We will also be losing all the pretty "irr::"'s and stuff, I personally think STL syntax looks ugly compared to the Irrlicht ones, especially the documentation and ease of use. For example using "erase" on an Irrlicht array is simply a matter of supplying an index number, whereas std::vector requires a .begin + the input number. I know this isn't difficult for anyone totally familiar with the STL, but it can get confusing for beginners.
Also, here is the help info comparison for the function "push_back":
core::array:void std::vector<_Ty,_Ax>::push_back(const _Ty &_Val)
And whats with all the function/parameter names starting with an underscore? Its ugly I tell yah.//! Adds an element at back of array. If the array is too small to
//! add this new element it is made bigger.
//! \param element: Element to add at the back of the array.
Yes, yes, it's blaspheme to speak against the STL, and most STL implementations are guaranteed to be entirely stable and probably the fastest possible method of achieving what is required. But I can't help but feel we are polluting Irrlicht if we begin to introduce it into the source code, especially if it is presented in the interface.