This sounds like exactly what I'm looking for as well and now that it seems (from what I've read in this thread) to be at last in a stable working state, I was wondering when this will be merged back into the core or main irrlicht package/distribution?
If nothing definite yet, then appreciate rough estimate. e.g. version 1.4, 1.5, or are we looking at post version 2.0?
(='.'=) Copy bunny into your signature to
(")_(") help him gain world domination.
I was looking for an occasion to write something and "introduce myself"
Ok, I think that this question can help everyone who wants to install the new animation system (thanks Luke ) in their Irrlicht releases without reading all this (very interesting but long) topic
The question is: what files should I get from SVN to get this animation system working? (I know, it's an "half" working, but I want to try )
Thank you in advance, and I apologize for my english
I'm wondering when the .x file loader will work, currently it gives me "Could not load mesh, file format seems to be unsupported". on files that used to work in 1.3.1.
I would use b3d except there is no working exporter for max 9.
I'm wondering when the .x file loader will work, currently it gives me "Could not load mesh, file format seems to be unsupported". on files that used to work in 1.3.1.
I would use b3d except there is no working exporter for max 9.
Yeah I’m working on the x loader now, the latest update should let you load x files, but the meshbuffer is not split for the materials yet, and it has no animations yet.
Luke wrote:
meshbuffer is still not split for the materials yet
Whats this all about? Are you gonna use different meshbuffers for each material? Do you think this will have a bad impact on performance?
Oh well I guess its a good compromise between using 32 bit indices or limiting yourself to 65355 vertices per model. This would just allow people to use seperate materials to achieve a high vertex count in the same model, kind of like a mesh splitter?
EDIT: Oh this is just for the X loader's progress, so Im guessing its already some common feature in all loaders to handle materials and is irrlelevant to what I just described =/
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don't worry the splitting is only so different textures/materials can be used in a single mesh
by the way don't try to load from more then one x file, I haven't written the code to clean it up after load, or the destructor yet, so you will get weird bugs.
BTW Luke, dunno if you remember my request for loading all animations from different files (an animation a file). Well, as a follow up, do you think the loader could write somewhere the number of frames in that specific animation? Thanks ahead
I'm trying to build the SkinnedMesh r816 using gcc on Ubuntu (Feisty) and compilation fails with this error:
make: *** No rule to make target `CAnimatedMeshMS3D.o', needed by `libIrrlicht.a'. Stop.
The CAnimatedMeshMS3D.cpp file is not present in the source/Irrlicht directory.
If I remove CAnimatedMeshMS3D.o from the "IRROBJ = ..." line in the source/Irrlicht/Makefile, it fails on another file
make: *** No rule to make target `CAnimatedMeshB3d.o', needed by `libIrrlicht.a'. Stop.
If I remove that from the IRROBJ as well, the next error is:
make: *** No rule to make target `CDefaultMeshFormatLoader.o', needed by `libIrrlicht.a'. Stop.
Remove that too and next we get:
CB3DMeshFileLoader.h:4:30: error: irrCompileConfig.h: No such file or directory
CB3DMeshFileLoader.h:4 is:
#include "irrCompileConfig.h"
Changing this to
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
fixes the problem. And then it compiles. Next, I try to compile the examples (I copied the entire "examples" folder from the svn trunk). Here's what I get:
Building 01.HelloWorld
Makefile:33: Cleaning...
Makefile:29: Building...
g++ -I../../include -I/usr/X11R6/include -O3 -ffast-math main.cpp -o ../../bin/Linux/01.HelloWorld -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L../../lib/Linux -lIrrlicht -lGL -lGLU -lXxf86vm -lXext -lX11
../../lib/Linux/libIrrlicht.a(CSceneManager.o): In function `CSceneManager':
/home/axel/irrlicht/SkinnedMesh/source/Irrlicht/CSceneManager.cpp:171: undefined reference to `irr::scene::CBSPMeshFileLoader::CBSPMeshFileLoader(irr::io::IFileSystem*, irr::video::IVideoDriver*, irr::scene::ISceneManager*)'
/home/axel/irrlicht/SkinnedMesh/source/Irrlicht/CSceneManager.cpp:174: undefined reference to `irr::scene::CMD2MeshFileLoader::CMD2MeshFileLoader()'
/home/axel/irrlicht/SkinnedMesh/source/Irrlicht/CSceneManager.cpp:177: undefined reference to `irr::scene::CMS3DMeshFileLoader::CMS3DMeshFileLoader(irr::video::IVideoDriver*)'
/home/axel/irrlicht/SkinnedMesh/source/Irrlicht/CSceneManager.cpp:213: undefined reference to `irr::scene::CB3DMeshFileLoader::CB3DMeshFileLoader(irr::scene::ISceneManager*)'
/home/axel/irrlicht/SkinnedMesh/source/Irrlicht/CSceneManager.cpp:171: undefined reference to `irr::scene::CBSPMeshFileLoader::CBSPMeshFileLoader(irr::io::IFileSystem*, irr::video::IVideoDriver*, irr::scene::ISceneManager*)'
/home/axel/irrlicht/SkinnedMesh/source/Irrlicht/CSceneManager.cpp:174: undefined reference to `irr::scene::CMD2MeshFileLoader::CMD2MeshFileLoader()'
/home/axel/irrlicht/SkinnedMesh/source/Irrlicht/CSceneManager.cpp:177: undefined reference to `irr::scene::CMS3DMeshFileLoader::CMS3DMeshFileLoader(irr::video::IVideoDriver*)'
/home/axel/irrlicht/SkinnedMesh/source/Irrlicht/CSceneManager.cpp:213: undefined reference to `irr::scene::CB3DMeshFileLoader::CB3DMeshFileLoader(irr::scene::ISceneManager*)'
../../lib/Linux/libIrrlicht.a(CXMeshFileLoader.o): In function `irr::scene::CXMeshFileLoader::createMesh(irr::io::IReadFile*)':
/home/axel/irrlicht/SkinnedMesh/source/Irrlicht/CXMeshFileLoader.cpp:60: undefined reference to `irr::scene::CSkinnedMesh::CSkinnedMesh()'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all_linux] Error 1
If I check the libIrrlicht.a for the supposed missing symbol for the first error, using 'nm libIrrlicht.a', I find the following line under the CSceneManager.o section:
Which certainly seems to indicate that the symbol is present. I haven't checked all of them, but I tried a few of the errors above and in each case the symbol is present in the appropriate object file in libIrrlicht.a.
Not sure how to proceed from here. Any help would be most appreciated.