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Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:01 am
by phrounz
Updated Ursus to version 1.2.0

Now all textures are power of two, and you can also unactivate mip map texture generation in options menu.

If it still doesn't work, please give me here the full console history (to do this, you must be in windowed mode, and select the console contents with right button).

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:13 am
by sudi
the console doesn't say anything exept that it loaded everything succesfull

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:13 am
by phrounz
:| Sorry but I'm not really sure to understand : do you want to say that the version 1.2.0 works ? Or maybe the console say that it loads successful, but the game crashes ? I'm not expert in English a your phrase seemed ambiguous for me...

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:36 pm
by sudi
sry i wasn't really specific in my last post....
it means that the console says that everuthing is loaded succesfull but the screen stays in the level in other words it doesn't do anything

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:23 am
by phrounz
Updated to version 1.3.0. It could have been a problem because I was using a IAnimatedSceneNode where I should use a ISceneNode, for collision detection.

If it still doesn't work, I abandon ... :(

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:54 am
by Spintz
Just downloaded, game locks up for me as well.

Console :

Code: Select all

Ursus engine build 8, made by phrounz
Irrlicht Engine version 0.12.0
Professional Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
Loaded texture: #DefaultFont
Getting settings from file config.xml
Irrlicht Engine version 0.12.0
Professional Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
Using renderer: OpenGL 1.5
GeForce 6800 GT/PCI/SSE2: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
Loaded texture: #DefaultFont
Lauching application 800x600 in windowed mode

Loading sounds ...
Loaded texture: fontcourier.bmp

Preloading menu ...
 Loading title texture ...
Loaded texture: title.bmp
 Loading textback textures ...
Loaded texture: textback.bmp
Loaded texture: textback2.bmp
Loaded texture: honeysmall.bmp
 Loading mouse texture ...
Loaded texture: mouse.bmp
Preloading finished.

Preloading world ...
Loaded texture: fonthaettenschweiler.bmp
Loaded texture: balloon.bmp
 Init animated water mesh...
 Loading textures...
Loaded texture: magickey_rendered.bmp
Loaded texture: honey_rendered.bmp
Loaded texture: light.bmp
Preloading done.

Loading main menu ...
 Loading main menu mesh mainmenu.3ds...
Loaded texture: grass.bmp
Loaded texture: bottom.bmp
Loaded texture: skin.bmp
Loaded texture: eye1.bmp
Loaded texture: eye2.bmp
Loaded texture: clothes1.bmp
Loaded mesh: mainmenu.3ds
Needed 9ms to create OctTree SceneNode.(108 nodes, 2300 polys)
 Loading skybox...
Loaded texture: skybox/day/sunny/back.jpg
Loaded texture: skybox/day/sunny/front.jpg
Loaded texture: skybox/day/sunny/right.jpg
Loaded texture: skybox/day/sunny/left.jpg
Loaded texture: skybox/day/sunny/bottom.jpg
Loaded texture: skybox/day/sunny/top.jpg
 Loading camera ...
 Loading saves ...
Loading finished.
Writing settings in file config.xml
Clearing main menu ...
End clearing main menu.
Ursus engine build 8, made by phrounz
Irrlicht Engine version 0.12.0
Professional Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
Loaded texture: #DefaultFont
Getting settings from file config.xml
Irrlicht Engine version 0.12.0
Professional Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
Using renderer: Direct3D 9.0
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Series GPU nv4_disp.dll
Loaded texture: #DefaultFont
Lauching application 1024x768 in windowed mode

Loading sounds ...
Loaded texture: fontcourier.bmp

Preloading menu ...
 Loading title texture ...
Loaded texture: title.bmp
 Loading textback textures ...
Loaded texture: textback.bmp
Loaded texture: textback2.bmp
Loaded texture: honeysmall.bmp
 Loading mouse texture ...
Loaded texture: mouse.bmp
Preloading finished.

Preloading world ...
Loaded texture: fonthaettenschweiler.bmp
Loaded texture: balloon.bmp
 Init animated water mesh...
 Loading textures...
Loaded texture: magickey_rendered.bmp
Loaded texture: honey_rendered.bmp
Loaded texture: light.bmp
Preloading done.

Loading main menu ...
 Loading main menu mesh mainmenu.3ds...
Loaded texture: grass.bmp
Loaded texture: bottom.bmp
Loaded texture: skin.bmp
Loaded texture: eye1.bmp
Loaded texture: eye2.bmp
Loaded texture: clothes1.bmp
Loaded mesh: mainmenu.3ds
Needed 8ms to create OctTree SceneNode.(106 nodes, 2300 polys)
 Loading skybox...
Loaded texture: skybox/day/sunny/back.jpg
Loaded texture: skybox/day/sunny/front.jpg
Loaded texture: skybox/day/sunny/right.jpg
Loaded texture: skybox/day/sunny/left.jpg
Loaded texture: skybox/day/sunny/bottom.jpg
Loaded texture: skybox/day/sunny/top.jpg
 Loading camera ...
 Loading saves ...
Loading finished.
Clearing main menu ...
End clearing main menu.

Loading level 1 with 3 lifes...
 Saving ...
 Loading data and artifacts from file data.xml ...
  Opening xml file...
  Found informations in data.xml :
Loaded texture: metal.bmp
Loaded mesh: book.3ds
Loaded texture: end.bmp
Loaded mesh: end.3ds
Loaded texture: gold.bmp
Loaded mesh: magickey.3ds
  Adding light 500.000000 at (300.000000,-50.000000,0.000000)...
  Adding light 1000.000000 at (0.000000,500.000000,0.000000)...
 3 artifact(s) found (1 magickeys).
 Loading world mesh level1.3ds...
Loaded mesh: level1.3ds
Needed 36ms to create OctTree SceneNode.(201 nodes, 4924 polys)
 Loading animated water ...
Loaded texture: water.bmp
 Loading skybox ...
 Creating selector ...
Needed 106ms to create OctTreeTriangleSelector.(121 nodes, 4924 polys)
 Loading player ...
Happened right after selecting level 1

Happens with DirectX or OpenGL as well.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:54 pm
by phrounz
I uploaded a debug version available here :

where I replaced player meshes by book mesh, in case it would be a problem in the meshes "playerX.3ds". Please say me what it does.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:04 pm
by genesisrage
the debug version finally worked on my system, however DriectX locked up the game when switching from OpenGL.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:52 pm
by phrounz
Since it seems to be a player mesh problem, I removed debug version, and updated Ursus to version 1.4.0 : ... ursus6.txt

You can now select in options between :
- player high quality mesh (previous mesh, do not work on some computers)
- player normal mesh (a new mesh, I hope it works)
- choose the book mesh as player mesh, like in the debug version (failsafe solution, a bit strange to play :lol: )

DirectX loading bug has also been removed, but there is no more text in balloons in DirectX mode, so OpenGL is more advised.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 12:12 pm
by sudi
Good Job man i like it!
But i have a question. how did do checking collision with bullets and than removing the bullet?
i'm working on that for my game right now and i cant get it to work.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 2:25 pm
by Guest
I'm not sure to understand you question, but in my game :

- The projectile is a particular type of "Artifact" class.
But, in your game, you can for example create a "Bullet" class which will contain the bullet mesh, the bullet node (with animators), the radius of the bullet, the bullet type if there are differents weapons, etc ... and then create an array of Bullets.

- I didn't managed the collision between projectiles and world mesh because of laziness (you could see in the game that projectiles cross walls). I suppose that if I wanted to do so , I would use "smgr->getSceneCollisionManager()->getCollisionPoint" function.

- The collision between projectiles and player is calculated using the 3d distance between them, like that :

Code: Select all

core::vector3df vect = posPlayer-posProjectile;
if (fabs(sqrt(vect.X*vect.X)+sqrt(vect.Y*vect.Y)+sqrt(vect.Z*vect.Z)) < radiusPlayer+radiusProjectile) { <collision detected> }
- To destroy the projectile node, I do {nodeProjectile->remove();nodeProjectile=NULL;}

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 2:36 pm
by sudi
Ha now i know which part i kinds forgot
thats probably the reason for my game to crash. thx
and the thing with the distance.....i'm using the bounding boxes of the engine to check for collision.
i will try your way, too.
thx for the tip.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 5:02 pm
by Cleves
Hey phrounz,

I've wanted to ask you how you change your device parameters without quiting to windows? I mean, like chaning resolution....


Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 10:08 am
by phrounz
Sorry for replying this late.

When you change device parameters, it should reload all the game (The parameters are saved in config.xml, and the execvp function is called). So you cannot really change parameters without rebooting game.


Another useful information : Irrsimple 2.1.0 is released. It is a part of the Ursus engine, which have been rewritten to be more object-oriented.

Available at :
or directly
(see at the bottom of the page)