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Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 4:12 pm
by deps
23 years old.
Lives in TranĂ¥s, Sweden.
Interests: Programming, Simpsons and comics.
Drinks: beer
Eats: Cookies
Languages: C/C++, python, a little perl. Likes to try out all and everything.
Currently listening to: Machinae supremancy, when I'm not listen to

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 4:35 pm
by [dx/x]=HUNT3R
Allright, I'll do this too but I've got to be a little different :mrgreen:

Code: Select all

title Hunter Poitevint
.model huge
.stack 100h

Name        db "Hunter Poitevint", 0dh, 0ah, '$'
Age         db 1Ah
Languages   db "Assembly, C/C++, Scheme/LISP, Prolog, Perl, Java"
            db "JavaScript, HTML, Visual Basic, Pascal, Fortran", 0dh, 0ah, '$'
Location    db "New Orleans, Louisiana, USA", 0dh, 0ah, '$'
Other_Stuff db "I graduated from college last December with degrees"
            db "in Computer Science and Mathematics. I'm working as"
            db "a full-time VB programmer and I'm also a intern programmer"
            db "with Factory1 Games. I'm trying to get a full-time job"
            db "in gaming and I started programming in DOS Basic"
            db "when I was 12 years old.", 0dh, 0ah, '$'

main proc
     mov   ax, @data
     mov   ds, ax

     mov   ah, 9
     mov   dx, offset Name
     int   21h
     mov   dx, Age
     int   21h
     mov   dx, offset Languages
     int   21h
     mov   dx, offset Location
     int   21h
     mov   dx, offset Other_Stuff
     int   21h

     mov   ax, 4C00h
     int   21h
main endp
end main

top dinosaur

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 7:04 pm
by powerpop
name: michael powers

city: san francisco

age: oooh boy, i am the top dino (39)

fun: just spent two month in southeast africa, just before that spent eight months in south america wandering around (carnival!!!)

computer: c++, java, smalltalk, lisp, cobol, assembly (learned on a TRS-80 model I - eeek! - then an atari 400 - saving code on audio tape!!!)

(** hey, i have a fully loaded Amiga 2000 with picasso board, 300mb hard drive, full memory at 64mb i think - if anyone is interested **)

things i did: i used to work for Xerox PARC on mobile computing interfaces, then at Apple (when it was boring) on Multimedia languages, then a bunch of startups and video game companies - i started two companies myself - one is still going

goals now: i am making a massive multiplayer opensource game similar to mario 64 that is completely P2P

its great to read about everyones interests and where they are - irrlicht is growing to be a very fun community ... and after years in the business of programming i can safely say that that is what matters - always be inspired by what you or doing!

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 5:34 pm
by Unzzi
Name: Anssi
Age: 21
Location: Vila do Conde, Portugal

Started programming at age of 10 with Qbasic for fun with few friends. We made some simple games. After that there was some years when I didn't program anything. Got back to programming with pascal and a bit of C++ but I was very busy to do much. After that I learned some Delphi but came back to C++ and now learning more actively since I have alot of spare time in my hands.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 9:52 pm
by e1adar
Name: Mike
Age: 23
Languages: C/C++, Java, Perl, Python, QBASIC.
Location :Stockton, CA.

Started programing when I was 7. Basic was awesome at the time. Took a few C courses and now I'm a Solaris admin at a University

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 2:50 am
by Zigma

Age 42 :shock: Location Norway :D

Started late with Computers, in 90 - 92 I think.

Computers: C64, Sharp MZ 700 (rear), Amiga 500/1200, X86 1Mz 512K Ram MonoCrom (rear :lol: )

I use P3 650 @ 728, 348 Ram GeForce4 MX 420 (time to upgrade :oops: )

Internet: loged on firste time in -94, had to use a Dos terminal to connect to an UNIX maskin after fidleing with some unix command's I downloaded Netscape 1.0 :lol: and tcp/ip fore Win 3.11 :lol:

Programming: QBasic, Visual Basic and some C++ (learning)
Irrlight is a great way to learn C++ :D

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 3:47 am
by Robomaniac
Name : The Robomaniac (aka steye or Robo9981 in America's Army and Battlefield 1942)
Age : 14
Languages : Visual Basic, C, C++, a little of Java, JavaScript, HTML, and maybe learning some flash

Started programming in Visual Basic in 4th grade (1998), and wrote a few easy games (pictures fly across a screen, you click on them, they blow up, next level) and then moved onto C and learned it thouroghly. Started trying to write an OpenGL engine, found Irrlicht, wrote half a game in C, learned C++, rewriting it for the second time using OOP and C++

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 7:51 pm
by qwe
Zigma wrote:Computers: C64
I have one of those. Awesome machines 8)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 11:23 pm
by Phunk
NAME: Robin
LOCATION:Mijdrecht, the Netherlands

laguages: C++, HTML/javascript, SQL,(visual) basic, assembly(still learning), DIV gamestudio(damn that suckt, i'm ashamed :-P )

first touched a PC when I was 7, an old tullip 286. I started with (well, really starded with making .bat files) Qbasic at 11. An online tutorial learned me C++ when I was 14, and gradually expanded from there. Oh yeah, also did a little 3dstudio MAX some years ago


Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 3:43 pm
by buhatkj
name: Ted Koenig
languages: c++, java, PERL, shell, VB, basic, intel assembly, HTML, javascript, some PHP
bio: i first learned to program in high school, using my ti-85 calculator in TI-basic. my very first program was a game, a neat little star trek game that felt sort of like privateer, but with MUCH worse graphics obviously ;-) i have wanted to make games since then, but to pay the bills i went to college at both drexel university(3 years) and then bloomsburg university(3 more years) and eventually this past may of 2003 i finally graduated with my BS in CS. i am now the network administrator for a medium sized manufacturing company (y'know those little nameplates on the front of DELL computer cases?? we make those, among about a thousand other things)
my specialities are UNIX/LINUX, scripting and system administration, and networking and security.
my goal is to learn enough to one day start my own games company.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:12 pm
by keless
long live the TI programmers!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 11:05 pm
by dabeav
Name: "dabeav" "beavis" "beav" "Alan" "Hey you, yeah you, the aHole stealing my car"

Location: Upstate NY, AKA Frozen waist land

Age: Physical = 22, Mental = preinsemination, Spiritual = huh?

Computers: Went to Pennstate for a year, found out college wasnt going to teach me ANYTHING I wanted to know. Taught myself how to program C++ while I was there. Left college, starting writting game code. Currently working on a few games that I hope will make me independantly wealthy, but more so happy to be creating something cool. Was writting my own engine, found irrlicht, liking it better :D currently converting everthing over.

Likes: Jagermeister (drink of the gods), Kevin Smith, Stargate SG1 (ON TONIGHT), BTVS (Is no more, :cry: ), Angel (Kind of lackin this season), FireFly (CANCELLED, I HATE YOU FOX.... :evil: ), oh and those little minty things they leave on the pillow in the morning.

Dislikes: Working to make OTHER people rich, sandy toilet paper, any movie w/ J Lo in it, that hot chick at Wendys that would never look at me, till I got married, now she CONSTANTLY flirts, mmshsshmmsmmshshs.....

Favorite Quote: (From the movie Hackers) Spandex, its a privilage, NOT a right.

Hobbies: Coding obviously (only game code though, I realy suck at anything else, I am extreamly deficient at anything that cant be used to render something cool), martial arts (to lazy to run away, I would just rather hit ya and walk, lol), and Movies.......

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 1:54 am
by fretnoize
I'm Dave. I'm origianally from Boston, MA, but moved out to Cali this past May, and ended up in Los Angeles in September, and thats where I live now.

I'm 30, heh I thought I would be the oldest, guess not.

I've been in the video game industry for over 5 years now, and normally I work as a level designer. However, I'm currently unemployed so I'm just keeping myself busy and expanding my skill set while I look for work, while keeping in mind the small possibility of making a game.

My favorite games include Autoduel (maybe the old-timers here will know that one), Half-life, Fallout, any of Sid Meyer's 4X games (Alpha Centauri/Civ).

I like old school punk rock and girls.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 3:18 pm
by KholdFuzion
Name: Larry Ficken
Age: 19
Languages: C++, learning C#, HTML, a little JavaScript, VB6, VB .net, php, TI83+ BASIC, some TI83+ asm, some gba asm, i think i covered all.....
Location: St. Louis, MO USA
Website: (currently down due to server being upgraded...)

First started with html when i was 9-10, from there i learned a little javascript, then went on to php. Forgot when i learned c++, about 3-4 years ago, just started learning c# a couple days ago, started vb6 in 2000 or 2001, when came out :P

although i know several languages, i perfer to do 2d and 3d art in photoshop 7 and 3ds max 5

since we live close, saigumi, maybe ill meet you in person someday who knows
in person is always the best way to exchange ideas

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 12:59 pm
by Saalen
KholdFuzion wrote:Name: Larry Ficken
LOL, you know what your name means in German :oops:

I was born in 1980, living in good old Europe (Western Germany).
I started programming with Turbo Pascal very late in 1997, tried
Basic and a bad scripting language (RGH Profan) to make silly
windows games ;)
Now I am earning money with J2EE and I'm coding C++ and Python in linux projects.