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Re: I love irrlicht, but I'm very stupid programming in it

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 5:38 pm
by CuteAlien
Shaders will allow you to be faster than working with the fixed function pipeline which Irrlicht uses by default. But it's more work (you can pretty much spend as much time as you want on shaders and still find things to improve). Or maybe you talked about Blender?

Sorry, I'm not sure I get what you are talking about how you created that one render. My brain's still on the flu ;-) You rendered each pixel on it's own and then stiched that render together from those? That would indeed be one way to get a perspective image from orthographic renders, though it would mean rendering the same image a million times just to get one shot?

Re: I love irrlicht, but I'm very stupid programming in it

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 6:17 pm
by Noiecity
This is exactly what I did, but it was to know what it would look like, out of mere curiosity, and with respect to the shaders, the irrlicht examples have good performance, but I saw other SIO2 examples where there was ray trace, since I was looking to see What the objects would look like if they had a realistic reflection, and in fact, it has excellent performance, in Unity or Godot that would run at 20 fps on this laptop, however I irrlicht ran it at 180 fps.

Now I was trying to use animated sprites with billboard, and it turned out, I was able to animate 60 sprites of a glowing sphere (60 pngs).

I did other tests, while Defold ran a scene at 400 fps, irrlicht ran at 1200 fps! 3 more times, working sprites of course.

I have been doing several tests, I made a robot and animated it, I tried high resolution textures and so on, personally, I liked how the irrlicht lighting works, it seems outdated but it has very good performance, and for baked textures it is great, although You can't light a room with dark textures, you can build light textures, and lower the ambient lighting of the object and give that realistic lighting effect.

When I finish my tests I wanted to export the projects to mediafire and show them on the forum, I will build simple scenes, not a complete game, I want to make an rts with the camera cameraSceneNode(something like warcraft3 reign of chaos) and another rts using only sprites in isometric view (like starcraft1), I also want to make a first and third person shooter, as I don't have much knowledge in irrlicht it will take me some time, but I'm sure I can achieve it, the only thing I don't know yet since I haven't researched, it's like saving a game inside a .data file for example, but I guess I'll learn that.

I attach some experimental shots, they are basic, I made the models and textures, and loaded them using irredit.


Re: I love irrlicht, but I'm very stupid programming in it

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 1:01 pm
by thenewkgb
I went through a dozen engines and wanted about a dozen fully-made fleshed-out games, and more to the point - I wanted them all finished today. In the end I had to read up about one language and one engine to really make something, otherwise I circled back to all the other languages and game engines I ditched because I couldn't make anything at all like I wanted. I still wanted the big games like I imagined in my mind - but never did get anywhere. Not in the last 6 years I tried.

One of my oh-nos for more recent times is trying to compile Half-Life or make Unreal99 maps/music/mods/models - but I wanted too much too soon without any of the work. When I catch myself saying, "Yeah! Sounds amazing!" but with no idea how the tools or programs work, I found out I must stick to C++ and (hopefully) Irrlicht to say, "I want a box to disappear when I walk up to it." That in itself is hard enough. That takes a few days to figure out. Not the Half-Life/X-Com clone I wanted in 0 seconds without that critical time spent learning it.

Also I did have to drop a few things. I haven't focused on artwork or songs, but it turned out C++ takes up all my time (between the day-to-day cafes and food shopping). Don't want too much too soon and get something simple working :) You don't necessarily have to make Pong or Space Invaders for your first demo, I think. I think also every attempt you make that fails is useful experience. Every sentence you read up about a certain technology here or there that might not be connected is useful.

Alas, I may be able to make a song or a texture for my demo, but only when it's strictly necessary with coding done, and that's way off from now.

Re: I love irrlicht, but I'm very stupid programming in it

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 11:32 am
by HarryPotter69
Your journey in game development has been challenging, trying out various engines and languages but struggling to create what you envisioned. Focusing on C++ and Irrlicht seems like a practical choice. It's okay to take your time and prioritize learning. Remember, every attempt teaches you something valuable. Keep it simple, and with persistence, you'll make progress.