but I doubt that it will work with dev-cpp IDE because the gcc makefiles are different from visualstudio ones...
anyway good luck.
maybe you can use this IDE: http://www.fifsoft.com/relo/
this IDE support those c++ compilers
-Borland C++ (including the free version)
-Digital Mars C++ -VisualC++ 6
So maybe it will be compatible with this free version of visualc++
but unfortunately relo doesn't offers the same great feeling than dev-cpp (graphically I mean) but it is stable and it's rich in features.
for(inti=0;/*conditional here*/;i++)
//stuff here
for(inti=0;/*conditional here*/;i++)
//stuff here
VC++ tells me that i have reinitialization of i. Doesn't the i from the first for loop go out of scope at the end of the first loop, before the second one is executed? Yes it's the same variable name but the scope is highly local and shouldn't conflict.
You do a lot of programming? Really? I try to get some in, but the debugging keeps me pretty busy.
Because that's how it works in VC6 (it's ok in new versions).
In c++'s standard variable definied in for is seen only in for loop block. VC6 is standard incompatible and such variable is also seen outside loop.
It's probably not a good idea to name all the for loops as i anyway, it does tend to get confusing as you sometimes miss where one for loop ends and one begins ( or at least I do sometimes, especially with two big loops next to each other ).
Tyn wrote:It's probably not a good idea to name all the for loops as i anyway, it does tend to get confusing as you sometimes miss where one for loop ends and one begins ( or at least I do sometimes, especially with two big loops next to each other ).
Thats why I love the way VS.NET 2003 will group compound statements with the collapsible brackets it makes lots of code much more readable.
Tyn wrote:Really? In a simular system to how XML files are displayed in IE?
Yes. It is on by default, I think. I can't remember if I had to turn it on because it has been so long since I reinstalled.
It works great because anything that is a compound statement can be collapsed whether it be classes stuctures functions loops I think even if you just use brackets alone to group a piece of code. It really helps to get parts of code out of the way that you know are working.