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Re: Irrlicht and DX 11

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:54 am
by Granyte
I'm almost done porting the DX11 driver to 1.8 it took less then 4 hours of work

for now it's mostly working there is still the issue there was originaly with 2d drawing and i think i broke somethiing in the custom material renderer.
i'll look to upload it somewhere as soon as i have this fixed or at least working as well as it was in on the original dx11 driver

Re: Irrlicht and DX 11

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:32 am
by Granyte
The Custom material renderer is now fixed how ever there is a limitation because of the current 1.8 interphase: it would seem geometry shaders won't be able to work at thier full potential because they willl only be able to output standar vertex and no custom format unless there is a work around somewhere or the irrlicht interphase get updated to accomodate this i also think that this is the part of the interphase i screwed when i was getting it to the FVF

I updated the shader parameter interphase to better handle matrix array and to simply handle ints

2d is still broken like hell it's bad idea to use it if you are at any risk of getting epilepsy crysis

normal mapped material looks like it need a rework ill look to it

Skybox and skydome are broken i have no idea why skybox were broken in the original but skydrome was broken so ill have a look to it to

both of these are limited to visual studio 2010 as it's the compiler i use and until this driver is completed i won't add suport for others so if you are using an other compiler you will need to add create your own project file and add the files manualy (or correct those of the existing native irrlicht projects)

irrlicht 1.8 .patch file uploaded :
To use this you have to use the 1.8 trunk fromt the svn
then you need to download the dx SDK
apply the patch
run the sln nb11 (i could not patch all solutions)
correct the includes and lib folders in the project to those from your sdk instalation
compile the dx11 effect framework located at "Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Samples\C++\Effects11" and add it's include and lib folders in the irrlicht project

Irrlicht 1.8 DX11 rar archive
To us this you need to download the dx SDK
Uncompress the files
run the sln nb11 (i could not patch all solutions)
correct the includes and lib folders in the project to those from your sdk instalation
compile the dx11 effect framework located at "Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Samples\C++\Effects11" and correct the include and lib folders in the irrlicht project

Re: Irrlicht and DX 11

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:34 pm
by BingoPlayer
Thank you a lot ... :)

but still i have several questions ..

1 . What a problem :/... i was trying for over 4 hours to compile irrlicht source to dll... but still i have a problem with ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL because effects11 has ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL = 2 due to it is a static library. ... and dll has 0.
2 . I sometime get error message like : unserolved external symbols when i linked some libraries ...

i am not a fresh boy in programming ... also i am not an expert, but have some good skills with programming ...

BTW, thank you really for your help ... it helped me in all ways i was in conflict with ...

Re: Irrlicht and DX 11

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 3:42 pm
by zerochen

if you have unserolved externals then you forgot to link to a lib.
debug lvl means that you have to compile all libs (static or dll) with debug information. so you cant link a release lib with your debug settings.

regards zerochen

Re: Irrlicht and DX 11

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:44 pm
by Granyte
excact now that you posted this i can tell for sure that you compiled the effect framework 11 on debug

i passed through all these problem when i first compiled this

Re: Irrlicht and DX 11

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:07 am
by BingoPlayer
So i need to compile effects11 in debug mode ? Because irrlicht project is set to realease too... is there a difference ? between dll and lib if there is the same type of debugging ? :shock: :o :roll: :|

Re: Irrlicht and DX 11

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:00 am
by Granyte
no you need to compile both of these on release mode

Re: Irrlicht and DX 11

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:11 pm
by BingoPlayer
Yeah Yeah, of course. .. i get it ... but i want to debug irrlicht to the dll, and effects11 is set to lib ... so this cause the problem with iterator_debug_level ...

but i tried to debug effects to the dll and link it to the irrlicht ... everythink is ok, but 1 unresolved error ...
CD3D11CustomMaterialRenderer.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory@20

this function can be also found in the c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Include\d3dx11effect.h and source is defined in effect framework ...

I copied Effects11.dll to the Realase folder where irrlicht will compile ... but, still it is not possible to run because of this error ...

:oops: :oops:

Re: Irrlicht and DX 11

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:37 pm
by Granyte
you probably took the .lib fromt eh release folder when you tryed to link the debug version or something i tryed compiling to debut version when i started messing with the driver but i quickly turned to compiling in release mode with debug info because some parts of the dx10 sdk don't play well at all with debug mode

Re: Irrlicht and DX 11

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:02 am
by BingoPlayer
Ok i got it... i have the solution of this problem ... :) can you please upload me .dll and .lib library somewhere ? cause , i am not going to try it anyway ... :D