Codeblocks 1.0 RC2 released!!

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Post by afecelis »

heheh, I'm glad. And I know what you mean; I had the same feeling sometimes, everything was running perfectly and I was always wondering: "man ! when will it break?" hehehehehe. It's the calm before the storm, lol :D

But honestly what always killed my gentoo was emerge-syncing and then updating world; and also etc-updating my system. After that my net connection was gone and then trying to get it back to work was a pain!!! It's better if you keep track of your installed packages and update them individually :wink: I guess that's the problem with bleeding-edge distros; you always want the latest and greatest!

finally: you could also emerge a package called "rpm2targz"; you might have dones so already. If so, you just open a shell in the folder where the codeblocks rpm package resides, type rpm2targz nameofthepackge.rpm and it will create a targz file in the same folder. You can then open and explore it, or uncompress it and see what files you might be missing.

cheers! :wink:
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