Lighting gets off when cam rotates [GLSL]
Well, i know the What, but I still don't know the Why, so you're welcome to solve that one 

irrRenderer 1.0
Height2Normal v. 2.1 - convert height maps to normal maps
Step back! I have a void pointer, and I'm not afraid to use it!
Height2Normal v. 2.1 - convert height maps to normal maps
Step back! I have a void pointer, and I'm not afraid to use it!
Please, stop hacking my thread and start yours
You render normals to the g-buffer, read some paper(s) on deferred rendering.
For the time being, I've decided to use ARGB8 for normals, cos I can't seem to be able to solve this. I will return to this problem after release and try to fix it then(unless I can think of something in my dreams).

You render normals to the g-buffer, read some paper(s) on deferred rendering.
For the time being, I've decided to use ARGB8 for normals, cos I can't seem to be able to solve this. I will return to this problem after release and try to fix it then(unless I can think of something in my dreams).
irrRenderer 1.0
Height2Normal v. 2.1 - convert height maps to normal maps
Step back! I have a void pointer, and I'm not afraid to use it!
Height2Normal v. 2.1 - convert height maps to normal maps
Step back! I have a void pointer, and I'm not afraid to use it!