My carelessness got me to that point...so make instead of makefile...
I did that...and for some reason everything looks fine...but where are the "Executables"? I'm new to linux...err...stuck in linux since i can't go back to vista....linux by the way (ubuntu) is really hard to play around with.....anyways, i went to the main page where examples is at and had buildAllExamples.sh
in my terminal i typed sh buildAllExamples.sh and looks like everything "compiled" or whatever...but i don't know where all the "toys" are kept...
problems while compiling irrlicht under ubuntu edgy
Once again....there goes my carelessness....I forgot I was running under linux and not under windows...
instead of writing in the terminal ./01.HelloWorld , I just wrote 01.HelloWorld
That fixed everything....awesome...now I can finally start doing some fun
instead of writing in the terminal ./01.HelloWorld , I just wrote 01.HelloWorld
That fixed everything....awesome...now I can finally start doing some fun
those programs
are those examples in there by default? or after compilation they directly go there?...