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Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 8:12 am
by fabietto
Brainsaw wrote:You have defined a body somewhere, attached a geom to it but didn't define a mass which must not be equal to zero.
Thanks, Brainsaw. I don't want to appear rude, but I can read as well... :)

If you have had a look to the code we're talking about, you must have noticed that a mass for the object has been set:

Code: Select all

dMass mass;   
but for some reasons ODE is complaining about it.

PS: as a side note, I'm willing to give a try to your ODE wrapper. Do you know if anybody has already tried to use it on Mac OS X?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 8:43 am
by Brainsaw
OK, you got me ;). Didn't read the code, just thought it's the same source of this error I sometimes get ;). In this case I don't know what the problem is.

I don't know of anyone who has tried my wrapper on a Mac, but tecan added a Linux target to the Code::Blocks project of the lib, so I guess it is running under Linux.

I used the Irrlicht-ODE tutorial as starting point for my wrapper, and I didn't have such problems. But (IIRC) the tutorial is using some old version of the ODE lib, so maybe some changes have appeared that cause this problem (I haven't checked that part of my code for more than a year, as it was always working OK).