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Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:09 pm
by katoun
Hello MasterGod.
Well, I'm mosty all the week available on yahoo messenger (not on weekend) at work, so we can talk on it. I'll sens you a private message wioth my id.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:29 pm
by katoun
Hello MasterGod.

About this code:

Code: Select all

ifdef GAME_DLL
00104 #                       define GAME_PUBLIC_EXPORT                       __declspec(dllexport)
00105 #                       define GAME_TEMPLATE_EXPORT                     __declspec(dllexport)
00106 #               else
00107 #                       define GAME_PUBLIC_EXPORT                       __declspec(dllimport)
00108 #                       define GAME_TEMPLATE_EXPORT
Well, in my Game.dll project I define GAME_DLL to know that inside it everithing that uses GAME_PUBLIC_EXPORT or GAME_TEMPLATE_EXPORT
is exported from the .dll file.
Inside you project you don't have that define so it work diferenty(importing the sinbols from the .dll)
As you can see for the simbols to work and not give you linkage errors in your project, templated objects(functions, classes)
have to use __declspec(dllexport) in the Game.dll compilations but nothing inside your project.
Trust me I worked a lot of hours to fix that problem at first(5 moths ago when I barely started this project).
I must warn you that this project is and will be inspired mainly from Irrlicht, Lightfeather and Ogre's source codes, because are the best Rendering Engine Open Source I know yet off,
BUT Everything goes through my "processor" and end "spitted out" as the final code that forms K_Game 3d engine.
I have home some other source codes to inspire from:
OpenGameEngine (very nice but is more a wrapper for other engines)
Quake Engine(I and II)
Nebula 2
Nebula 3 wich is quit good.
and other sample source codes.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:56 pm
by katoun
Sorry I forgot about this:
And I have another question, how did you do (like I see in the screenshots) that if you make another camera you can have a rect on screen where you see what that new camera is pointing at
Well that "rect" that you cand see on screen is called Viewport.
In example2 you can see this pieces of code:

Code: Select all

GameManager* mGameManager;
scene::SceneManager* mSMng;
render::RenderWindow* mWin;
render::RenderManager* mRMng;

scene::Camera* cam1;
scene::Camera* cam2;
the variables to use.

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mGameManager = new GameManager();

mSMng = mGameManager->getSceneManager();

mRMng = mGameManager->getRenderManager();

cam1 = mSMng->createCamera();
cam2 = mSMng->createCamera();

mWin = mRMng->getMainWindow();
initialize the game and the variables.

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render::Viewport* vp1=mWin->addViewport(cam1,0);
render::Viewport* vp2=mWin->addViewport(cam2,1,0.65f,0.65f,0.3f,0.3f);
add 2 viewports to the render window with a camera atached to wich one of them and giving th proprieties of them.
First has cam1 is on the entire dimention of the render window and the rendering order(zorder) 0.
Second has cam1, has the relative position 0.65f,0.65f (0.65% top of the render window, 0.65% left of the render), the relative dimention of 0.3f,0.3f and the render order of 1.
So the first Viewport renders the scene first on the GDI(graphic device interface) coresponding to the attached camera's view.
, the second renders the scene second.

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cam1->setPosition(0, 10, 0);
cam2->setPosition(0, 10, -15);
Move the cameras were ever you want, it will update your view.
Even so as the engine is made you should remove one of the viewports anytime in your game play and just disapear, letting the atached camera availabe to reuse. BUT that needs to be tested to see of any bugs and fix them (as only me is writting this engine yet, I can't verify everithing I plan to implement in it).

Thank you very much for the interest you show in my work, and the apreciation on my "white nights" I spent on it so fare.
To let you know of my recent work I have just made I simple mesh file format and a simple importer for it that works. Update from the SVN.
Did you took the sources form the SVN?


Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:12 am
by MasterGod
I have yet to download it from the SVN, I was just playing with the docs.
I'll download it later and check it more deeply.

About the Viewport, I'll look into it today.
katoun wrote: Inside you project you don't have that define so it work diferenty(importing the sinbols from the .dll)
As you can see for the simbols to work and not give you linkage errors in your project, templated objects(functions, classes)
have to use __declspec(dllexport) in the Game.dll compilations but nothing inside your project.
Are you sure you didn't mean __declspec(dllimport)? :wink:

And thank you. I've already learned a lot from your work!

I'm downloading it right now.

2nd Edit:
I tried to compile it but I get linker errors.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:53 pm
by katoun
For everybody to know, that is because using MVS C++ Express Edition.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:11 pm
by wildrj
so your going to use irrlicht for the rendering part of the engine?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:53 pm
by katoun
I am using OpenGL for the rendering system.
Some could say that is the Ogre's but I say it is inspired from it and it will have a lot in common as I learned a lot from it though it is writen from scratch piece by piece.

I am proud to announce the first release of K_Game, v0.0.3 RC1.
You can have a look at the current features here:
Regards to all and to the Open Source community because of it I could get here, now, to present to the 'world' my own engine :D.
And Happy New Year!

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:09 am
by MasterGod
Nice Work, I'm glad to see it finally out.

I'll have to find some time to learn your script system, it looks pretty cool.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:13 am
by katoun
My ScriptManager is preaty simple:

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script::ScriptManager* ScrMng = mGameManager->getScriptManager();
script::Script* script01 = ScrMng->load("script01.lua");
script::Script* script02 = ScrMng->load("script02.lua");

script::ScriptSystem* ss = ScrMng->getScriptSystem("Lua");


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:58 pm
by katoun
I have created a forum for K_Game. :D
You can check the web site:
Regards to all.