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Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:58 am
by Nikko_Bertoa
I made some modifications to the code.
I updated the download link :)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:50 pm
by christianclavet
Hi, Nikko.

The game basicaly "works". I've been able to reach the end and face the boss.

Got theses remark, theses could surely improve the game.

You had 2 weapons. The pistol and launcher. The pistol seem to fire ok and does a moderate dammage, but I think the launcher serves almost nothing. You got only 1 ammo for that weapon and it does almost no dammage. Having more dammage on the laucher, will have the user use it more. Right now I prefer using only the pistol.

The navigation nodes look weird. I've saw some goblins go thru the walls and come from them. Also they are superposing themselves sometimes (could check with a bounding box so they cannot use the same space). What are the NPC use for navigation? Are you sure the linking is ok for all the coordinates of the nodes?

Sometimes the fire of the weapons seem imprecise. (green is miss, red is hit), is there a way to make the weapon firing more precise?

When the player is killed, you should hide the hand. It look weird. (Perhaps, destroy the hand and replace it with a player body (if you have one asset like that))

You should wait around 10 sec to start the AI. When the player start, It happen often that a "horde" of NPCs are over the player (look weird as they are hitting and still no damage is made)

It's very interesting that the NPC are using blunt weapons instead of firearms, but I think their range is too much. Could you reduce the range of the damage? (Goblins)

Anyway, this is starting to look like a very playable little game. You could put a timer and put that in a "survival mode" (with top score with the longest time)

very interesting

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:34 pm
by Pyr0mann
I was wondering what version of Irrlicht you were using? Is it 1.5? Unfortunately there is never any version number info on Irrlicht.dll

I have all but given up trying to figure out IrrWizard enough to get it working under 1.5


Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:52 pm
by hybrid
You can always search in the DLL, each version of Irrlicht has a string embedded which tells you the version.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:44 am
by d3jake
Wow... that's pretty smart.