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Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 4:47 pm
by Bog_Wraith
eh dingo im using poor man's caustics right now meaning I am just using texture animation looping through 32 caustics images generated with So basically im just creating a terrain mesh, calling createTextureAnimator, and addAnimator to the terrain mesh. Looks fairly decent.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 5:28 pm
by arras
Great!! ...I was looking for this kind of tool already for wery long time :D

Awsome tool got to play with it a bit earlier

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:10 pm
by Midnight
Anyways I lived up to my word and reinstalled Wolfenstien to bring you some
poor screenshots of some excellent First Person Shooter map water.

In this first animation you'll notice they made the first layer of water
some sort of animated mesh who's vertex bob up and down
accompanied by the moving texture brings a very nice moving river effect.


In this next animation I wanted to show how when the head is below the
first layer of water it has some FOV field of view effects on the scenary look
closly and you will see the effects in both of these animations of which I speak.


In the following 2 pictures you can witness the second layer of water that
gives the water some depth and actually has different fog settings under
the layer then it does on the rest of the map. I have enhanced the
brightness on the last 2 pictures inorder to make them easily visable.

when your head is above water (the first layer) the animated mesh is
visable but not when below...however the second layer is different not only
does it have higher fog density but is actually visable from within or under
the second layer. I imagine the fog effect would take some recoding of
Irrlicht but it was made with the same tool the only difference would be the
engine capability's.

I hope this helps.


Good Luck!

Few extra words that just don't belong as an edit to a post

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:23 pm
by Midnight
Besides it doesn't matter if they can see the water from under the water
when they start drowning the effect becomes more real =)

not to mention swimming sounds.

obviosly a double sided texture is possable though even with a foggy
volume effect my screen shots prove that if you can do it with Irrlicht
without massive coding is another story though.

However if and when you find the solution I would like to know how it was
done =P

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:48 pm
by Bog_Wraith
Thanks for the ideas Midnight. I am still working on something and when I get it working, I will share it :)

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:49 pm
by Midnight
werd 8)