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Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:38 pm
by Tyn
I'm all for that idea. Shut it you blasted colonials ;)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:46 pm
by nutterx
dingo wrote:I've been flat out as as lizard drinking. Exams etc.

Now it is time for some serious coding :)

I noticed a third aussie, he was from Brisbane as well!

So where in this great brown land of ours are you?
not too far from you at all coast :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 11:28 pm
by dingo

I'll just assume that you'll be too busy this week with Schoolies :)

But I just say this much, I'm always up for helping with a project, especially if the other people on it are in the same timezone. So if you are ever starting something bigger than HL2, give me a yell and if I have the time I'll help out with, modelling, code, textures, plot whatever needs to be done

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 1:20 am
by nutterx
haha nah i wont be busy with schoolies , my schoolies week was 7 years ago :wink: only 25 but im still a grandpa to them :lol:

Sweet thanks for the offer, i do plan on starting a game project but alot of things to fix up in irrlicht first before i start planning out what i am going todo. The only thing i have planned out is it is going to be outdoors hence the GeoMipMap terrain stuff i am working on .....was actually thinking of doing something like the movie troy ...aah who knows, hopefully something original pops into my head at some stage :D

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:50 am
by dingo
Yeah I know the feeling, I'm 22, geez I'm old :)

Once upon a time I was trying to create a terrain LOD. I was attempting use nurbs generated from a heighmap. Unfortunately I never successfully got 4th Degree continuity at the seams between tiles of different LOD.

It looked ok until you looked closely at the seams.

I was using OpenGL's internal 2D NURBS curves operations to do it.

I just want one day to be able to buy a 3d card that has dedicated Voxel hardware - I think I'll be waiting a while :)

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:04 pm
by condrula
I vote nooooooooooo

Lets make it different

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:19 am
by niko
From tomorrow on, I decided that the official language of this forum will be german. All non german posts will be deleted immediately. All people who are not able to understand or write german are adviced to learn german, it is not a complicated language.

Ok, just kidding.
I think english is just ok, if you need another language in this forum, try one of the externals. There are already russian and german forums for example. Take a look at the link page.