free models OFFER

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Post by Tyn »

Well, check it out if you don't believe. I left on very bad terms so probs better not to mention me but their modelling work is very good. Most of it isn't done by fan boys but by modellers trying to get into the industry from the conversations there. They are all working for absolutely nada, nothing, zip. Purely because they need work for a portfolio ( though some are fan boys wanting to help ).

I know what you are saying, but there are good soles out there wandering around needing something to show their work to get the big deals. College and Uni students are prime targets in this area, although as you say I am having trouble finding out where they hang out. Maybe I should look for a place where you can bum around all day on a student load smoking pot ;) They should be sufficiently intoxicated for me to kidnap them and make them help me, lol
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Post by vermeer »

Hmm...not bad.

But check Cg Talk, and you'll see what i mean. ;) Several -not all- of those are already pros. usually get only in a free project if they really lov ethe idea, seriously. Many work at CG films, tv.

Yep, those guys you mentioned seem to do good art. yet though you always need to consider the human, organic models. Is where most people fail noticeabily. Doing a ship, or weapons, even a robot, though may sound strange, is easier. though of course, is also complex. this is a very personal opinion, not something to take as totally certain.

But i know what you mean. there are options to pick a guy in the university believing it'll serve as portfolio.

I don't know. Sometimes it does, but often it wont do. Me for example, I don't really need it anymore, most artist just build up their protfolio with max renders (brazil or not) and basicly showing all their abilities, humans, creatures, weapons, levels, the wider the best.

I think they guys that do an amateur game for porfolio, in what is getting a job..I dont think is really effective, though sometimes may do.

I have seen many times ppl getting art jobs the standard Max based way...sending the zip files in CD or whatever, with the cover letter.

Dunno, I have been called even without a serious portfolio, just showing model shots.

I personally wouldn't need that, and I tell you I'm not a genius. Just a 2d/3d guy.

But yep, there are many -mostly students- that yet think this way, that usually don't have to pay the flat, and that somewhat mind less getting in a free , amateur project without being paid or well paid.

So, yes, you can find them. But with some quality wont be easy.Anyway, of course I wish you good luck :)

IMHO, the ideal target is not the typical artist (we'r most the times unemployed people, or employed with a killing number of hours a day working like mad in games) , but someone that is good at art, and has a solid, not stressing job to pay the rent. And that happens to like the project you'r doing or wanting to do.

Even MUCH better if ur good friends. But consider then u will not want to argue with a very good friend ;) and in projects this happens in occassions.

There are certain quake2 mods where I have seen terrificly good people. But they were die hard for Quake2, Nostalgia was killing them... I doubt one of those would move a finger for a full game project otherwise...

But yep, world is big, and coders find free artists, so I'm saying a full bag of nonsenses... ;)
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Post by Tyn »

No, I totally know what you are saying and you are quite probably right. Maybe the best people are just people who like to create art. I can totally understand your point that professional artists don't work for free, I wouldn't do engineering for free, even if it were for a friend. Also, I know how hard organic modelling is. That is one of the reasons I am doing a project that has a high camera angle, distance hides amaturish art work which is all I can produce in MAX really. I'm not too bad at creating textures I think but modelling organic forms is a hard ask. Personally I think it is experience.

When I was on Xeno, there was only one guy there who could really model organic forms and most of his stuff isn't on their website any more. There were about 20 modellers, and about 3 of them had real skills. Only two could pull off decent human models ( one of them really pushed the poly count ) and I don't think any of them are particularly good at animation. I plan to keep the distance from the player models so that prospective artists don't need to be really good, an average level is all that is required for the low poly models I need ( somewhere between 800-1000 poly's per human model ).
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Post by vermeer »

then , don't worry... that type of art quality in modellers is not so hard to find, distance hides it all ;)

you can even do it yourself with some hours in the modelling package :)

Still is hard find someone that sticks since beguining to the end of the project..even if the artist is bad...

IMHO your best bet is if the art is not too complex, do your self how you can, and grab my models and others out free, as i provide them as prefabs, modify heavily as needed (is way easier so) and I said once modified, even a single bit, I don't have a wish to be credited. Don't have it at all. Don't need it. Game art jobs do come from other channels of comunication ;)
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Post by Tyn »

Yeah, my way of thinking is that I am going to do everything myself and if anyone wants to help then they can help influence what goes on in the game. I am certain I can finish the project on my own but help is always welcome :) I've done some modelling before, but human figures is something that has always been a problem. Without a doubt the hardest thing to create.
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Post by vermeer »

way to go...

That way the project wont get stalled :)
Finally making games again!
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