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Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 3:32 pm
by bitplane
@gfxstyler - ditch the GPL, and post hot mom pics please.

here's an old(ish) build of my game

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:36 pm
by Guest
GFXstyLER wrote:she got a new f*cking boyfriend i hate him. he is lazy and she does everything for him, i bet she even feeds him like a child. the bitch drinks alkohol all day, ive never seen her not drunk after 8pm for years. she also forgot that she has 3 kids, one 17 (me), one 14(my brother) and one 5(my sister).she spends nearly all the money for herself (hell the got to me a few days ago and said "look what a new nice dress i got, it was only 200€, and i asked for 8€ for school and she just said "no money" aaahrg damn her!!), she doesnt cook when this stupid moron is not there (he lives 350km away from us) , just stupid fastfood (at least i know how to cook :D thats a big advantage) . she always terrorized us and shouts and screams around, most of the time at my little sister. now this stupid bitch wants to move to that damned city where that guy lives, which would really suck because of my school. this is my last year, when i do not finish this class and move away my grades will get down, my report will get worse, i dont get an apprenticeship, i will get no work, i wont have money. my stupid brother takes drugs already, even if i told him that when i see him taking that poop i will kick his ass. life sucks. but i already thought of moving to my girlfriend. you see, enough reasons to kill that %&$§! :evil:

ps: why i call her a whore? well if you do not hear music at night you will think you are in redlight district. she could at least be quiet when she fucks that %&§! idiot. even when my friends are there.

I'm verry sory about that. Yes life suks. But you live in germany ... for people from my contry that's like paradise. ... it seems that's not true for you.

Money ... I'm in big poop .. so i can't help you ... and if my game wont sell .. then i will be in the biggest poop ...
Try to not let her scream at you little sister you have almost 18 years and if what you say is true this is your last year you depend on she ...
Don't get in stupid fight with her or her boyfriend. Defend your sister. Do not argue with your mom just say to let your sister alone and that she is acting irrationally and should calm down. If she will jump to fight you i hope you are more stronger than she is :)) kidding ... don't fight with her.
Your brother ... that's fuckt up ...
You tried like an nice guy what you are. Don't do that.
Kick his ass with no reason and tell him that was because you know he have take shits.
Kick his ass with no reason and tell him that was because you know he will take poop.
kick his ass with no reason :) and tell him that is to not forget what is happening if is not listening to you and will do something what you not agree.

There reasons to not kill any one:
-you don't have any right ..
-it is an very stupid think to do because that will destroy you life and is no worth it.
-any way it will be over ... is just a problem of time and patience ..

That was me

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:39 pm
by Pr3t3nd3r
and me i was :D

What i'm saying is shat you shold not act like a boy and you should start acting like a man.

Say what are you thinkink and make people respect that .... don't take all that bullshit ...

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:50 pm
by Soy1Bonus
I did a little game in IrrlichtNX which is not so different from original irrlicht. It is a FULL game. And is my first one. Here is the thread: ... php?t=8415

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:52 pm
by Guest
well if it would be english i think it would be great! with better graphics it would sure make a lot more fun :)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:06 pm
by pr3t3nd3r_guest
Soy1Bonus wrote:I did a little game in IrrlichtNX which is not so different from original irrlicht. It is a FULL game. And is my first one. Here is the thread: ... php?t=8415
That verry nice but:

What video cards are you all having??? I get 1 fps (fp2s) at every 2 seconds .... and of curse ... no dx posibility to enable :( ...
meybe they work like shet because is antialias is on ... (on my preistoric videocard what i buyed 'NEW' at the begining of this year (i belive they were made 3 years ago :roll: ) no advanced feature is avaible :wink: )

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:25 pm
by omaremad_
sorry to hear that gfx

Your siblings need you you can now act as a brother father and mother to ensure a good futre for them

dont be selfish they need you