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Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:01 am
by TheRLG
Post removed.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:26 am
by Midnight
I never realised everyone felt just like me.

my number one solution for relief is playing games.

envisioning and desiring your goal is key also.

new projects was a good one. I like your st. pat day irrlicht logo too bad they didn't use it. :wink:

keeping in touch with friends.

posting on the irrlicht forums. 8)

seek inspiration game design is like writing in two forms programming and story development not to mention depth keeps it interesting. think more about your stories when writing them and try and improve them before finishing.

take breaks but treat it like a real job.. enough work is bound to make profit if that's what it takes. read more instead and further you education. do an equal amount of fun things as work things and don't press yourself too hard. you can burn out quickly but keep your mind on important things.

get laid. get drunk. maintain socialism on some level.

if you get frustrated find a happy place.. even lay in bed for a moment and relax but make an attempt to go back and finish something.

do the easy stuff first. and try to think of ways to make the hard stuff easier.

listening to music is a great motivator but you gotta have the motivational kind not the depressing kind.

Re: How to Regain Passion for Projects?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:07 pm
by IPv6
TheRLG wrote:What do you guys do to regain your passion for your projects? How about to keep it?
i can give the advice since i was in this situation too. If this is a game then CHANGE the game idea in major part, do not force your self to finish exactly the same project that you imagined at the start. May be you will end finishing completely different project but you 1) will end it 2) from my expirience your current idea (or the best parts of it) will take part in the result *anyway*

looking at myself (in other words - IMHO) i realize that this is not project that became boring. It is the *idea* that inspired me at some point became uninteresting... i think it is normal to be tyred of own idea after several months of implementing it on your own. i started adventure game about flying islands and gnomes, but now (finally) finishing fairy arcade/quest :) It is for russian audience though

And the most interesting part that changing the idea to different, more intriguing one does not mean that you have to trash X months of development. A lot of ideas that became boring at some point will return in new incarnation with new cool twists. developed code base is always reusable, art(basically) and music too, so you don`t have to continue (in different direction) from scratch! looks like small regress for awhile, but it helps to continue project to the finish

Hope this helps :)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:11 pm
by Luben
I agree with IPv6. Those who haven't already should read the design doc for doom, i think it's called the doom bible.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 6:58 pm
by roxaz
yes, IPv6 was totaly right. i was messing with physics engine, started with newton, then bullet, then newton again, after no success i tried with bullet again and ended with ODE. i realized that there are many irrlicht + newton wrapers, i took a look at my physics class and it looked pretty much independant from my project. little bit of tuning and i have alpha version of IrrODE :P when it will be more usable and clean who knows, maybe you will see it in project announcements :P

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:05 pm
by TheRLG
Post removed.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:26 pm
by dawasw
Sounds awful mate.

But that's how the life goes.

Life is an everyday fight. Don't give up on anything.

If I were you I would belive in myself and -> 'forget' today, live tomorrow. (I mean try to overcome your problems by forgetting these worst things that happened and start to work on everything from the beginning)

If you will start to complain about problems and how life is going to be bad and unlucky in cause of these unfortunate events you just had - don't think about it.

Passion ?

Yeah programming/developing/creating your dreams is a passion. Same like voice and singing for a singer. Or a pencil for writer. Or a crayon for artist ;) Or a chess board for a chess lover... etc. etc. etc.

I think that passion is with us everyday - strong and powerful. It makes you fell so proud of yourself when you imagine how your game would look like and how would it be to play it - it's genious!

Only problem is that life is not only the passion. Same as for holidays.
You can't have holidays forever. You have to work as every people do. There is always less time for things you would like to do the most. That's how the life is designed. It's good. Because after a lot of work you will return to your passion with such a hunger for it that you definately will create your first imagination in some much bigger, newer, more extended way.

Sometimes we do forget about our passion, because of our everyday duties as I wrote above.

But passion will always remember about you. Always.

That's the power of passion.

PS I write all of this above after my life experiences, I'm not a philosopher! :D =)

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:24 am
by roxaz
dawasw wrote: If I were you I would belive in myself and -> f*u*c*k today, live tomorrow.
and one day you will realize that you are sleeping near garbage container and waiting for your better days. my advice would be not to live tommorow, better live today and do not stop doing something

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:26 am
by dawasw
You misunderstood me, I wanted to say that he should forget the day when his girlfriend broke up with him and all of these bad stuff happened.

Because you really can get mad if you start to think about problems all the time. I mean of course you have to overcome them all, and it's true that 'only by living tomorrow' will lead you to garbage lol.

I just wanted to say that he should think what would be best to do in this case. He must think about the future and next day. That's all.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:55 am
by TheRLG
Post removed.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:35 pm
by zenaku
Gaining passion back for a project? Yeah somebody help me :) irrlua is still at irrlicht version 1.1. I've been working on a lot of different things and it's hard to get back into it.

I *have* started to work on it recently, the main thing getting my passion back was installing kubuntu + compiz/beryl and discovering the improved debugger in Eclipse's C++ CDT plug-in. I use Linux fulltime now, and it's made me get back into hacking on irrlua.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:00 pm
by noreg
As i can't really help, i'm doing some smalltalk for distraction. Threadstarters tips on college and the 8.00 am lectures. I say yes to skipping them, but for success you can't stay asleep. Get up, get the book of the prof (of this very 8.00 am lecture), get some coffee and learn it by yourself . You want to get a copy of the lecture and compare it with what you were doing. That recepy made me to pass the exam as the second best despite of attending only two of his lectures. Actually i didn't like the prof (apart from the time), but this way i could cope. It really worked. He was telling mostly irrelevant rubbish during his lessons and this way i could use the time more effectively. Maybe it works out for you too. Make personal adaptions and good luck.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:52 am
by Sparky
I often find when passion dies for something it's often for the wrong reasons: I often get stumped at a problem, usually a SMALL frustrating problem that I simply can't be bothered to get my mind around, and that'll make me abandon a project for days or weeks. Sometimes I've looked back months later and the problem is obvious, and sometimes I'll make that one final "give it a go" push and solve the problem, giving all the passion back to what I was doing.

I agree, though, do something else for a while - play the type of games that inspired you in the first place, play the games that made you mad enough to want to write your own, go out, walk, etc ... And don't fret it, we all lose passion for things a few thousand times a year!

I think I'm officially on my... oh.... about 50th re-write of the game I'm on. It's gone from PHP, where it actually was completed (!!! That's an accomplishment for me!) to C++ to PHP to Visual C++ to SDL/C++ to DirectX/C++ to (and it's staying now!) Irrlicht/Visual C++. Each time, I've lost motivation to continue, and each time it's come back sooner or later! ... Nearly 4 years on, we'll get something someday!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:42 pm
by TheRLG
Post removed.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:57 am
by needforhint
what works for me is smoking a fatty and playing some favorite game, next day I am full of enthuziasm . ... anyway I am still in a phase of developing development tools, having done rendering at least :wink: