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Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:23 pm
by Yustme

Just wanted to say great work on the irrAI JP :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:11 pm
by JP
Thanks very much Yustme :D

I'm currently working on a new demo, something a bit different which should be quite cool and has already added in some good new functionality!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:57 am
by huydotnet
Excuse me, can you show me how to use it with VS.NET? I'm newbie :D

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:24 am
by JP
This is a C++ library, not sure if that will affect you or not.

You use it in the same way as irrlicht is used, there's probably a tutorial for setting up irrlicht in VS in the tutorials section of the irrlicht website so you could follow that and just change any references of irrlicht to irrAI.

Basically you just setup the linker options to link to the irrAI library and set the compiler to include the irrAI include folder.

And just for the sake of an update, i'm still working on this elusive demo, i've not had any time for irrAI at all lately as i'm trying to focus on my Alestorm game whenever i can but i'm hoping to get it finished off soon so i can release a new version.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:11 am
by huydotnet
thank you so much, err... VS.NET can use .a file?

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:24 am
by JP
Maybe, give it a try!

I will try and get a VS project for the library and examples but it's not high up on my priorities at the moment i'm afraid.

MasterGod was asking for one a while back too, i don't know if he managed to put one together that he could share...

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:14 pm
by Halifax
Yeah, I have to agree, it isn't that hard to create your own VS file. At most all you need to do is add the source files, and possibly the Irrlicht .lib, which takes only about 2 seconds, haha. What happened to the self-independent programmers these days? :lol:

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:10 pm
by MasterGod
JP wrote:MasterGod was asking for one a while back too, i don't know if he managed to put one together that he could share...
I didn't but if I would have I would surely have given it away :wink:

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:06 am
by Halifax
Well here is a direct port of JP's Dev-C++ project file for Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition.

IrrAI-VSEE Download

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:10 am
by JP
This means war Halifax :evil:

How dare you muscle in on my operation! I'm in charge here!

What...? You're the FBI..? But i'm only from the local police department.. :( That means you're allowed to muscle in and take over....

Pesky kids :evil:

*shifty eyes* Nothing to see here..

Anyway, on a more serious note i'll try and get my shizzle sorted tonight so i can get the current version of the library out with the new additions and new demo before my holiday!

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:12 pm
by JP
I just tried downloading your VSEE project Halifax but it denied me:

Permission denied: Read request denied. Path: halifax3/FileManager/

I think you have to put the zip in the hosted folder for people to be able to download it (you probably can from there because it's your account).

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:47 pm
by Halifax
Oh haha, sorry. And as I said, don't expect anything special, I just looked at your DevCpp project and ported it. :D

And sorry for muscling in on your operation. :D

Fixed: IrrAI-VSEE

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:25 am
by huydotnet
thank all alot :D
i have a problem with Halifax's VSEE, i compile it with VS2k5 and here is the error:

Code: Select all

1>------ Build started: Project: IrrAI, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>c:\documents and settings\nvidia\my documents\downloads\compressed\zt\irrai\irrai\src\irraimanager.cpp(9) : error C2259: 'CWaypointSceneNodeFactory' : cannot instantiate abstract class
1>        due to following members:
1>        'irr::u32 irr::scene::ISceneNodeFactory::getCreatableSceneNodeTypeCount(void) const' : is abstract
1>        d:\king\king\irrlicht\irrlicht-1.4_2\irrlicht-1.4\include\iscenenodefactory.h(47) : see declaration of 'irr::scene::ISceneNodeFactory::getCreatableSceneNodeTypeCount'
1>        'irr::scene::ESCENE_NODE_TYPE irr::scene::ISceneNodeFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeType(irr::u32) const' : is abstract
1>        d:\king\king\irrlicht\irrlicht-1.4_2\irrlicht-1.4\include\iscenenodefactory.h(52) : see declaration of 'irr::scene::ISceneNodeFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeType'
1>        'const irr::c8 *irr::scene::ISceneNodeFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeTypeName(irr::scene::ESCENE_NODE_TYPE) const' : is abstract
1>        d:\king\king\irrlicht\irrlicht-1.4_2\irrlicht-1.4\include\iscenenodefactory.h(62) : see declaration of 'irr::scene::ISceneNodeFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeTypeName'
1>        'const irr::c8 *irr::scene::ISceneNodeFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeTypeName(irr::u32) const' : is abstract
1>        d:\king\king\irrlicht\irrlicht-1.4_2\irrlicht-1.4\include\iscenenodefactory.h(57) : see declaration of 'irr::scene::ISceneNodeFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeTypeName'
1>c:\documents and settings\nvidia\my documents\downloads\compressed\zt\irrai\irrai\src\main.cpp(10) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'CGridSceneNode.h': No such file or directory
1>Generating Code...
1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Documents and Settings\nVidia\My Documents\Downloads\Compressed\ZT\IrrAI\IrrAI\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
1>IrrAI - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
problem with CWaypointSceneNodeFactory T_T

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:36 am
by JP
Are you using irr 1.4? unfortunately irrAI only works with irr 1.3.1... I tried to update it to irr 1.4 and i just had loads of graphical problems so i reverted back... It may be to do with the changes to default z-write parameters of scene nodes....

I'll get round to properly updating it to 1.4 but for now it's definetly no a priority for me i'm afraid, my number one priority is FPS AI work for Christian Clavet's First King project as that's what irrAI is initially tied to and then after that i can branch out more into different fields of AI etc.

Halifax, i was just kidding about you muscling in, i'm glad you had a go at setting up a VS project, someone needed to! I appreciate your help and support on the project! (and i've added it to the download section of the first page so others can easily find it, i assume that's ok :D)

I've brought irrAI into work with me (sounds like "bring your child to work day" or something... come on junior... come and see my office... i'll programme you some more there... :lol:), so i'll have a fiddle with it and hopefully get some of my problems sorted out!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:59 am
by JP
Ahh feck you Halifax... Feck you and your modern VS! :lol:

Yours is version 9 and my VS professional can only open up to version 7 :lol:

I wonder if it would be better for me to make a version 7 one and provide that as higher versions can upgrade it... Hmm, i dunno :lol: