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Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 2:27 am
by Midnight
I'm getting really confused... I was thinking there was another lib file or something... guess i was tired at the time.

this tutorial shows linking the lib file inorder to compile the engine itself... but isn't the lib file created when compiling irrlicht? how or WHY would you include a file thats created by the process you're trying to accomplish?

what is the .exp file and whats its use? do i need this file for anything?

also I'm compiling using the ms toolkit and directx still seems to be disabled and/or bugged is there a way around this?


I don't know how but I was able to recompile the engine WITHOUT the irrlicht.lib and get directx seemingly working properly.

still curious about the other questions though and I have no idea why directx didn't work for me the first time around.

my only guess would be the first time around I imported from msvc and the second time around I set it up manually but I don't know if that would make a difference. *shrug* :roll:

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:36 pm
by YukiKaze
OK, I found the tutorial to be very helpful!

Except for a few things.(yes, I'm a C++ newbie, yes, I understand that trying to take on something as complex as Irrlicht with my experience level is suicidal. I'm known for that kind of thing, actually.)

first, I followed the instructions(except for the parts where I stored stuff in different places, in which case, I substituted the appropriate file locations for the ones in the example... this may actually cause problems, I'll have to check later) exactly, and hit Build. 45 minutes, 50 errors, and 1400-some warnings later, I cancelled the build. I went back and looked at things and noticed that it was trying to link Irrlicht.dll. Isn't that the library I was trying to build? Finally, when I hit Build, it went through and tried to compile everything. Yes, that includes all the MSVC libraries and header files. This doesn't seem right.(most of the errors were in the VS header files, some were in the Irrlicht files, which I DIDN'T TOUCH, BY THE WAY! I at least know how new I am at this.)

Using the most recent(download, non-CVS) versions of Irrlicht and Code::Blocks. I'll try rearranging some of the file locations, since I recall that some programs don't like long pathnames or spaces in pathnames. Also just printed off the newest version of your PDF file. Help is much appreciated.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:01 am
by afecelis
which compiler are you using? Ideally, the tutorial works ok with MSVC toolkit 2003 as compiler and the MS platform SDK for the necesary windows headers and libraries. It's the first recommendation in the tutorial.
Try and check the settings in my project here:

it uses version 2005 of the platform sdk for win xp with sp2 so the path here is:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows XP SP2\
so check that also when setting the paths. Copy the Codeblocks project into Irrrlicht's "source" folder. Try to keep Irrlicht at C: :wink:


Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:30 am
by YukiKaze
One year later.

I eventually managed to get Irrlicht to compile and run, then I got daring and actually edited some of the source, so that it would shout silly things at you if you tried to run DX8 or 9, and would only load Burning's software engine, no matter which engine you tried to run. The results were an engine that was about 10% faster and 50% smaller than the default .DLL file.

Then I found out that Parallax mapping doesn't work right in OGL.

Back to the drawing board. Before I go in and reconnect the software engines, which will be the first step to trying to customize Irrlicht into something more fitting for my purposes, I want to make sure it's in a compilable state. Well, once again, CodeBlocks has decided to make my life difficult. The errors are... odd, to say the least.

I am using the MSVC++ 2003 Toolkit. I tried using GCC, but can't find an executable, and... yeah, that got ugly.

So right now, I'm getting a lot of complaints about source files in the Microsoft toolkits(which I'm quite frankly afraid to go anywhere near with my editors), and when that's not happening, "cl.exe" decides that I'm entering the command line parameter "/W" without any kind of arguments, no matter what I try to tell it. Nothing makes a difference.

I'm wondering if cleaning out my Codeblocks and Irrlicht directories and starting from scratch isn't a terrible idea.

I'm using Irrlicht version 1.2, currently, though at this point, there's probably no reason not to use version 1.3, since it should be a lot more stable.

Also, I think the "Irrlicht on Code::Blocks" tutorial really needs a full re-write, since almost all of the utility downloads are now dead links, and I'd be completely sunk if I hadn't stumbled upon where I originally downloaded them from.(I think Microsoft is denying the existance of anything Visual Studio before the .NET framework.)

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:50 am
by afecelis
Hi Yukikaze.

From reading your post I decided to update the tutorial but not as a pdf but as a video tutorial. I just finished it in 2 parts. I'm in the process of encoding them and I'lll post the news soon :wink:
