enemy 1 gun, bullets and guy



Matt, glad that you now have DSL :D

Anyway, here are some tutorials.

Btw, you might want to use some punctuation (like, putting a comma in somewhere, or a dot at the end of sentences) and use the shift key from time to time. That makes it much easier for others reading your text, especailly if they are non-native English speakers. :twisted:

Best wishes,


PS: "aHa, i sTarTed. Downaloding, it! Then My MODem For. my, Dsl came ..." would not be an improvement, so watch the placements of the dots, commas and upper case letters :)
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