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Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:03 am
by Firgof
Okay, more ships. More ships. More ships. ... MORE ships. Not a few. MORE.
Okay, stop ships. STOP SHIPS. STOP SHIIIPS!

Hm, note: I didn't notice I had an application running in the background when I took these screens. The actual output of the game is higher than in the screenshot. Also, I didn't notice that I left the profiling on; didn't mean to put the framerate in the shot. :x

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:01 am
by Virion
nice work!

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:14 am
by Firgof
Thanks! :D

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:21 am
by Lonesome Ducky
I feel a tear of pure joy rolling down my face

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:27 pm
by Firgof
Here's an interesting question for you guys:
How do you like your UIs? In particular, what games do you remember having really easy-to-use UIs and had features you'd like to see in Star Ruler?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:02 pm
by BlindSide
I like the look of the GUI from the screenshots, one of the best I've seen recently in Irrlicht. For inspiration on the UI I would take a look at Homeworld since you guys seem to share a fairly similar play style and view point (Unless I'm completely mistaken and that is actually a first person view not an RTS view?).

If I really had to give any sort of advice I would say that you should stick with the same color for all the buttons at the top. Having pink, green, blue, etc is not as appealing as a neat uniform look.

New Article

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:24 pm
by Firgof

From the beginning, Star Ruler was designed to be accessible to modders. In this article, we'll explore the impact of that choice from two perspectives: impact of modability on development, and the advantages modability brings to the end users.

It was an early choice to design Star Ruler with support for modifications, as that's how I personally got most interested in game design and development, and I wanted to give that opportunity to people that are just becoming exposed to game development. This choice has had significant impact on the rest of the design process, both positively and negatively, although the positives vastly outweigh the negatives.

Starting with the negative side of mod support, everything in our engine will be exposed to circumstances far beyond what any of us can envision, requiring code which is resilient to all sorts of input errors as well as other strange things that modding may cause. We don't know that ships will always leave a system under their own power, or that planets always need people, or that stars will be stationary. Many of the shortcuts that could have become available without support for modding simply aren't options.

Additionally, we have extra difficulty in designing the user interface as we try to balance design complexity on our end with support for things modders (or even we) may make use of, thereby saving time for modders whom won't have the same difficulty during their development.

On the other hand, these design requirements have also benefited us as we got farther along in the development, because the engine already supports things we didn't even know we would eventually be adding, and allows us to very rapidly code things that had already been planned, as well as quickly and easily change many elements of the game.

Looking back at the decision to support modification, I'd make the same choice. While supporting that decision has made development more difficult, the extra difficulty truly comes from programming the engine in a way that is far easier to maintain as time passes, and the design requirements limit the times where a quick solution wins out over a long term solution.

Star Ruler from a Modder's Perspective

Star Ruler's modding starts with its data files. These files are in a plain text format, so any text editor with the ability to export plain text works. Data files consist of Key:Value pairs as an attempt to maximize both human and machine readability. Each data file specifies base data, or a relationship between the base data and the mechanics of the game. Here's an example of a Sub System definition.

System: MediumHull
Name: "Standard Hull"
Description: "Standard hulls provide the necessary support structure to equip components, and some moderate damage resistance. They provide a middle ground between strength and speed."
Appearance: MediumHull
Tags: IgnoresScale, Hull
Available: Techs.ShipConstruction.Level > 0
Level: floor(Techs.ShipConstruction.Level)
Size: Object.Size
Durability: Size * progress(20,0.5,Level)
Mass: Size * 20
Costs: Metals[100 + 50 * Size], Electronics[50 + 10 * Size], AdvParts[20 + 4 * Size]
Provides: DestructsShip

All the blue text is the keys, and the remainder of a line is interpreted based on the key. All the mathematical expressions are evaluated via algebraic order of operations whenever an instance of the Sub System is created. The Provides line adds gameplay effects, specified elsewhere, to the Sub System, optionally with variables that define the effect's behavior. Also of importance is the costs, which can be named anything – adding a new resource is as simple as referencing one that doesn't already exist – which ties into the more general system of object states.

For non-data files, we use the C++ style scripting language AngelScript. This language is used for the GUI, custom effects system, and AI, and it may be expanded elsewhere in the future. A great deal of the engine is exposed in this language, and very little is impossible to do. While learning this language gives a modder far more power to create his or her vision, plenty of modding can still take place in the data files, or by editing clearly described variables within the code files.

To make mod creation as easy as possible, mods can make use of as much of the base game – or any mod – as they chose, overriding parts as the creator sees fit. We also plan to support meta-mods, which could function independent of the base mod (e.g. a new GUI window), or act as options or small modifications to larger mods.

All images are "Works In Progress" and are not representative of the final product. All ship models, images, and in-game screenshots used in this news article are the property of Blind Mind Studios and the team members and contracted individuals who created them (listed on the About page); they may not be redistributed without permission. To seek permission, contact us; if you are a member of the press, please indicate as such!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:21 pm
by Firgof
We're tweaking the way atmospheres grab light from stars. Still WIP but thought I'd share.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:30 pm
by MikeDee
looks absolutely great, one of the best irrlicht projects I've ever seen ! :)

Some new screenshots

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:54 am
by Firgof
It's been a while since we updated around here. Here's what the game currently looks like: (click on images to head over to our gallery if you'd like a bigger view!)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:16 pm
by Abraxas)
I'm trying to make heads or tails of the screenshots. How about some screens with less flash showing how the game works?

And a question, will this game resemble a real-time 4x like space empires with real time, or a real time game like Sins of a Solar Empire with more strategy?


Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:06 am
by Jumach
devsh wrote:yeah the game would be perfect if the font was better.. all you need is more defined font with antialiasing

antialias will make the game 3 years younger
I couldn't agree more. A lot of the games I see on here use really simple fonts that just don't look good. has tons of really great looking fonts that I believe are free to use. Besides that this is a really fantastic looking game. It looks like it has tons of features. Great work!

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:55 pm
by arnir
wow! :shock:
lookin great

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:25 pm
by Firgof
I'm trying to make heads or tails of the screenshots. How about some screens with less flash showing how the game works?
I'll try and grab some for you today, but many of the panels are being changed to work/look better than their current developer art state. :)
And a question, will this game resemble a real-time 4x like space empires with real time, or a real time game like Sins of a Solar Empire with more strategy?
It's a 4X/RTS. We haven't made final decisions along the route of pacing and so forth and will likely be tweaking that all the way to release. But to answer as best I can: basically we're merging the two as best as we can. So if you can imagine SEIV being merged with SOSE, without removing anything, we're somewhere near there.
I couldn't agree more. A lot of the games I see on here use really simple fonts that just don't look good. has tons of really great looking fonts that I believe are free to use. Besides that this is a really fantastic looking game. It looks like it has tons of features. Great work!
I've looked at dafont quite a few times during the production of Star Ruler but I never found a font that was free for commercial use, looked good at a small size, and fit with the style of the game. Not to say that I've stopped looking. The biggest problem at the moment is that the game uses a graphic to display all the letters; it doesn't support TTF and etc. at this time; but we'll probably be changing that up before too long. Whether that's post or pre release I dunno.

On the matter of features, I should probably update the first post to reflect the current list of features.
EDIT: There we are, the first post now has the full feature list. :D
wow! lookin great
Thanks! :D

Woo! Preorders!

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 12:52 am
by Firgof
Star Ruler is now available for Pre-Order through GamersGate.

Whenever you pre-order the game, you should receive a serial key; if you include that serial when you apply to the beta we will prefer you when we draw from our next wave. However, due to the volume of testers applying, it's not a guarantee.

EDIT: Got a report from someone who purchased from GamersGate that said they did not receive a key. If you did not receive a key, e-mail GamersGate or me ( and we will get it worked out.