I was just wondering, could you possibly create a very simple example of the framework (a 'hello world' equivalent in physics) so I can get the gist of your framework?
yes. in the next release there will be a very simple example. currently you can see the example "materials and shapes" (it's quite simple also in my hopinion) However, this is the basic steps to create a simple physics.
1)create your program normally, insert all nodes, tree nodes (addTreeSceneNode), terrain exc...
2)create a physics world using irr::newton::createPhysicsWorld(device); assign the returned value to a variable, like "p_world"
3)create the relative bodies for your nodes. Currently you need to call p_world->createBodyAuto and pass it the scene node as first parameter and, only if your node is a tree node(addOctTreeSceneNode) also the mesh as second parameter. Then IrrNewt choose automatically the correct body type (simple,tree or tree terrain) and create it
4)add a force to a body, use body::addForce somewhere after create the body
5)last step: in the main loop (while(device->run()){ generally) insert P_world->update() somewhere, (p_world is your irr::newton::World object, you can assign at it the name wich you want) to update newton
with this you can see a rigid body affected by a force. If in your scene there is also a oct tree scene node and you create the relative body, if the body affected by force falls on it, it will bounce a bit for default
The current demo's are very nice, but it's hard to get down to the nuts and bolts of what commands to use etc. without a simple example to show how.
demo illustrates principally character controller. I wrote
here full character controlling documentation with many examples. you can also find in the previous link full documentation of irrnewt