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Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:00 am
by CuteAlien
I played it last evening a little. But like others mentioned already - objectives are really missing. I found the keys in the end, but it took me way too long even with your hint about looking in the mountains and then I didn't know what to do with them afterwards.

I also I wanted to get a look from above in the first level so I slowly crawled up the big structure in the center - just to find out then that I couldn't get higher anymore from some point on because I started hanging at an invisible border. I don't think it's good level design to offer such an obvious structure and then make it impossible to do anything there.

I also agree with pera that that the ship is way too slow.

And last thing - I miss a shadow to get a feeling how high/fast I am with my ship.

So - very nice looks, but the gameplay didn't really work for me so far.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 2:51 pm
by tefnerk
We updated our demo menu today with a PDF. It's a little overview why the demo is missionless. You can read it here.

We can't do more with the demo because of the game concept. Read more here.

Maybe I misunderstood pera: I agree the big spaceship is slow in the trailer, but in the game its speed is good. (for us) A big robot ship that keeps its eye on every detail.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 10:43 pm
by CuteAlien
Maybe the speed is not computer independent? I have a rather slow computer (Athlon XP 2600+) and the speed of my ship was much (!!!) slower than in the trailer. If it would have had that speed it would have been far more playable.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 4:07 am
by fennec
E for jet? Left index finger is reserved for D, a vital movement control.

Jet should be Space Bar, like in most other games (jump).

I don't know how to play either. Whatever the intended gameplay, it has to be made clear. Something as simple as 1 line of text explaining what to do when the game starts.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:17 am
by Midnight
your opening sound effect on the website scared the gently caress out of me.

the screenshots fail to inspire me to even try the demo, wtf is there to do in this game? where is the story/info section to explain this on the site? the landscape makes me feel like I'm inside a computer not in space.. at all! computer/robotic/space != same thing.

Now understand who I am and what I'm saying... I play games like most people breath air, and irrlicht is basically the only thing in my life that matters to me. normally I say good job and move on from these types of projects.

I don't like it, I haven't played it but that's only because there is nothing that makes me want to. goodluck, hope this helps in some way.

OH right I almost forgot to mention the movies lag like hell too! ALSO wtf is the point of a demo if there is nothing to do?! no offense but I'm going to have to say you don't really know sh!t about what you are doing.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 8:12 am
by tefnerk

you didn't try. (please do Not try!) you don't like the shots, and sounds and site. you can't even read the texts on the site. You use a lots of "wtf".

This is simply not your game, so move on baby keep playing anything else! ;)

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:28 pm
by tefnerk
8) :lol: Here's The New Spacework Trailer: I think this is awesome!

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:42 pm
by greenya
Looks nice, but the sound sometimes too loud and too noisy imho.