Different computers show different textures

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Different computers show different textures

Post by monkeycracks »



The first link is on my computer. The second link is on my cousins.

My hardware specs
2.5ghz processor
nVidia GEForce MX 4000 (128mb)
512mb Memory

His hardware specs
1.8ghz processor
AMD Athlon 2500+ (256mb) (Radeon 9550).
512mb Memory

His video card is better than mine and yet the textures are not working..
Any ideas, tips, or suggestions?
Last edited by monkeycracks on Thu Dec 28, 2006 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sio2 »

Merely a suggestion, but have you tried:

Code: Select all

driver->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_ALWAYS_32_BIT, true);
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Post by monkeycracks »

I tried setting it to false righr before the skybox was made and back to true after it was made. Now I'm trying vice versa...

no changes...

any other ideas?


Everthing else is textured fine, it's just the skybox.
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Post by jAyTeA »

I had this problem, but it disappeared after updating the irrlicht.dll to the last svn-version. So i think you should try that
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Post by monkeycracks »

Can anyone link me? I can't seem to find it.
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Post by Xharock »

You'll need to get it from the SVN Repository.
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Post by monkeycracks »

I know. The problem is I don't know where that is -.-
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Post by zeno60 »

From the main sourceforge project page for irrlicht (http://sourceforge.net/projects/irrlicht/) under code tab.
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Post by sio2 »

monkeycracks wrote:I know. The problem is I don't know where that is -.-
Here's what I posted some weeks ago. It solved someone's problem with getting the latest code from svn:

1. Download Tortoise SVN from http://tortoisesvn.net and install it.
2. Create a new folder called "Subversion", example "C:\Subversion".
3. Open this folder.
4. Right-click anywhere in the folder and select "SVN Checkout".
5. In the popup box for "URL of repository" enter "https://svn.sourceforge.net:443/svnroot/irrlicht".
6. In the popup box for "Checkout Directory" *add* "\Irrlicht" to the path. Example "C:\Subversion\Irrlicht".
7. Click OK; the Irrlicht source will be downloaded into the "Irrlicht" folder.
8. To update the Irrlicht source at any time, simply *right-click* on the "C:\Subversion\Irrlicht" folder and select "SVN Update".
9. Made a nice modification, or fixed a bug, and want to contribute the code? Simply right-click on the Irrlicht folder and select "TortoiseSVN->create patch" - Tortoise will then create a patch file for you.
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Post by monkeycracks »

sio2 I can't express how much you've helped me just now.

So I'll just say thanks and be done with it ;)

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Post by monkeycracks »

Well, the SVN didn't fix it...any other suggestions?
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Post by Strong99 »

do you use directx or opengl and whats uses your friend?

maybe he hasn't the correct drivers or directx/opengl installed, check it on an other pc.
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Post by sio2 »

monkeycracks wrote:Well, the SVN didn't fix it...any other suggestions?
If this app is running in a window, do you both have your desktops set to 32bit?

This does seem strange, though - its almost as though the "incorrect" image is using texture compression. Has your cousin messed around with ATI control panel setting maybe?
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Post by Midnight »

whats the desktop resolution?

is there a problem with the textures themselves?

is your monitor CRT and his an LCD?

very strange issue you're having here.
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Post by trooper »


Yeah I think Sio2, almost hit the nail on the head there.

This is a tough one, with out screenshots or any code..
You have only shown a shot from your friends pc.

Anyway, I would say the card is only displaying 16 or 256 colours.

(Try this at home kids, reducing the colour depth too much will give the same results to your desktop wallpaper)

With no code it's hard to tell, how you have created the device.

Have you hard coded the colour depths, created a menu, or even just detected the pc's currect depth and resolution.

But I think Sio2, is right on the money anyway.

I would test this app at lower res (800x600 16bit) and work up.

Cheers :wink:
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