so we are depending on others format if b3d community will think like that they wouldn't make .b3d Laughing so why did they made b3d because they wanted one and only one format to deal with with it's own exporters and to shut down the headache rather here in irrlicht i see people say (like me Razz )
what fromat do we use
plz tell me how to export this format
this fromat doesnt work well in irrlicht
irrlicht doesnt support animations in this fromat
ahh rather than that we would have our own format that simply work with irrlicht and gets updated rather that b3d!!
hmm...what hybrid said.
But also:
-b3d has proved to work in irrlicht.
-x also.
-b3d is not built so much from a comunity, but more from a company, mainly from a developer called Mark, which made an amazing tool for making games, took long years to do that, and wasnt born witha format prepared for bones, weights and etc of many animation and materials features....people demanded those features, and he and the company worked very hard to get that done...
Now....why. Why would be us so unpractical not to use a format that is free, so much proved and working. I'd see the reason the same one for which I'd ditch a native format for irrlicht: if no art tools preapred for it, and no security they will ever be done, no way. You'll stay doing games with plain boxes
But the fact is now, at this moment, enough tools do support it.
Also, weights and bones formats are absolutely complex, and doing a natural, human feel animation, is the most complex of all. I can do oke ones, but cost a lot of effort and aquired knowledge.
As hybrid says... 3D is full of issues, in art side, programming side, and the allways forgotten...inbetween, connecting one.
I have seen wonders done with b3d format, and even more, in irrlicht there arent some certain graphic limits that actually are in b3d, double good thing...
To date, I have seen *really* few formats being supported by the main tools. You do think you're gonna find people with knowledge in making plugins for each package, which means a lot of knowledge, with bone/weights and animations, for...every art tool/package?? Really?
I wouldnt bet on that, sincerelly. Not even in making a native format supporting all needed for irrlicht and the art tools, let alone doing the needed plugins...As much I'd bet some bored genius would spend some afternoon in making a Max plugin, would get more bored at middle, andwould leave it in a point no one else can continue..."Max support", would be that called.
If you are capable, go for doing all that....
(btw, that orc could be improved a lot...
