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Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:07 am
by Acki
I think you don't get it... ;)

A simple example:

I have a desktop res 1024*768
I create a window 100*100
The window is resizable, let's say up to 200*200
Irrlicht standart creates a device with 1024*768
Irrlicht from your link uses 100*100
But I want 200*200, because it's the max size of the window !!!

Well with the version from your link I could first create the window with 200*200, create the device and then resize the window to 100*100...
!!! This is kindergarden coding !!!

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:23 am
by hybrid
No, I think you don't get it. There's a difference now in the dimension parameter when using own screen or external screen. For the latter it gives the window size with a fixed 1:1 resolution, while in the former case you specify only the resolution with a fixed window size. You're overloading the parameters without even noticing it. That's archaic programming :?

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:27 pm
by Acki
Well, I think we're talking cross over... ;)
And it's going to be an offtopic discussion...
I got what I want and some other users are also interessted in this patch...

Just another example:
If you have a desktop 1024*768
And you create a device with 100*100
All drawings to the device screen uses 1024*768
So if you draw a line from (0,50) to (50,50) the line does not end in the center of the screen, its just a little line in the upper left corner you can barely see !!!
Now I have to draw a line from (0,384) to (512,384) to get the wanted result
This means I have to recalculate all measures to the desktop resolution !!! :roll: