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Discussion about everything. New games, 3d math, development tips...
Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2005 11:23 am
Location: Steinach/Baden

Post by Heizi »

Im the magical man from happyland!!!
just joking, my real name is Thomas H.,currently
Im living in Steinach. Its a very small town ca. 100 kms away
from Freiburg(Black Forest).
I started coding with about 14 years with Qbasic and with 17 C++.
(Yes I know Im a noob)
Right after I learnt C++ I startet with OpenGl and later with Irrlicht.
Greetz Heizi
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Location: Brazil

Post by ElementoY »

Name: Tiago Rezende
Age: 22
Location: Petrópolis - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Occupation: Studying/doing Graphic Design
Hobbies: Singing/Guitar playing in a rock band, game programming
Languages (in learning order): QBasic, HTML, Pascal, C, x86/asm, Javascript, Lingo (Macromedia), Visual Basic, Object Pascal (Delphi), Java, C++, 68k/asm, Objective-C, Smalltalk, Self, Lua, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scheme, Forth, io

I'm in the 4th year of Graphic Design at university, doing some scholarship projects including or related to computer games. I've been programming since 13, when I learned QB, I even remember the first game I made, which involved a man in a spiderman suit with inverted colors which swung (weirdly, didn't care about pendular motion) across the screen with increased speed trying to catch jewels on the ground with another rope, this game has been sadly lost in a HD crash :cry: . Since then I've been devouring documentation and tutorials about most everything related to computing, and after getting deceptioned at IT grad courses here (c'mon, no game-related classes?) I've chosen another of my passions, which turned out quite related to game-making: Graphic Design.

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Post by JPulham »

name:Joshua Pulham
Location:Ipswich, England
Languages English( :D ), C++, HTML(ish), PHP(ish again)
Interests:Guitar, 3d, programming, physics
occupation:student, (maybe freelance when I get my new PC)

at the moment i have a huge project for my friends www. If its a hit it will be commercial!!!
Last edited by JPulham on Wed May 31, 2006 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

About myself

Post by Martins »

Name: Martins
Age: 28 (ooohh!)
Location: Latvia, Riga
Languages: C#, Java, C++, Perl

Started programming at age ~14 and never quit. I have been
working as Unix sysadmin, developer at several
telecommunications companies and now I work for a bank.

But I have never been into game development business and after
discovering Irrlicht I am really hooked!!! I am very new to game
development, but I am learning. There are no game factories
where I live (at least I have not found one) and may be some
day I will create one!

Good luck and spread a good word about Irrlicht!!!
Posts: 129
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Location: Berlin, DE

Post by sdi2000 »

Name: Oliver
Age: 29
Loc: Berlin DE
Languages: C/C++, ASM, VBA, Perl or other scripting language
Machines: Atari800XL, C64Old and SE, Amiga 1200/500, 4 Desktops PC with own networkcluster software(included in dev-delight), one Notebook "JVC Subnotebook"
OS: AmigaOS, Debian, WinXP/WinNT/Win98SE/Win2k, Ubuntu

ive started to code at age 7 behind the red wall in east f*** germany =)

read more about me and my moods at my project-page in the history part...


nice weekend all ya :D

Bored Today

Post by KittenGamer »

Okay, languages known: ASM since age 10 with the old Apple ][e, age 13 got into C and QBasic, got into Euphoria for a short time when I was 20, now 31 and pretty much a computer nerd. I play very little games but design a lot of them though nothing published just for fun.

That's all there is to me really, I exist online mostly now.
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Location: Texas/ Cyberspace

Post by wildrj »

Languages ruby,qbasic,basic,c++
NAME:my name is raynaldo rivera
WERE I AM FROM:im from texas.
AGE:im 13
i started coding in c++ when i turned 13 from there i jumped to irrlicht i find it easyer to start witht he hard stuff first.
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Location: New Zealand

Post by merlinblack »

BradB wrote:Name : Brad Beveridge
Age : 24
Location : New Zealand
Cool! Another Kiwi!

Name: Nigel Atkinson
Age: 29
Location: New Zealand
Languages: C/C++, VBA, Lua, SQR

Started with GW-BASIC a very long time ago, then was given a System 80 to play with, which had a built in tape drive! Lernt ASM on that, then moved to C and ASM on the familys first computer, a 386SX with 1M ram! Later updraded to 2M and could now play Doom (orig). Few books later I had C++ sussed.

Churned out my first game on GW-BASIC and remade it a long time later using DJGPP and Allegro. 32bit! :P no more far and near!

Now I help run a control system on top of unix that keeps a fair number of the countres hydro generation under control.
Land a hoy! *Crash!* I should av said that sooner eh?
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Location: Netherlands

Post by Strong99 »

Name: Rex
Age: 16
Location: Nethelands
Languages: C/C++, VBA, Lua, SQR, ASP, PHP, Java, JavaScript, Flash, HTML
JoB: PHP CMS programming.
Started with ASP when I was 7 or 8, Now working by internetprovider with PHP
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Location: Witness Protection Program

Post by Peter »

name: Peter Hellmuth
age: 16
Location: Texas, USA
Languages: English, QBasic (*shudder*), DarkBasicPro, C++, Java, HTML (don't we all?) with CSS, and a little bit of spanish... :roll:
Interests/Hobbies: Game Development, Drums, and Piano
occupation: student, (highschool + Linear Algebra, and CS2 at university)

I started programming when i was 11-12 in QBasic, then picked up DBPro soon after, and C++... i've started using irrlicht because i wanted to use C++ to make games instead of DBPro, and this looked like the best free engine to use :wink:

(and you'll probably be seeing a screenshot of the begining stages of my project in.. oh... 6 months to a year :lol: )
There are 10 kinds of people in this world...
Those who understand binary...
And those who don't.
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Location: Lambrugo Italy

Post by strale »

Well i too :)

Race : Elf Male
Name: Paolo in the commmon language, Ellessendil elfish name but friends call me code breaker.

Strenght: 10
Int: 19
Wisd 9
Cost 10
Dextr 17

Age : Only 37
Location: Gate North to Paradise at the foots of Alps.

From Time my sword fight against Huge bugs , wraights , and obscure ghosts that kidnapping and kill poors bytes armless agains evil creatures.

My life, my sword, forged in Assembler C,C++ spells...
but i need more.
now i stopped here at the hirrlicht inn where seems to be a gate to enter the dream parrallel dimension.
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Location: Bulgaria

Post by Fallenblood »

I'm from Bulgaria, and I'm a 13-year old boy. I've always been using an old computer (386 in 2000, P200 in 2003, a Cel333 now, but I'm hoping to get a new powerful one soon), and I've been interested in programming even before I had a PC, as someone let a bunch of Pravetz-82 (Bulgarian Apple2 clone) programming books fall into my hands. I program in QBasic, Pascal and JS, and I'm currently learning C/C++.

In my free time I draw, play the guitar, write poems and stories.
mauzi the Dude
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Location: - Innsbruck, Austria

Post by mauzi the Dude »

age: 20
location: Tirol/Austria
languages: C\C++, C#, SQL
occupation: Network programmer

I started programming at age ~14 to "check" my maths homework. Continued programming as a hobby until i found my first job as Web/Database developer.
Looking forward to get in to the gameindustry soon, but its quite difficult in austria. :(
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Location: North Carolina, USA

Post by Kidinnu »

Age: 33
Occpuation: Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Location: North Carolina
Languages: C/C++ long ago (pre-namespace, pre-template), Java, whatever else needs doing
Why Irrlicht: I want to play around with a game engine over the summer, and one of my colleagues used Irrlicht to teach a game course and recommended it. I used to know the author of WildMagic, and like its design better, but Irrlicht has some features that I don't want to bother reimplementing just to prototype.
Why not Irrlicht: I'd forgotten how annoying MSVC 6.0 is, and have to wait until next week to see if 8.0 is any better. :(
Current goals: better terrain algorithms, heavy-duty culling (which is, of course, at odds with the Irrlicht philosophy)
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Joined: Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:24 pm
Location: Missouri, USA

Post by cypher543 »

Age: 15
Occupation: Web designer
Location: Missouri, USA

Yeah... I'm pretty much like the rest of the folks around here. Started programming when I was 10. First used BASIC, then Pascal, then Python, then PHP, then VB.NET, and now I'm on C++... ugh. Truthfully, I hate it. But I'm willing to learn becuase I like Irrlicht so much. :P
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