just call update() after reset() [and recall update before drawall]If you look at the IrrNewt vehicle demo you'll see that when the vehicle is reset the wheels bounce right up through the chassis about 4 feet (IIRC).
it's an example. the torus and the 'block' (a 'box' in english) reduce the size of the zip and don't occur in license things for a 3rd part car model.That's if you can call a block with a torus on each corner a vehicle.
anyway, a box with a torus is better than a car wich can drive above the water in your car demo (maybe Jesus drive it?)
i have already taught you the difference between ICar and IVehicleSimple. the last assume absolute nothing and can build all types of vehicles, also with asymmetric tyres.IrrNewt also assumes the front and rear axles are symetric, which in car models it is not.
you spend hours to get your car move while it took about 30 minutes for me to write the full car example, you spend some additional hours to adjust settings for the car with the example, the irrnewt source and your previous expirence with newton. Am i the incompetent?The biggest issue you may encounter with IrrNewt is the "single material" issue. If you look at the racetrack in my first driving demo IrrNewt treats it as one single material - no separate materials for grass, tarmac, dirt, etc. The author of IrrNewt said that the way I wanted it (kept as one single physics entity) could not be done and we had an argument where basically I said it was an easy engineering task and implied that he was incompetent.
Because you started to insult me without any reason, so i have stopped the discussion, but u are continuing.A few months later he tracked me down in another thread and started on me again; I called his bluff and explained the principles of a solution and have heard nothing since.
BTW there isn't need to modify irrnewt for this. you only need to write your own code. getpolys() return an array of polys of the model (triangles or optimized rectangles). simply check the collision against the elements in the array and in the material callback change the material settings to the new values of that poly (no matter the previous values). the specific funcs can change the values for 1 calculation then go back to the old values
Sure. just don't follow sio2's example or the PC may explode in your faceOr, since you have the IrrNewt source code, you could modifiy it to your requirements.
Newton is currently up http://www.newtongamedynamics.com/downloads.html IrrNewt is down 'cause i don't have time to maintain it. in the irrnewt thread on this forum there are '3rd part' links btwLast I checked you couldn't download Newton or IrrNewt, though. Newton may be temporarily down; the IrrNewt author seems to be ignoring the pleas in his own thread for a valid download link.