(C++) SkyDome instead of SkyBox

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Post by Mikenoworth »

Ahh, I see the deletes [] are in there, I even did it wrong. hah!

But, I've come across this,

Code: Select all

Heap corruption detected at 097A4380
HEAP[Game.exe]: HEAP: Free Heap block 97a4378 modified at 97a4388 after it was freed
Unhandled exception at 0x7c901230 in Game.exe: User breakpoint.
It's because of the sky dome scene node, but the editor gives me no more information other than that and the stack - maybe someone else can figure it out?

Code: Select all

>	ntdll.dll!7c901230() 	
maybe using new on the indices and vertices is bad idea?? I don't know, but its only when I use the sky dome scene node.
Stout Beer
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Post by 3ddev »

I think Niko should include the SkyDome class into the upcoming version of Irrlicht! The realistic effect is great. Other engines like Ogre3d already have this function, and I think it could really improve Irrlicht! :P
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Post by Luke »

Changes in version 1.1 (06 Aug 2006)


- Added sky dome implementation contributed by Anders la Cour-Harbo (alc).


irr::scene::ISceneManager::addSkyDomeSceneNode ( video::ITexture * texture,
u32 horiRes,
u32 vertRes,
f64 texturePercentage,
f64 spherePercentage,
ISceneNode * parent = 0,
s32 id = -1
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Post by pinkman »

Can anyone fix this to work right? Or tell me how to use it, cause I have been trying.. cant seem to get it to compile, keep getting errors.. any help?
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Post by bitplane »

this is included as part of irrlicht as of version 1.1, so you'll get errors if you try to add a second copy manually. just add one like this - scenemanager->addSkyDomeSceneNode
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