Did I ever say it was complete and ready to use? No.hybrid wrote:I think you still don't get the basic problem. It's not the idea of creating a wrapper. That's a good idea, basically many game engines that build upon Irrlicht will do so. the problem with your proposed solution is also NOT that you do invent new classes or methods. But it's a problem of how you create the API. You mix things, you impose dependencies where they are not necessary, you loose adaptivity and extensibility. It's just a matter of design, and design is not easy.
So if you find this useful and usable, then fine for you, but don't insist that everyone will think so. In case you have some time left and also some fun with programming you should refactor things of your design. Maybe read some books on OO Design first, and have a look at some other OO wrappers. Make your design such that it simplifies things (not only by having to type some characters less, but by making usage of structures simpler and uniform). And always expect to face some people that may teach you new things.
So why are you forming an opinion on something thats not complete?k1ll3rdr4g0n wrote:Its no where near completion
The current concept is to get things working, not to make them pretty for you or BlindSide. Later on is when things will get more OO, and more organized. But how can I organize or refactor something that doesn't exist or doesn't work? The current goal is make things work, then go back and edit/delete/add things that need to go where.
Sure, you can argue that I should do that from the beginning, but when your climbing mount everest by yourself, you just want to get the top. Aside from everyone trying to push you off the mountain....
I just posted it to announce it as a project, to perk interest. And to see if anyone else would be interested in helping. That's what you do when you post a new project don't you?
Correct me if I am wrong.
If you don't want to help, don't post. I am sorry, but I can't stand any level of ignorance. It's like someone trying to install something and when it doesn't install they say it sucks, even though it says in the install instructions you have to do X. Then they complain saying it doesn't work, then when you say "did you do X?", and they say no, and that its not posted anywhere...