[Help Wanted] "The First King" - FPS game. PRE-ALP

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Post by dejai »

I was looking at the source code looks nice but a problem I got after attempting to configure it for my computer, using dev c++ was
C:\Users\dejai\Desktop\FirstKing\Source\gcc installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory.

I am still trying to learn this stuff I have not got onto resources yet any help?
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Post by dejai »

I have been running about the demo and I found the strangest bug! hehe Have a look at the below image, when I press Q or E all the trees within the level seem to turn left or right. Its quite strange! hehe :D

Also the player can jump over the walls. If I face the camera up and jump, he can jump right over the walls. I know its in early stages and the map is not for the game, but I thought I may as well alert you :D

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Post by christianclavet »

dejai wrote:I was looking at the source code looks nice but a problem I got after attempting to configure it for my computer, using dev c++ was
C:\Users\dejai\Desktop\FirstKing\Source\gcc installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory.

I am still trying to learn this stuff I have not got onto resources yet any help?
Hi Dejai!

Yes, you've got to update your project to reflect the path where is your IRRlicht library. In case your not sure, create a new irrlicht project and import the files in the project. (main.cpp, etc.)
I have been running about the demo and I found the strangest bug! hehe Have a look at the below image, when I press Q or E all the trees within the level seem to turn left or right. Its quite strange! hehe

Also the player can jump over the walls. If I face the camera up and jump, he can jump right over the walls. I know its in early stages and the map is not for the game, but I thought I may as well alert you
:D Yes, the trees are made out of standard billboards. That's an IRRlicht limitation. We need axis aligned billboards (Some codes for that are on the forum, had seen a patch made by Rogerborg on the SF site) This will need to be implemented, If I want to use them.

What do you mean jumping over the wall? The player go THRU the wall? Or you can jump so high that you can jump on buildings and over the wall?
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Post by dejai »

The player seems to be able to jump on flat surfaces but continually go up. So if I face up towards the sky while against a wall I can jump up and over the wall.
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Post by dejai »

I do know how to replace library paths, but I am not sure if I missed one... It seems to be a error to do with some gcc folder, I do not have. Maybe its a path I will try again.
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Post by Ico »

christianclavet wrote:What do you mean jumping over the wall? The player go THRU the wall? Or you can jump so high that you can jump on buildings and over the wall?
Game controls are a little bit buggy. Press space and W or S together to get weird results (you don't have to stand next to solid objects but they'll increase the effect). This leads to jumps between (something like) 30 cm and 10 m or more.

I don't know how tilting is handled in GOW but I don't like to have it when strafing. It's nice to have it there to look around corners but you should be able to strafe left/right without walking like someone drunken. :)

Not that important but think might get handy: Ensure your comments, variable names and debug output is 100% English. You're also missing some line breaks in your debug output (for example recursive metaselector function).

And one last thing (never tried your station demo before: I'm somehow missing the water (just seeing the fountain but no water surface) without having any error messages (except missing Junk.png).
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Post by christianclavet »

Hi. Ico and Dejai.

Wow! :D Just found out what you mean! That's cool! I can fly!!! (I'll have to fix this) - No vertical movement of the STD FPS cam is not yet implemented in the rig, that could be related to this..

For the drunk move, don't worry. I want that every detail can have a boolean to activate or deactivate it. Si if you really don't want it, just set the parameter to false. It will have parameter to the desired value.
I want to work more on this "walk simulator". Would probably put an option in the GUI under a CONTROL TAB, so the user could disable this if they not like it. (I like that move, but should reduce it a little for the final)

For the WS key they are used to go forward OR backward. The code do only one at a time (seems logical). I've tried this. What do you find the problem? You would need that the Camera Rig stop moving when both keys are pressed? (This could be implemented)

I want this camera rig to be highly flexible. But right now, i'm implementing features..

Today, I've just added acceleration/deceleration when changing speed. So instead of moving directly 10 unit per move, it will augment until it reach the desired speed (Also have activation and parameter for it)

I will need tomorrow to implement deceleration when the user release the keyboard. (So it won't do a dead stop after a run, but will slide a little)
With some parameters this could simulate walking on ice.
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Post by dejai »

Its cool man,
Even HL2 and TF2 have skywalking bugs, well TF2 at least.
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Post by dejai »

Another thing to think about is when you walk, you don't notice that your bobbling up and down because your mind compensates for this. So infact by having the bobbling subtle but effecting actual game play, like jumping of objects and movement, and less about the camera screen itself it would increase realism.
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Post by Ico »

christianclavet wrote:For the WS key they are used to go forward OR backward. The code do only one at a time (seems logical). I've tried this. What do you find the problem? You would need that the Camera Rig stop moving when both keys are pressed? (This could be implemented)
It's a different problem. ;)
Push space and hold it. Now use W and/or S and you'll either move forward a bit, backward a bit, jump slightly or get very high next to solid objects.
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Post by christianclavet »

Hi, Ico.

I've tried what you told me:

Pressed and hold the SPACE key: JUMPING
still hold SPACE and pressed the W key: JUMPING FORWARD
still hold SPACE and W key, pressed S: JUMPING BACKWARD (When W and S are pressed together S take precedence)

I was not able to replicate the problem.

For the High jump: From what I see is that the camera is rotated toward the sky when the jump is done and it touch a surface (Collision response Animator), It then jump again, like a move in a "Prince of persia" way.. :wink:
This is not desirable (Player could go outside the level fairly easy). I'll have to implement the NoVerticalMovement like in the STD FPS Camera.

Note: I forgot about telling you for the Level Demo, I'm using to test. There is no water in there. It was generated in the demo engine using the Realistic water node by Elvman. This level will not be used and I'm not sure I'll use this water node (perhaps 2 version LOW setting (Basic irrlicht water) HIGH setting using the Realistic water node. This water node take some processing power an eat some frame rates (about 30fps on my demo when activated)

Dejai, I didnt understood that sentence:
So infact by having the bobbling subtle but effecting actual game play, like jumping of objects and movement, and less about the camera screen itself it would increase realism.
You mean, setting the walk simulation more subtle while playing? This is fairly easy to do. This move is based on a sine wave, only lower the amplitude of the wave and it's done. (So basically change a value in the code, later will be parametrable)

I still have to detect when the player if jumping and/or stopped by a wall to stop this movement (not currently implemented), this is based of the CollisionResponseAnimation, so it would need to be inputed as a parameter

I'm very grateful so far that you replied with comments on this camera rig. It help me check the current problems.
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Post by Dorth »

While I currently have no need for such a system, I have to applaud your efforts christian. Also, thanks for developing for the community. I can't think of one time when it is done right where it causes more harm than good and indeed I can easily see many applications of this system. Just a hang in there note ;)
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Post by christianclavet »

Hi, All.

I've done much more things in the rig now. :D

Here are the addons:
- The rig creation is done in a function in the same class now.
- Time based calculation for equal move each time (explain the problem you had previouly for extreme jumps)
- NoVertical movement added with a boolean activation in parameters
- Started movement smoothing. It not yet fully completed for all the details but the moving is really smooth now (tilt actions now look 10 times better because of this). I'll have to rewrite some function (keyboard move) with a better trick I've found for the tilt action.
- Added a temp function to replace the rig in the scene if the player got outside it. (falling of the walls)

Sourceforge site Download and SVN are updated with thoses changes.
The download site contain the source and binary (win32)
http://sourceforge.net/project/platform ... tform=6353

[EDIT] updated again, was able to add the smooth as I liked (increase/decrease speed, again this can be enabled/disabled). I changed the walk key (SHIFT) to the CAP LOCK key. I plan to use the SHIFT for a SPRINT function (Running very fast for a short period of time)

Again here is the key mapping:
W-S-A-D (Moving/Strafing)
C - Crouch (basic need to be set with better smoothing)
CAP LOCK - Walk (will change for a toggle)
SPACE - jump
Q-E lean the head for corners
SHIFT (Not implemented -> SPRINT function
MOUSE WHEEL -> (Not implemented -> REAL Zoom function (may be tricky))
Please try this new camera rig and give me updates if that fixed the previous problems.
Last edited by christianclavet on Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dejai »

With Sprint is it going to regenerate or be constant, in other words will the player be able to sprint forever or not?

Nice work Christian :D
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Post by christianclavet »

No. The sprint will have a specified time duration. And it can be defined and read back (So you could put a meter to show the limit). Once it's exhausted, It will regenerate. (slowly). When we will add the sound FX later, we could put an man that is exhausted because of running.. :)

If you downloaded it 5 minutes ago, please re-download again. Fixed a nasty bug in the walk simulator (inverted some directional vector or the strafe)

It's now all fine and the FPS meter on the window border is there (I removed the display sync to see how many FPS can be achieved. I put also a Sleep() in the main loop to give some CPU cycles. When I was switching windows, I was getting 100% cpu. It's now ok.
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