Agreed, although I don't intend on starting a discussion. But the main complaint Ogre users had with Irrlicht is the fact of VBO support, and now it's in there for both DX and OGL. The one thing that I can say is missing from Irrlicht is the unified format for meshes, animations, etc.
I just don't see how people are still making claims these days that Irrlicht is inferior to Ogre when coming to graphics. We have people like BlindSide making it braindead easy for people to implement shadow mapping, we have seen jinquain's engine with SSAO, etc., and all the demos from sio2 with field of depth, hardware raytracing, etc.
I honestly like Ogre somewhat, but one thing I don't like about Ogre is the fact that it is virtually stressed in the API that OOP programming style takes precedent of data structure, and speed. Everything, even things that shouldn't be, are abstracted into object classes which add a lot of overhead when performing data-wide manipulation.
But eh, I'm not here to influence, nor to deprecate your choice, because in the end it is what you like the most.