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Joined: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:34 pm
Location: Maryland, USA

Post by trooper »

Hey kallaspriit,

Awsome demo !

I am doing something similar, and wondered if you might share source code.
I'm not looking to make the next blockbuster game, or take credit for source.

You have some very practical stuff going on here, that I wanted a little guidence with.
(car acceleration & dependent sound, rev needle, and some of the physics)

I am very impressed, I never even thought of things like traction control and stuff you have, it's amazing.

Anyway if you could share some source, would be AWSOME!
You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
Posts: 343
Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:43 pm

Post by Vsk »

Any activitiy on this topic?
I have some problem with it.
I change name function to function with irrlicht 1.3.1 but for some reawon it doesn't call render automaticly.
The function Render() is not call.
What could it be.
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