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Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:44 pm
by Vectrotek
This had a fundamental problem which was hidden well..
I deleted the post.
See the updated code snippets for the latest.

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:47 pm
by Vectrotek
This was updated..

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:58 pm
by Vectrotek
The HLSL Shader Code. (very latest)

Code: Select all

 // Written by Jacques Pretorius 2015..
 // This is a fully functional D3D HLSL Shader that renders
 // "physically correct" anything you throw at it!
 // (yes, this time it works)
 //--------------------------------- --- -- -
 // The naming of these matrices are mainly the result of
 // having to try hundreds of different variations..
 // Feel free to "standardise" the code.. (if there is such a thing in GPU programming)..
 float4x4 M01World;           
 float4x4 M05WorldViewProjection;
 float4x4 M17WorldInverseTranspose;  
 //--------------------------------- --- -- -
 // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 sampler2D ColorSampler; 
 sampler2D NormalSampler; 
 sampler2D SpecularSampler; 
 // sampler2D EmmisionSampler; 
 // samplerCUBE EnvSampler = sampler_state  // Wed love this in irrlicht PLEASE GUYS!..
 // sampler2D ReflopSampler;  // Not quite in Irrlicht yet..
 float3 CameraPos;
 float3 L001Pos; float3 L002Pos; float3 L003Pos;
 float3 L001Col; float3 L002Col; float3 L003Col;
 int ShaderCommand; // Not quite fed from the app yet..
 // Data from Irrlicht's vertex buffer..
 struct appdata 
  {float3 Position  : POSITION; // O.K.
   float4 UVCoords  : TEXCOORD0;
   float4 Normal    : NORMAL;
   float4 Tangent   : TEXCOORD1;  // As per Irrlicht HLSL..
   float4 Binormal  : TEXCOORD2;
 // data passed from vertex shader to pixel shader..
 struct vertexOutput 
  {float4 HPosition          : POSITION;
   float2 UVCoords           : TEXCOORD0;
   float3 DirectVecL001      : TEXCOORD1;
   float3 DirectVecL002      : TEXCOORD2;
   float3 DirectVecL003      : TEXCOORD3; 
   float3 DirectVecCAMERA    : TEXCOORD7; 
   float3 WorldNormal        : TEXCOORD4;
   float3 WorldTangent       : TEXCOORD5;
   float3 WorldBinormal      : TEXCOORD6;
   // float3 WorldView          : TEXCOORD7;  // NOT USED BY DESTINATON..
 // ===============  VERTEX PROGRAM  ================= 
 vertexOutput vertexMain(appdata IN)
  {vertexOutput OUT = (vertexOutput)0;
   // Here is an important bit that shows how different people call matrices by different names!
   OUT.WorldNormal   = mul(IN.Normal,   M17WorldInverseTranspose).xyz;  // SWOP for HLSL!! (be very aware of this issue)..
   OUT.WorldTangent  = mul(IN.Tangent,  M17WorldInverseTranspose).xyz;  // Happens to NOT be "World" as in so many examples!!.. 
   OUT.WorldBinormal = mul(IN.Binormal, M17WorldInverseTranspose).xyz;
   float4 VertexPosition      = float4(,1);
   float3 VertexPositionWORLD = mul(VertexPosition,M01World).xyz; 
   OUT.DirectVecL001 = (L001Pos - VertexPositionWORLD); // How you handle arrays of lights is up to you..
   OUT.DirectVecL002 = (L002Pos - VertexPositionWORLD);
   OUT.DirectVecL003 = (L003Pos - VertexPositionWORLD);
   OUT. DirectVecCAMERA = (CameraPos - VertexPositionWORLD);
   OUT.UVCoords = IN.UVCoords.xy;
   OUT.HPosition = mul(VertexPosition,M05WorldViewProjection);   // ORIG..
   return OUT;
 //========================================================== === == =
 // ===============  FRAGMENT SHADING  ================= 
 void PHONGShading(vertexOutput IN,
                    float3 ColRGBL001,
                    float3 ColRGBL002,
                    float3 ColRGBL003,
                    float3 TheShadedNormal,
                    float3 NVectorL001,
                    float3 NVectorL002,
                    float3 NVectorL003,
                    float3 NVectorCAMERA,  // NEW..
                    float3 VnormW,
                out float3 RawDiffL001,
                out float3 RawDiffL002,
                out float3 RawDiffL003,
                out float3 RawSpecL001,
                out float3 RawSpecL002,
                out float3 RawSpecL003
   float3 NormPlusCameraPlusDirL001 = normalize(VnormW + NVectorL001 + NVectorCAMERA);
   float3 NormPlusCameraPlusDirL002 = normalize(VnormW + NVectorL002 + NVectorCAMERA);
   float3 NormPlusCameraPlusDirL003 = normalize(VnormW + NVectorL003 + NVectorCAMERA);
   float  SpecularPower =  512.0 ;  // (not PLAECF)
   float4 litV_01 = lit(dot(NVectorL001,TheShadedNormal),dot(NormPlusCameraPlusDirL001,TheShadedNormal),SpecularPower); // We want gloss from map (PLAECF)..
   float4 litV_02 = lit(dot(NVectorL002,TheShadedNormal),dot(NormPlusCameraPlusDirL001,TheShadedNormal),SpecularPower);
   float4 litV_03 = lit(dot(NVectorL003,TheShadedNormal),dot(NormPlusCameraPlusDirL001,TheShadedNormal),SpecularPower);
   // Diffuse Straight from my GLSL Shader..
   RawDiffL001 = max(dot(TheShadedNormal, (NVectorL001)),0.0) * ColRGBL001;
   RawDiffL002 = max(dot(TheShadedNormal, (NVectorL002)),0.0) * ColRGBL002;
   RawDiffL003 = max(dot(TheShadedNormal, (NVectorL003)),0.0) * ColRGBL003;
   float4 SpecularMapped = tex2D(SpecularSampler,IN.UVCoords); // Above "rgb" apparently needless? 
   // Specular Straight from my GLSL Shader..
   RawSpecL001 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((NVectorCAMERA + NVectorL001)),TheShadedNormal),0.0,1.0),  1.0 * 777.777 ), 0.0 , 1.0 ) * ColRGBL001 * SpecularMapped; // Y (green) for Gloss!!
   RawSpecL002 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((NVectorCAMERA + NVectorL002)),TheShadedNormal),0.0,1.0),  1.0 * 777.777 ), 0.0 , 1.0 ) * ColRGBL002 * SpecularMapped;  // Y (green) for Gloss!!
   RawSpecL003 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((NVectorCAMERA + NVectorL003)),TheShadedNormal),0.0,1.0),  1.0 * 777.777 ), 0.0 , 1.0 ) * ColRGBL003 * SpecularMapped; // Y (green) for Gloss!!
 //========================================================== === == =
 float4 pixelMain(vertexOutput IN) : COLOR 
  {float3 RawDiffuseL001;
   float3 RawDiffuseL002;
   float3 RawDiffuseL003;
   float3 RawSpecularL001;
   float3 RawSpecularL002;
   float3 RawSpecularL003;
   float3 NDirectionL001    = normalize(IN.DirectVecL001); // NDirectionL001
   float3 NDirectionL002    = normalize(IN.DirectVecL002);
   float3 NDirectionL003    = normalize(IN.DirectVecL003);
   float3 NDirectionCAMERA  = normalize(IN.DirectVecCAMERA );
   float3 VertNormalWorld   = normalize(IN.WorldNormal);
   float3 Tn = normalize(IN.WorldTangent);
   float3 Bn = normalize(IN.WorldBinormal);
   float3 NormalisedWorldNormal = normalize(IN.WorldNormal);
   float3 FinalNormal;
   // float3 UncompressedNormal = BumpAmplifier * (tex2D(NormalSampler,IN.UVCoords).rgb - float3(0.5,0.5,0.5));
   float4 MappedDiffuseRGBA = tex2D(ColorSampler,IN.UVCoords);  // .rgba NOT needed..(unless RGB?)
   float4 MappedNormalRGBA  = tex2D(NormalSampler,IN.UVCoords).rgba; // Because we want to see the mapped normal under debug conditions..
   float3 UncompressedNormal; 
   UncompressedNormal =  2.0  * (tex2D(NormalSampler,IN.UVCoords).rgb - float3(0.5,0.5,0.5)); // See Amplifier..
   // Another way (Y-Up vs Y-Down Standard)..
   //  UncompressedNormal.x = 2.0 * (MappedNormalRGBA.x - 0.5);  
   //  UncompressedNormal.y = 2.0 * (MappedNormalRGBA.y - 0.5);  
   //  UncompressedNormal.z = 2.0 * (MappedNormalRGBA.z - 0.5);  
   float3 VertNormal = VertNormalWorld;  // for render only..
   FinalNormal = NormalisedWorldNormal + UncompressedNormal.x * Tn + UncompressedNormal.y * Bn;
   FinalNormal = normalize(FinalNormal); // Note that unlike GLSL we CANNOT just say "normalize(OurNormal)"!..
   float3 L001ColJJ = L001Col; float3 L002ColJJ = L002Col; float3 L003ColJJ = L003Col;
   // Again the system complains when you use EQUALS.. (so we do a work around) 
   L001ColJJ.x *= 0.00001;   L001ColJJ.y *= 0.00001;   L001ColJJ.z *= 0.00001; // Trick to reset the colours..
   L002ColJJ.x *= 0.00001;   L002ColJJ.y *= 0.00001;   L002ColJJ.z *= 0.00001;
   L003ColJJ.x *= 0.00001;   L003ColJJ.y *= 0.00001;   L003ColJJ.z *= 0.00001;
   L001ColJJ.x += 1.0;   L001ColJJ.y += 1.0;   L001ColJJ.z += 1.0; // Trick to reset the colours..
   L002ColJJ.x += 1.0;   L002ColJJ.y += 1.0;   L002ColJJ.z += 1.0;
   L003ColJJ.x += 1.0;   L003ColJJ.y += 1.0;   L003ColJJ.z += 1.0;
   // L001ColJJ.x *= 0.00001;   L001ColJJ.y *= 0.00001;   L001ColJJ.z *= 0.00001; // Trick to reset the colours..
   L002ColJJ.x *= 0.80001;   L002ColJJ.y *= 0.40001;   L002ColJJ.z *= 0.20001;
   L003ColJJ.x *= 0.20001;   L003ColJJ.y *= 0.60001;   L003ColJJ.z *= 0.80001;
                NDirectionCAMERA,  // O.K.!! 
                RawSpecularL003 );
   // == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == =
   float3 FinalRGBA;
   FinalRGBA  = + ( *(;
   FinalRGBA += + ( *(;    
   FinalRGBA += + ( *(;     
   // float3 R = reflect(VertNormalWorld,Nn);  // (Irrlicht needs Cubemaps!!)
   // float3 reflColor = Kr * texCUBE(EnvSampler,;
   // float3 Reflop = (tex2D(ReflopSampler,IN.UVCoords ).xyz);
   // *=;  // (Even Sphere Reflection Mapping?)
   float4 OutputRGBA = float4 (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);;
   // float3 Emmision = ( tex2D( EmmisionSampler,IN.UVCoords ).rgb  ) ; // (Skipped, but coming)
   // +=;
   // FinalRGBA += reflColor;
   // FinalRGBA.x *= RedFilter;  FinalRGBA.y *= GreenFilter;  FinalRGBA.z *= BlueFilter;
   float3 NormalOut;
   NormalOut = ( tex2D( NormalSampler,IN.UVCoords ).rgb  ) ; =;
   int ShaderComPass = ShaderCommand;
   ShaderComPass = 1 ; // Bypass this command here to see different attributes of the render 1 is default function....
   if (ShaderComPass ==  2 )
    {OutputRGBA.x *= 0.0000001; // A sure fire way of virtually disabling an output without D3D complaining..
     OutputRGBA.y *= 0.0000001; // We do this if we want to temporarily override the final output with "debug values"
     OutputRGBA.z *= 0.0000001; // like Tangents, Vertex Normals, Final Normals and Mapped Normals..
     // "UV COORDS"..
      OutputRGBA.x += IN.UVCoords.x;
      OutputRGBA.y += IN.UVCoords.y;
      OutputRGBA.z += 0.0;
   if (ShaderComPass ==  3 )
    {OutputRGBA.x *= 0.0000001; OutputRGBA.y *= 0.0000001; OutputRGBA.z *= 0.0000001;
     // "Vertex Normals"..
     OutputRGBA.x = (VertNormal.x / 2.0) + 0.5;
     OutputRGBA.y = (VertNormal.y / 2.0) + 0.5;
     OutputRGBA.z = (VertNormal.z / 2.0) + 0.5;
   if (ShaderComPass ==  4 )
    {OutputRGBA.x *= 0.0000001; OutputRGBA.y *= 0.0000001; OutputRGBA.z *= 0.0000001;
     // "Final Normals"..
     OutputRGBA.x += (FinalNormal.x / 2.0) + 0.5;
     OutputRGBA.y += (FinalNormal.y / 2.0) + 0.5;
     OutputRGBA.z += (FinalNormal.z / 2.0) + 0.5;
   if (ShaderComPass ==  5 )
    {OutputRGBA.x *= 0.0000001; OutputRGBA.y *= 0.0000001; OutputRGBA.z *= 0.0000001;
     // "Mapped Normals"..
      OutputRGBA.x += MappedNormalRGBA.x;
      OutputRGBA.y += MappedNormalRGBA.y;
      OutputRGBA.z += MappedNormalRGBA.z;
   if (ShaderComPass ==  6 )
    {OutputRGBA.x *= 0.0000001; OutputRGBA.y *= 0.0000001; OutputRGBA.z *= 0.0000001;
     // "Tangents"..
     OutputRGBA.x += (Tn.x / 2.0) + 0.5;
     OutputRGBA.y += (Tn.y / 2.0) + 0.5;
     OutputRGBA.z += (Tn.z / 2.0) + 0.5;
   if (ShaderComPass ==  7 )
    {OutputRGBA.x *= 0.0000001; OutputRGBA.y *= 0.0000001; OutputRGBA.z *= 0.0000001;
     // "Binormals"..
      OutputRGBA.x += (Bn.x / 2.0) + 0.5;
      OutputRGBA.y += (Bn.y / 2.0) + 0.5;
      OutputRGBA.z += (Bn.z / 2.0) + 0.5;
  OutputRGBA. w = MappedDiffuseRGBA.w;
  return OutputRGBA;
 // There is a lot to do but this basis solves the most important lighting problems..
 // Enjoy! and please comment..
 // Vectrotek..

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:59 pm
by Vectrotek
Appcode: (updated)

Code: Select all

 // Written by Jacques Pretorius "Vectrotek" in the Republic of South Africa.    2015..
 // Irrlicht 1.8.3 ; Visual C++ 7.10 (release) ; Widows XP ; DX9 ; Nvidia 9600 GT
 // A perfectlry working basis for HLSL applications. All it needs is optimising and cleanup.
 // It calls an HLSL Shader which renders animated and skinned models physically correct..
 // (This time it comes with a guarantee!)
 #include <irrlicht.h>
 #include <iostream>
 #include "driverChoice.h"
 using namespace irr;
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
 #pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")
 // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
 using namespace irr;
 using namespace core;
 using namespace scene;
 using namespace video;
 using namespace gui;
 // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
 IrrlichtDevice*         TheDevice = 0;
 IrrlichtDevice*         TheIRRNullDevice = 0; // is this "= 0" stil mandatory?
 ISceneManager*          TheSceneManager;  
 core::dimension2d<u32>  TheDeskResolution;
 // Selected Matrices..
 core::matrix4 M01World;
 // core::matrix4 M02View;  // NOT USED ANYMORE..
 core::matrix4 M05WorldViewProjection;
 core::matrix4 M17WorldInverseTranspose;
 bool                       TanUpdStatus;            // Do we update the Tangents & Binormals in realtime or not..
 u32                        TheTestIndex;
 u32                        TheTestBufferCount;
 u32                        SceneMeshCount;          // How many meshes are there in the scene?
 IMeshCache*                TheSceneMeshCache;       // Not to be assigned cyclically..
 irr::scene::IMeshBuffer*   CurrMeshBuffPtr ;        // We want to assign this cyclically..
 video::S3DVertexTangents*  CurrTanVertsPtr ;
 IAnimatedMesh*             AcquiredAnimeshByIndex;  // This changes in the loop! 
 IMesh*                     AcquiredImesh;
 u32 GeneralCounter;  // To do some timed things with..
 // - ANIMATED MODELS (DirectX or BLITZ BASIC) -                                   
 scene::IAnimatedMesh*              AniMesh0001;  
 scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode*     AniMeshNode0001; 
 scene::IMesh*                      Mesh0002;
 scene::IAnimatedMesh*              AniMesh0002;  
 scene::ISceneNode*                 ISceneNode0002;
 class OurShaderCallBackClass : public video::IShaderConstantSetCallBack
   virtual void OnSetConstants(video::IMaterialRendererServices* TheServices, s32 userData)
    {video::IVideoDriver* TheDriver = TheServices->getVideoDriver();
     M01World = TheDriver->getTransform(video::ETS_WORLD);
     M05WorldViewProjection =  TheDriver->getTransform(video::ETS_PROJECTION);
     M05WorldViewProjection *= TheDriver->getTransform(video::ETS_VIEW); // Used indirectly..
     M05WorldViewProjection *= TheDriver->getTransform(video::ETS_WORLD);
     M17WorldInverseTranspose  = M01World.getTransposed(); // For Irrlicht this replaces the commonly used "wrold matrix!"
     // You may have to use.. MyMatrix = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("my_matrix"); etc..
     TheServices->setVertexShaderConstant("M01World", M01World.pointer(), 16);
     TheServices->setVertexShaderConstant("M05WorldViewProjection", M05WorldViewProjection.pointer(), 16);
     TheServices->setVertexShaderConstant("M17WorldInverseTranspose",   M17WorldInverseTranspose.pointer(), 16);
     // TheServices->setVertexShaderConstant("M13ViewInverse", M13ViewInverse.pointer(), 16);
     core::vector3df L001Pos ( 0.0 ,  1000.0 ,  0.0 );     // hooked to the camera....
     core::vector3df L002Pos ( -1000.0 ,  0.0 ,  0.0 );    // Far Away..
     core::vector3df L003Pos ( 1000.0 ,  0.0 ,  0.0 );    
     core::vector3df CameraPosition = TheDevice->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera()->getAbsolutePosition();
     // Most examples simple use matrices beacuse those programs dont really consider the "Eye Position".
     // This is definitely needed where we have a camera.
     TheServices->setVertexShaderConstant("CameraPos", reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&CameraPosition), 3); // NEW!
     TheServices->setVertexShaderConstant("L001Pos", reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&CameraPosition), 3); // Camera Light..
     TheServices->setVertexShaderConstant("L002Pos", reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&L002Pos), 3);
     TheServices->setVertexShaderConstant("L003Pos", reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&L003Pos), 3);
     video::SColorf L001Col(  1.0f  ,  1.0f  ,  1.0f  ); // Lights all set to white as we controll them in the shader for now..
     video::SColorf L002Col(  1.0f  ,  1.0f  ,  1.0f  );
     video::SColorf L003Col(  1.0f  ,  1.0f  ,  1.0f  );
     int PixelShaderCommand; // Not used from here yet but you can change commands in hte shader..
     if ( GeneralCounter > 500) {PixelShaderCommand = 1;} // Automatically change commands, but not used now..
     if ( GeneralCounter < 500) {PixelShaderCommand = 0;}
     // TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("ShaderCommand", reinterpret_cast<int*>(&PixelShaderCommand), 1); // NOT YET..
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("L001Col", reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&L001Col), 3);
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("L002Col", reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&L002Col), 3);
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("L003Col", reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&L003Col), 3);
     f32 TextureLayerID0 = 0;
     f32 TextureLayerID1 = 1;
     f32 TextureLayerID2 = 2;
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("ColorSampler",    &TextureLayerID0, 1); // Same as GLSL..
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("NormalSampler",   &TextureLayerID1, 1); 
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("SpecularSampler", &TextureLayerID2, 1); 
     float AppShaderCommand = 0;
 //----------------------------------------------------------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -
 int main()
  {TheIRRNullDevice    = createDevice(video::EDT_NULL); // Null Device for us to get our windows resolution..
   TheDeskResolution   = TheIRRNullDevice->getVideoModeList()->getDesktopResolution();    // As set by you in windows..
   TheIRRNullDevice->drop(); // We got the desktop resolution, so drop the Null Device..
   TheDevice = createDevice(video::EDT_DIRECT3D9,TheDeskResolution,32);
   if (TheDevice == 0) return 1;
   video::IVideoDriver* TheDriver = TheDevice->getVideoDriver();
   scene::ISceneManager* TheSceneManager = TheDevice->getSceneManager();
   video::IGPUProgrammingServices* TheGPUProgrammingServices = TheDriver->getGPUProgrammingServices();
   GeneralCounter = 0;
   s32 OurShaderMaterial = 0;
   if (TheGPUProgrammingServices)
    {OurShaderCallBackClass* OurCallback = new OurShaderCallBackClass();
     const video::E_GPU_SHADING_LANGUAGE shadingLanguage = video::EGSL_CG; // Means HLSL too..
     TanUpdStatus = true; //.....
     = TheGPUProgrammingServices->addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles("Shaders/HLSL_0043_WORKING.hlsl",
                                                                      EVST_VS_2_0,   // Seems Fine..
                                                                      "Shaders/HLSL_0043_WORKING.hlsl", // Ja.. Same name..
                                                                      EPST_PS_3_0,   // ARITHMETIC SLOTS ISSUE "2_0"....
                                                                      video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF,  // CLIPMAPPING..
   TheDriver->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS, true);
   //  - FIRST OBJECT -                                         
   // AniMesh0001 = TheSceneManager ->getMesh("Data/0013_FUSION_BALL/X_001.x");
   AniMesh0001 = TheSceneManager ->getMesh("Data/0070_HALO_GUY/B3d_001.b3d");
   ((ISkinnedMesh*)AniMesh0001)->convertMeshToTangents(); // Right Place?
   AniMeshNode0001 = TheSceneManager->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(AniMesh0001);
   float AniPlaySpeed =   40.0  ; // Default..
   AniMeshNode0001->setAnimationSpeed  (AniPlaySpeed) ;   // Get this into command..
   AniMeshNode0001->setFrameLoop  ( 0.0   +  1.0  ,  AniMeshNode0001 -> getEndFrame () -  0.0 );  // Automate this..
   AniMeshNode0001->setPosition(core::vector3df(0.0 ,0.0 ,0.0));
   AniMeshNode0001->setScale(core::vector3df(1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0));
   AniMeshNode0001->getMaterial( 0 ).setTexture(0, TheDriver->getTexture("Data/0070_HALO_GUY/DIFFUSE_MAP.png"));
   AniMeshNode0001->getMaterial( 0 ).setTexture(1, TheDriver->getTexture("Data/0070_HALO_GUY/NORMAL_MAP.png"));
   AniMeshNode0001->getMaterial( 0 ).setTexture(2, TheDriver->getTexture("Data/0070_HALO_GUY/SPECULAR_MAP.png"));
   AniMeshNode0001->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
   AniMeshNode0001->setMaterialType((video::E_MATERIAL_TYPE) OurShaderMaterial);
   scene::ISceneNodeAnimator* TheAnimator = TheSceneManager->createRotationAnimator(core::vector3df(0.0 ,0.1, 0.0));
   //TheAnimator->drop(); // No!
   //  - SECOND OBJECT -                                         
   AniMesh0002 = TheSceneManager ->getMesh("Data/002_OROLOC/OBJ_001.obj"); 
   Mesh0002 = TheSceneManager->getMeshManipulator() ->createMeshWithTangents(AniMesh0002 ,false,false,false,true );  // RECALC NORMALS..
   ISceneNode0002 = 0; // Like "NULL"-ing a new pointer?
   ISceneNode0002 = TheSceneManager->addMeshSceneNode(Mesh0002);
   ISceneNode0002->getMaterial( 0 ).setTexture(0, TheDriver->getTexture("Data/002_OROLOC/DIFFUSE_MAP.png"));
   ISceneNode0002->getMaterial( 0 ).setTexture(1, TheDriver->getTexture("Data/002_OROLOC/NORMAL_MAP.png"));
   ISceneNode0002->getMaterial( 0 ).setTexture(2, TheDriver->getTexture("Data/002_OROLOC/SPECULAR_MAP.png"));
   ISceneNode0002->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
   ISceneNode0002->setMaterialType(E_MATERIAL_TYPE(OurShaderMaterial)); // One material type per object..
   ISceneNode0002->setScale(vector3df( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ));
   ISceneNode0002->setRotation(core::vector3df( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ));
   ISceneNode0002->setPosition(vector3df( -15.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ));
   //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- --- -- - -
   // Add a camera, its controls and disable the mouse cursor..
   SKeyMap keyMap[8];
   keyMap[0].Action  = EKA_MOVE_FORWARD;  keyMap[0].KeyCode = KEY_UP;
   keyMap[1].Action  = EKA_MOVE_FORWARD;  keyMap[1].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_W;
   keyMap[2].Action  = EKA_MOVE_BACKWARD; keyMap[2].KeyCode = KEY_DOWN;
   keyMap[3].Action  = EKA_MOVE_BACKWARD; keyMap[3].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_S;
   keyMap[4].Action  = EKA_STRAFE_LEFT;   keyMap[4].KeyCode = KEY_LEFT;
   keyMap[5].Action  = EKA_STRAFE_LEFT;   keyMap[5].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_A;
   keyMap[6].Action  = EKA_STRAFE_RIGHT;  keyMap[6].KeyCode = KEY_RIGHT;
   keyMap[7].Action  = EKA_STRAFE_RIGHT;  keyMap[7].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_D;
   // In Blender the most managageable size for a model is 20 X 20 so we have the 
   // camera position and speed match this..
   scene::ICameraSceneNode* TheCamera 
     = TheSceneManager->addCameraSceneNodeFPS(0,
   TheCamera->setTarget(core::vector3df(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
   // We assign this value during the main rendeerloop aswell!!
   SceneMeshCount = TheSceneManager ->getMeshCache()->getMeshCount();
   irr::scene::IMeshBuffer* TempMeshBuffer;
   video::S3DVertexTangents* TempVertTansPTR;
   TempMeshBuffer    = TheSceneManager->getMeshCache()->getMeshByIndex(0)->getMeshBuffer(0);
   TempVertTansPTR   = (video::S3DVertexTangents*)TempMeshBuffer->getVertices();
   TheSceneMeshCache = TheSceneManager->getMeshCache();
   TheTestIndex      = TheSceneMeshCache->getMeshIndex(AniMesh0001);
   S3DVertexTangents VertexTriA;
   S3DVertexTangents VertexTriB;
   S3DVertexTangents VertexTriC;
   int lastFPS = -1;
    {if (TheDevice->isWindowActive())
      {// GeneralCounter ++;
       if ( GeneralCounter > 1000) {GeneralCounter = 0;}
       // TheDriver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(  255  ,  207  ,  211  ,  192  ));
       TheDriver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor( 255 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
       // We want to change tangents for skinned meshes only so we must determine which ones are "Skinned"..
       SceneMeshCount = TheSceneManager ->getMeshCache()->getMeshCount();
       if (TanUpdStatus == true) // globally updated for all Animated "Skinned" meshes..
        {//  SceneMeshCount
         for (u32 SMeshI = 0; SMeshI < SceneMeshCount; SMeshI++) // Nice "+3" concept in For loop..
          {// start loop "SMESHI"     
           u16 TheMeshType = TheSceneMeshCache->getMeshByIndex(SMeshI)->getMeshType();
           if ( TheMeshType == EAMT_SKINNED)   // EAMT_SKINNED
            {// start Only "Skinned" meshes..
             AcquiredAnimeshByIndex = TheSceneMeshCache->getMeshByIndex(SMeshI); 
             AcquiredImesh = AcquiredAnimeshByIndex ;
             u32 TheMBufferCount = AcquiredImesh->getMeshBufferCount();
             for (u32 MBuffI = 0 ; MBuffI < TheMBufferCount ; MBuffI++)
              {// start Buffer Loop 
               CurrMeshBuffPtr = AcquiredImesh->getMeshBuffer(0);  // WE MUST ALSO LOOP BUFFERS..
               CurrTanVertsPtr  = (video::S3DVertexTangents*)CurrMeshBuffPtr->getVertices(); // Many Buffers for Many Meshes..
               // O.K. to do declare these here multiple times ? 
               u16* TheINDEXPtr =    TheSceneMeshCache->getMeshByIndex(SMeshI)->getMeshBuffer(0)->getIndices();
               u32 TheIndexCount = (u32)TheSceneMeshCache->getMeshByIndex(SMeshI)->getMeshBuffer(0)->getIndexCount();
               for (u32 IndexII = 0; IndexII < TheIndexCount; IndexII+=3) // Nice "+3" concept in For loop..
                {// start Index Loop..  // Get all all three of our triangle vertices..
                 VertexTriA = CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII]];
                 VertexTriB = CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+1]];
                 VertexTriC = CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+2]];
                // Here we get the THREE POINTS XYZ Positions for the TRIANGLE..
                f32 TAX = VertexTriA.Pos.X;   f32 TAY = VertexTriA.Pos.Y; f32 TAZ = VertexTriA.Pos.Z; 
                f32 TBX = VertexTriB.Pos.X;   f32 TBY = VertexTriB.Pos.Y; f32 TBZ = VertexTriB.Pos.Z;
                f32 TCX = VertexTriC.Pos.X;   f32 TCY = VertexTriC.Pos.Y; f32 TCZ = VertexTriC.Pos.Z;
                // Here we get the UV Coordinates for each of the three Points.
                f32 TAU = VertexTriA.TCoords.X; f32 TAV = VertexTriA.TCoords.Y;
                f32 TBU = VertexTriB.TCoords.X; f32 TBV = VertexTriB.TCoords.Y;
                f32 TCU = VertexTriC.TCoords.X; f32 TCV = VertexTriC.TCoords.Y;
                // We introduce THREE new "Delta Vectors" which will eventually become "Triangle Edges"..
                // This is a special "recipe" using "Triangle Points" and "UV Coordinates"..
                // "Subtraction" hence "Delta Vectors"..
                f32 DV1X = TBX - TAX ; f32 DV1Y = TBU - TAU ; f32 DV1Z = TBV - TAV;
                f32 DV2X = TCX - TAX ; f32 DV2Y = TCU - TAU ; f32 DV2Z = TCV - TAV;
                f32 DV3X = TBY - TAY ; f32 DV3Y = TBU - TAU ; f32 DV3Z = TBV - TAV;
                f32 DV4X = TCY - TAY ; f32 DV4Y = TCU - TAU ; f32 DV4Z = TCV - TAV;
                f32 DV5X = TBZ - TAZ ; f32 DV5Y = TBU - TAU ; f32 DV5Z = TBV - TAV;
                f32 DV6X = TCZ - TAZ ; f32 DV6Y = TCU - TAU ; f32 DV6Z = TCV - TAV;
                // Now we introduce THREE "Cross Products". Cross Product A, Cross Product B and Cross Product C.
                f32 CAX = (DV1Y * DV2Z) - (DV2Y * DV1Z); f32 CAY = (DV1Z * DV2X) - (DV2Z * DV1X);
                f32 CAZ = (DV1X * DV2Y) - (DV2X * DV1Y); f32 CBX = (DV3Y * DV4Z) - (DV4Y * DV3Z);
                f32 CBY = (DV3Z * DV4X) - (DV4Z * DV3X); f32 CBZ = (DV3X * DV4Y) - (DV4X * DV3Y);
                f32 CCX = (DV5Y * DV6Z) - (DV6Y * DV5Z); f32 CCY = (DV5Z * DV6X) - (DV6Z * DV5X);
                f32 CCZ = (DV5X * DV6Y) - (DV6X * DV5Y);
                // Calculate our TANGENT..
                f32 TanX = (CAY / CAX);  f32 TanY = (CBY / CBX);  f32 TanZ = (CCY / CCX); 
                // ..and our BINORMAL..
                // In this implementation the act of subtraction to get the Delta Vectors effectively
                // makes getting Binormals elswehere impossible!!
                f32 BinX = (CAZ / CAX);  f32 BinY = (CBZ / CBX);  f32 BinZ = (CCZ / CCX); 
                // Now we replace the Static Tangents/Binormals with our animated ones..
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII]].Tangent.X = -TanX;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII]].Tangent.Y = -TanY;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII]].Tangent.Z = -TanZ;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+1]].Tangent.X = -TanX;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+1]].Tangent.Y = -TanY;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+1]].Tangent.Z = -TanZ;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+2]].Tangent.X = -TanX;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+2]].Tangent.Y = -TanY;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+2]].Tangent.Z = -TanZ;
                // Binormals are NOT done in the shader by crossing Tangents with Normals..
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII]].Binormal.X = BinX;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII]].Binormal.Y = BinY;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII]].Binormal.Z = BinZ;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+1]].Binormal.X = BinX;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+1]].Binormal.Y = BinY;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+1]].Binormal.Z = BinZ;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+2]].Binormal.X = BinX;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+2]].Binormal.Y = BinY;
                CurrTanVertsPtr[TheINDEXPtr[IndexII+2]].Binormal.Z = BinZ;
               }  // end Index Loop..     
             }  // end Buffer Loop 
           } // End Only "Skinned" meshes..
         } // end loop "SMESHI"     
       }  // End conditional Tangents & Binormal Update..             
      int fps = TheDriver->getFPS();
      if (lastFPS != fps)
       {core::stringw str = L"Irrlicht 'HLSL'     J.Pretorius 2015 [";
        str += TheDriver->getName();
        str += "] FPS:";
        str += fps;
        lastFPS = fps;
  return 0;

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:42 pm
by Vectrotek
Check the new updates above.

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:14 pm
by The_Glitch
vectrotek we need to collaborate on some of our projects bud.


Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 7:06 pm
by Vectrotek
This HLSL project comes with a guarantee..

This will be my last posted project on this forum for a while.. ... 1800738473

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:59 pm
by The_Glitch
That masterchief looks horrid lol.

I've got an issue with setting a matrix that's suppose to be the ViewInverse but when I set it to View in Irrlicht and make Inverse it doesn't look like it does in rendermonkey but If I change the View to the world pointer it looks better but not the same as I created in RenderMonkey.

Code: Select all

                core::matrix4 Proj, View, world;
        Proj = driver->getTransform(video::ETS_PROJECTION);
        View *= driver->getTransform(video::ETS_VIEW);
        world *= driver->getTransform(video::ETS_WORLD);
        core::matrix4 matWorldViewProj1 = Proj * View;
        services->setVertexShaderConstant(ViewMat, matWorldViewProj1.getTransposed().pointer(), 16);
        core::matrix4 matWorldViewProj2 = world; // If I assign View it doesn't look right.
        services->setVertexShaderConstant(InvViewMat, matWorldViewProj2.getTransposed().pointer(), 16);

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:11 am
by Vectrotek
I don't know what the problem is. It works fine for me.
How is your camera position fed into the shader?
Could you post a nicer animated Master Chief?

If the normals of your model looks like this (white) in Open Asset Viewer
then it should render fine.


Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:57 pm
by The_Glitch
I believe the normals are fine. I've got to figure this out as it's a great shader I made in Rendermonkey. Just behaves different if you use Irrlicht View matrix that's made inverse.

The camera in the shader expects the camera from irrlicht in XYZW form. I then get the scenes active camera and pass it's position in the shader callback.

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:55 pm
by The_Glitch

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:59 pm
by Vectrotek
Nicely done! Is that Cube Map Reflection or sphere mapping?

Now do more lights and keep em screenshots coming!

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:01 pm
by The_Glitch

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:11 pm
by The_Glitch

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:23 pm
by Vectrotek
Looking Great!
Cool! How about more lights at different positions and in different colours!