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Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:56 pm
by The_Glitch
Yeah I'll have to add that later.

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:16 pm
by Vectrotek
Found a cool work around for Cube Mapped Reflection.
Will post it soon.
(got rid of some clutter screenshots)


Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:30 pm
by Vectrotek
Take this..

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:31 pm
by Vectrotek
Change it into this..

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:33 pm
by Vectrotek
Then render this..
(with normal mapping)

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:34 pm
by Vectrotek
Project coming soon.

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:31 pm
by The_Glitch
Looks good bud I have a function in my shader which take the normal and converts it to a float2 for reflection and my texture setup for the cubemaps is similar to yours so we may be doing the same thing.

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 4:57 pm
by Vectrotek

Hey! good show to those admin guys that nipped those bogus posts in the bud!
That was fast! :lol:

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:06 pm
by Vectrotek
This HLSL Shader has its lights fed from the Application straight
to the Fragment Shader unlike, previously to the Vertex Program.
I found that when feeding lights to the Vertex Program for Matrix
Calculations we need to pass the results on to the Fragment Shader
via the Semantically Named Hardware Channels.
This could become a problem considering that we have a limited
number of these channels. We need for these for other things.

I also brought most of the cool functions from the GLSL version over
like shader commands etc.
(Droplet shading not done yet but would be easy to implement)

A cool new thing is the cube map reflection that reflects the six planes
correctly from the normal mapped surface.
(there are slightly visible borders though which something I'm working on)
I suspect that the MAX 4 images shouldn't really influence the ability
to actually feed more than 4 images to a card that can handle it..
I'm just not sure how to ignore Irrlicht's material system and send
images straight to the shader. (this could possibly be a solution)

I tried a new method for lighting that simulates a "Line Light" which
would emulate something like a flourescent tube. It uses a formula
for getting the closest point on a finite line from a given point
which would be the fragment position in this case.
For some reason this doesn't work! I don't understand why, so if
anyone hacks it let me know.
(I left the "get closest point on line" function in the shader code for you)

I also discovered that most "*.dae" models from "" have
cool properly weighted skeletons. These are imported into blender
(any late version) beautifully. To get them to "*.X" I export the
scene to Blender 2.49 (legacy format). The Armature is also exported
to "*.bvh" which then replaces the armature or skeleton in Blender 2.49.
(legacy format retains the vertex weights which is cool).
The Armature animation (which you have to animate) does not survive the export,
hence the "*.bvh" export and re-import. (bone names and vertex group names remain matched)
Blender 2.49 has the only cool X exporter I know of..
Fragmotion can polish your X models and convert to B3D which is smaller and cleaner..

The surface texture images are also formatted like the ones used by the GLSL
shader with a few new concepts:

"DTCD_MAP.tga" Diffuse, Transparrent, Clipmap and Droplet..
The last three values are encoded into the Alpha Channel.
See the GLSL SHader for how this works as I don't use it
here yet.. (clipmapping still works for Alpha above approx 55%)
The GLSL Shader has a lot of info on this.

"NSG_MAP.tga" Normal, Specular and Gloss.. Because we can aquire the Z component
of a normal map via Pythagoras we have the BLUE and GREEN
channels free for Specular and Gloss. (specular is colourless which is correct)

"ERM_MAP.tga" Emission and Reflection Mask, where what is reflected, and what is
not, is determined in the Alpha Channel.

"CUBEMAP.tga" This interesting approach by "jimy-byerly" is a work around for the
fact that Irrlicht don't seem to support proper cube mapping yet.
Again I suspect that there should be a way to send more than 4 images
to the shader without having to recompile the engine code.
This seems to have something to do with the Irrlicht Materials System.
This recompilation causes problems under DX's HLSL for reasons
I don't understand. (DX API Version?) OpenGL is fine though.
This still doesn't give us space for SIX images (with the others) for all the Cube Planes.
During Ingame action the visible borders are not as noticeable.
Also having the "Cubemap Layout" image in all the object materials
seems like a bit of a waste?
I'd like to know ho to get an image to the shader without having to have it
come from an Irrlicht Material!

Ofcourse I might have missed something, but the Shader should be fun to play with!
The model was animated in Blender 2.75. (before BVH export)
I'm not much of a Character Animator. (the "live tangents" function still works fine)
The code might be a bit untidy but if you want a proper HLSL shader this should be useful.

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:06 pm
by Vectrotek

Code: Select all

 // Written by Jacques Pretorius 2015..
 // This is a fully functional D3D HLSL Shader that renders
 // "physically correct" anything you throw at it!
 // (yes, this time it works)
 //--------------------------------- --- -- -
 // The naming of these matrices are mainly the result of
 // having tried hundreds of different variations..
 // Feel free to "standardise" the code.. (if there is such a thing in GPU programming)..
 float4x4 M01World;           
 float4x4 M05WorldViewProjection;
 float4x4 M17WorldInverseTranspose;  
 // We want to do more in the Fragment Shader and less in the Vertex Program..
 sampler2D DTCDSample;   
 sampler2D NSGSample; 
 sampler2D ERMSample; 
 sampler2D CUBEMAPSample; 
 // sampler2D RESERVEDSample; 
 float3 L001Col; float3 L002Col; float3 L003Col;
 float3 L004Col;  // NEW LIGHT!
 float3 CameraPosFRAG;
 float3 L001PosFRAG; float3 L002PosFRAG; float3 L003PosFRAG;
 float3 L004PosFRAG;  // NEW LIGHT!
 float GlobalLightMultiplier;
 int ShaderCommand; // Not quite fed from the app yet..
 // Data from Irrlicht's vertex buffer..
 struct appdata 
  {float3 Position  : POSITION;   // O.K.
   float4 Normal    : NORMAL;
   float4 UVCoords  : TEXCOORD0;  // Can we have A second set of UV COORDS HERE?..
   float4 Tangent   : TEXCOORD1;  // As per Irrlicht HLSL..
   float4 UVCoordsSET_2  : TEXCOORD3;  // Can we have A second set of UV COORDS HERE?..
   float4 TangentSET_2   : TEXCOORD4;  // As per Irrlicht HLSL..
   // Plus THREE to spare!! (this is the main reason for doing more thing in the Fragment Shader..)
 // data passed from vertex shader to pixel shader..
 struct vertexOutput 
  {float4 HPosition             : POSITION;
   float2 UVCoords              : TEXCOORD0; // WE WANT UVCoordsTWO !!
   float3 PassedWORLDVertPos    : TEXCOORD1;   // LOOKING GOOD!!
   float3 WorldITNormal         : TEXCOORD2;
   float3 WorldITTangent        : TEXCOORD3;
   float3 WorldITBinormal       : TEXCOORD4;
   float3 WorldITNormalSECOND   : TEXCOORD5;  // Now very possible!!
   float3 WorldITTangentSECOND  : TEXCOORD6;
   float3 WorldITBinormalSECOND : TEXCOORD7;
 float3 GetClosestPointOnLine (float3 TestPoint , float3 LineStart, float3 LineEnd)
  {// float TheShortestDistance = 0.0f; // note (method for getting module of shortest CheckPoint..)
   float TheLineModule = 0.0f;
   float TheDotProduct = 0.0f;
   float3 VectorPrimary;
   float3 VectorSecondary;
   float3 VectorTertiary;
   float3 ClosestCheckPoint;
   float3 Deltas;
   Deltas.x = LineEnd.x - LineStart.x;
   Deltas.y = LineEnd.y - LineStart.y;
   Deltas.z = LineEnd.z - LineStart.z;
   TheLineModule = sqrt(( Deltas.x * Deltas.x) + ( Deltas.y * Deltas.y ) + ( Deltas.z * Deltas.z));
   // TestCheckPoint = CheckPoint.GetVector();
   VectorPrimary.x = TestPoint.x - LineStart.x; 
   VectorPrimary.y = TestPoint.y - LineStart.y;
   VectorPrimary.z = TestPoint.z - LineStart.z;
   VectorSecondary.x = Deltas.x / TheLineModule;
   VectorSecondary.y = Deltas.y / TheLineModule;
   VectorSecondary.z = Deltas.z / TheLineModule;
   TheDotProduct = ((VectorPrimary.x * VectorSecondary.x) + (VectorPrimary.y * VectorSecondary.y) + (VectorPrimary.z * VectorSecondary.z));
   if ( TheDotProduct <= 0)              return LineStart;  
   if ( TheDotProduct >= TheLineModule)  return LineEnd;
   VectorTertiary.x = VectorSecondary.x * TheDotProduct;
   VectorTertiary.y = VectorSecondary.y * TheDotProduct;
   VectorTertiary.z = VectorSecondary.z * TheDotProduct;
   ClosestCheckPoint.x = LineStart.x + VectorTertiary.x;
   ClosestCheckPoint.y = LineStart.y + VectorTertiary.y;
   ClosestCheckPoint.z = LineStart.z + VectorTertiary.z;
   return ClosestCheckPoint;
 // ===============  VERTEX PROGRAM  ================= 
 vertexOutput vertexMain(appdata IN)
  {vertexOutput OUT       = (vertexOutput)0;
   OUT.WorldITNormal      = mul(IN.Normal,   M17WorldInverseTranspose).xyz;  // SWOP for CG vs HLSL (now HLSL) ! (be very aware of this issue)..
   OUT.WorldITTangent     = mul(IN.Tangent,  M17WorldInverseTranspose).xyz;  // Happens to NOT be "World" as in so many examples!!.. 
   OUT.WorldITBinormal    = mul(IN.Binormal, M17WorldInverseTranspose).xyz;
   OUT.PassedWORLDVertPos = (mul(float4(,1),M01World).xyz);  // LOOKING GOOD!!!
   OUT.UVCoords           = IN.UVCoords.xy;
   OUT.HPosition          = mul(float4(,1),M05WorldViewProjection);   // NEEDED EVEN IF NOT VISIBLY ACCESSED..
   return OUT;
 //========================================================== === == =
 // ===============  FRAGMENT SHADING  ================= 
 void PHONGShading(vertexOutput IN,
                    float3 ColRGBL001,
                    float3 ColRGBL002,
                    float3 ColRGBL003,
                    float3 ColRGBL004,
                    float3 TheShadedNormal,
                    float3 NVectorL001,
                    float3 NVectorL002,
                    float3 NVectorL003,
                    float3 NVectorL004,
                    float3 NVectorCAMERA,  // NEW..
                    float3 VnormW,
                    float MappedGloss,  // For PLAECF to use..
                out float3 RawDiffL001,  // Start using arrays..
                out float3 RawDiffL002,
                out float3 RawDiffL003,
                out float3 RawDiffL004,
                out float3 RawSpecL001,
                out float3 RawSpecL002,
                out float3 RawSpecL003,
                out float3 RawSpecL004
   float3 NormPlusCameraPlusDirL001 = normalize(VnormW + NVectorL001 + NVectorCAMERA);
   float3 NormPlusCameraPlusDirL002 = normalize(VnormW + NVectorL002 + NVectorCAMERA);
   float3 NormPlusCameraPlusDirL003 = normalize(VnormW + NVectorL003 + NVectorCAMERA);
   float3 NormPlusCameraPlusDirL004 = normalize(VnormW + NVectorL004 + NVectorCAMERA);
   // Diffuse Straight from my GLSL Shader..
   RawDiffL001 = max(dot(TheShadedNormal, (NVectorL001)),0.0) * ColRGBL001;
   RawDiffL002 = max(dot(TheShadedNormal, (NVectorL002)),0.0) * ColRGBL002;
   RawDiffL003 = max(dot(TheShadedNormal, (NVectorL003)),0.0) * ColRGBL003;
   RawDiffL004 = max(dot(TheShadedNormal, (NVectorL004)),0.0) * ColRGBL004;
   // Specular Straight from my GLSL Shader..
   RawSpecL001 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((NVectorCAMERA + NVectorL001)),TheShadedNormal),0.0,1.0),  1.0 * 777.777 ), 0.0 , 1.0 ) * ColRGBL001; 
   RawSpecL002 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((NVectorCAMERA + NVectorL002)),TheShadedNormal),0.0,1.0),  1.0 * 777.777 ), 0.0 , 1.0 ) * ColRGBL002;
   RawSpecL003 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((NVectorCAMERA + NVectorL003)),TheShadedNormal),0.0,1.0),  1.0 * 777.777 ), 0.0 , 1.0 ) * ColRGBL003;
   RawSpecL004 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((NVectorCAMERA + NVectorL004)),TheShadedNormal),0.0,1.0),  1.0 * 777.777 ), 0.0 , 1.0 ) * ColRGBL004;
   // Please be aware of all the issues involved with the following procedure.. 
  //  if (GpuPLAECFActive == 1)
      RawSpecL001 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((NVectorCAMERA + NVectorL001)),TheShadedNormal),0.0,1.0),  pow(2, (MappedGloss * 10.0)) ), 0.0 , 1.0) * ColRGBL001;
      RawSpecL002 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((NVectorCAMERA + NVectorL002)),TheShadedNormal),0.0,1.0),  pow(2, (MappedGloss * 10.0)) ), 0.0 , 1.0) * ColRGBL002;
      RawSpecL003 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((NVectorCAMERA + NVectorL003)),TheShadedNormal),0.0,1.0),  pow(2, (MappedGloss * 10.0)) ), 0.0 , 1.0) * ColRGBL003;
      RawSpecL004 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((NVectorCAMERA + NVectorL004)),TheShadedNormal),0.0,1.0),  pow(2, (MappedGloss * 10.0)) ), 0.0 , 1.0) * ColRGBL004;
  //   }
 //========================================================== === == =
 float4 pixelMain(vertexOutput IN  ) : COLOR 
  {float3 LitRawDiffuseL001;
   float3 LitRawDiffuseL002;
   float3 LitRawDiffuseL003;
   float3 LitRawDiffuseL004;
   float3 RawSpecularL001;
   float3 RawSpecularL002;
   float3 RawSpecularL003;
   float3 RawSpecularL004;
   float4 CubemapReflection; 
   float3 VertexPositionWORLDFFF = IN.PassedWORLDVertPos;  // LOOKING GOOD!!!
   // Here we tried implementing a "Line Light" like a flourescent tube, but no go?
   // The "get closest point on given line from given point" function seems to work in 3D mockups..
   // float3 TestLineA;  TestLineA.x = -80000.0;  TestLineA.y = 30.0;  TestLineA.z = 40.0;  
   // float3 TestLineB;  TestLineB.x = 80000.0;  TestLineB.y = -30.0;  TestLineB.z = 40.0;  
   // float3 MomentaryPos ;  // THIS MAY YET WORK..
   // MomentaryPos = GetClosestPointOnLine (VertexPositionWORLDFFF , TestLineA, TestLineB);
   float3  DirectVecCameraFRAG = (CameraPosFRAG - VertexPositionWORLDFFF);
   float3  DirectVecL001FRAG = (L001PosFRAG - VertexPositionWORLDFFF);
   float3  DirectVecL002FRAG = (L002PosFRAG - VertexPositionWORLDFFF);
   float3  DirectVecL003FRAG = (L003PosFRAG - VertexPositionWORLDFFF);
   float3  DirectVecL004FRAG = (L004PosFRAG - VertexPositionWORLDFFF);
   // Optimize this so that these values are fed straight into the shader function..
   float3 NDirectionL001    = normalize(DirectVecL001FRAG);
   float3 NDirectionL002    = normalize(DirectVecL002FRAG);
   float3 NDirectionL003    = normalize(DirectVecL003FRAG);
   float3 NDirectionL004    = normalize(DirectVecL004FRAG); 
   float3 NDirectionCAMERA  = normalize(DirectVecCameraFRAG);
   float3 VertNormalWorld   = normalize(IN.WorldITNormal);
   float3 Tn = normalize(IN.WorldITTangent);
   float3 Bn = normalize(IN.WorldITBinormal);
   float3 NormalisedWorldITNormal = normalize(IN.WorldITNormal);
   float3 FinalNormal;
   float4 MappedDTCDrgba = tex2D(DTCDSample,IN.UVCoords);  // .rgba NOT needed..(unless RGB?)
   float4 MappedNSGrgba  = tex2D(NSGSample,IN.UVCoords).rgba; // Because we want to see the mapped normal under debug conditions..
   float3 UncompressedNormal;  // Like this because we want to see it in debug mode.. (optimize for final release..)
   UncompressedNormal =  2.0  * ( - float3(0.5,0.5,0.5)); // Old XYZ method..
   // Calculate Z on the fly by a Manipulated form of Pythagoras's Theorem.
   UncompressedNormal.z *=  0.000000001 ; // This sothat DX dont give Error messages in the console..
                                          // DX don't like input variables to be equated to anyhting else directly or indirectly..
   UncompressedNormal.z = sqrt(-(UncompressedNormal.x*UncompressedNormal.x) - (UncompressedNormal.y*UncompressedNormal.y) + 1.0);
   // UncompressedNormal.x = 0.000001;
   // UncompressedNormal.y = 0.000001;
   // UncompressedNormal.z = 1.0;
   float4 MappedERM = tex2D(ERMSample,IN.UVCoords); // Above "rgb" apparently needless? 
   // A straight subtraction here makes it possibile to have Negative Mapped Diffuse Colours which
   // is definitely not what we want here..
   MappedDTCDrgba.x *= 1.0 - MappedERM.w;  // IF Diffuse is multiplied by inverse of the REFLECTION MASK was not done during 
   MappedDTCDrgba.y *= 1.0 - MappedERM.w;  // surface texturing in the modelling phase..
   MappedDTCDrgba.z *= 1.0 - MappedERM.w;
   FinalNormal = NormalisedWorldITNormal + UncompressedNormal.x * Tn + UncompressedNormal.y * Bn;
   FinalNormal = normalize(FinalNormal); // Note that unlike GLSL we CANNOT just say "normalize(OurNormal)"!..
   float3 L001ColJJ = L001Col; float3 L002ColJJ = L002Col; float3 L003ColJJ = L003Col; float3 L004ColJJ = L004Col;
   // Again the system complains when you use EQUALS.. (so we do a work around) 
   L001ColJJ *= 0.000001;  L002ColJJ *= 0.000001;  L003ColJJ *= 0.000001;   L004ColJJ *= 0.000001;
   L001ColJJ += 1.0;
   L002ColJJ += 1.0;
   L003ColJJ += 1.0;
   L004ColJJ += 1.0;
   L001ColJJ.x *= 0.90001;   L001ColJJ.y *= 0.90001;   L001ColJJ.z *= 0.90001;
   L002ColJJ.x *= 0.90001;   L002ColJJ.y *= 0.50001;   L002ColJJ.z *= 0.40001;
   L003ColJJ.x *= 0.30001;   L003ColJJ.y *= 0.70001;   L003ColJJ.z *= 0.90001;
   L004ColJJ.x *= 1.00001;   L004ColJJ.y *= 0.20001;   L004ColJJ.z *= 0.20001;
   L001ColJJ *= GlobalLightMultiplier;
   L002ColJJ *= GlobalLightMultiplier;
   L003ColJJ *= GlobalLightMultiplier;
   L004ColJJ *= GlobalLightMultiplier;
   int ShaderComPass = ShaderCommand;
   float4 EarlyOutput;
   EarlyOutput = 1.0;
   if (ShaderComPass ==  1 ) // UV COORDS
    { *= 0.0000001; EarlyOutput.xy += IN.UVCoords.xy; EarlyOutput.z += 0.0;
     return EarlyOutput;
   if (ShaderComPass ==  2 ) // VERTEX NORMALS
    { *= 0.0000001; += ( VertNormalWorld / 2.0) + 0.5;
     return EarlyOutput;
   if (ShaderComPass ==  3 ) // FINAL NORMALS
    { *= 0.0000001; += ( / 2.0) + 0.5;
     return EarlyOutput;
   if (ShaderComPass ==  4 ) // MAPPED NORMALS
    { *= 0.0000001; +=;
     return EarlyOutput;
   if (ShaderComPass ==  5 ) // TANGENTS
    { *= 0.0000001; += ( / 2.0) + 0.5;
     return EarlyOutput;
   if (ShaderComPass ==  6 ) // BINORMALS
    {EarlyOutput.x *= 0.0000001; EarlyOutput.y *= 0.0000001; EarlyOutput.z *= 0.0000001; += ( / 2.0) + 0.5;
     return EarlyOutput;
   if (ShaderComPass ==  7 ) // MAPPED DIFFUSE
    {EarlyOutput.x *= 0.0000001; EarlyOutput.y *= 0.0000001; EarlyOutput.z *= 0.0000001; +=;
     return EarlyOutput;
     if (ShaderComPass ==  8 ) // RAW DIFFUSE & SPECULAR
    {MappedDTCDrgba.x *= 0.0000001; MappedDTCDrgba.y *= 0.0000001; MappedDTCDrgba.z *= 0.0000001;
     MappedDTCDrgba.x += 0.5; MappedDTCDrgba.y += 0.5; MappedDTCDrgba.z += 0.5;
     if (ShaderComPass ==  9 ) // GREY DIFFUSE (no colours)
    {MappedERM .x *= 0.0000001; MappedERM.y *= 0.0000001; MappedERM.z *= 0.0000001;
     MappedDTCDrgba.x *= 0.0000001; MappedDTCDrgba.y *= 0.0000001; MappedDTCDrgba.z *= 0.0000001;
     MappedDTCDrgba.x += 0.5; MappedDTCDrgba.y += 0.5; MappedDTCDrgba.z += 0.5;
     if (ShaderComPass ==  10 ) // RAW DIFFUSE & SPECULAR CAMERA LIGHT ONLY 
    {MappedDTCDrgba.x *= 0.0000001; MappedDTCDrgba.y *= 0.0000001; MappedDTCDrgba.z *= 0.0000001;
     MappedDTCDrgba.x += 0.5; MappedDTCDrgba.y += 0.5; MappedDTCDrgba.z += 0.5;
     L002ColJJ.x *= 0.00001;   L002ColJJ.y *= 0.00001;   L002ColJJ.z *= 0.00001;
     L003ColJJ.x *= 0.00001;   L003ColJJ.y *= 0.00001;   L003ColJJ.z *= 0.00001;
     L004ColJJ.x *= 0.00001;   L004ColJJ.y *= 0.00001;   L004ColJJ.z *= 0.00001;
     if (ShaderComPass ==  11 ) // RAW DIFFUSE CAMERA LIGHT ONLY (no specular)
    {MappedERM .x *= 0.0000001; MappedERM.y *= 0.0000001; MappedERM.z *= 0.0000001;
     MappedDTCDrgba.x *= 0.0000001; MappedDTCDrgba.y *= 0.0000001; MappedDTCDrgba.z *= 0.0000001;
     MappedDTCDrgba.x += 0.7; MappedDTCDrgba.y += 0.7; MappedDTCDrgba.z += 0.7;
     L002ColJJ.x *= 0.00001;   L002ColJJ.y *= 0.00001;   L002ColJJ.z *= 0.00001;
     L003ColJJ.x *= 0.00001;   L003ColJJ.y *= 0.00001;   L003ColJJ.z *= 0.00001;
     L004ColJJ.x *= 0.00001;   L004ColJJ.y *= 0.00001;   L004ColJJ.z *= 0.00001;
   // CALCULATE REFLECTION. (Combining into final render done elsewhere)..
   // Thanks to jimy-byerly..
   float3 ReflectVec = normalize(float3(reflect(NDirectionCAMERA, FinalNormal)));  // Reflection based on Normal Mapped Normals..
   // for irrlicht, set z coordinate to y coordinate (rotation of coordinates)..
   float TZ = ReflectVec.y;  float TY = ReflectVec.x;
   ReflectVec.x = ReflectVec.z;  ReflectVec.y = TY; ReflectVec.z = TZ;
   float3 AbsReflect = abs(ReflectVec);
   float2 sky_coord; // texture coordinates of the sky point viewed..
   // selection of the face to use (so texture sector)..
   if (ReflectVec.z >= AbsReflect.x && ReflectVec.z >= AbsReflect.y)
    {sky_coord = float2( ReflectVec.x / ReflectVec.z +  4 , ReflectVec.y / ReflectVec.z +  2 );}  // Top.. (6)   Y Negative ..
   else if (ReflectVec.y >=  AbsReflect.x && ReflectVec.y >= AbsReflect.z) 
    {sky_coord = float2( -ReflectVec.x / ReflectVec.y +  2 , ReflectVec.z / ReflectVec.y);}      // Front.. (2)  .. X_POSITIVE  
   else if (ReflectVec.x >=  AbsReflect.y && ReflectVec.x >=  AbsReflect.z)
    {sky_coord = float2(  ReflectVec.y / ReflectVec.x +  4 , (  ReflectVec.z / ReflectVec.x));}   // Left.. (3)   .. Z_NEGATIVE    MAIN..
   else if (ReflectVec.z <= -AbsReflect .x && ReflectVec.z <= -AbsReflect .y)
    {sky_coord = float2(-ReflectVec.x / ReflectVec.z ,    ReflectVec.y / ReflectVec.z +  2 );}    // Bottom (4)..   Y Positive ..O.K.
   else if (ReflectVec.y <= -AbsReflect .x && ReflectVec.y <= -AbsReflect .z)
    {sky_coord = float2(-ReflectVec.x / ReflectVec.y +  2 , -ReflectVec.z / ReflectVec.y +  2 );}   // Back (5)..  ..X NEGATIVE  
    {sky_coord = float2( ( ReflectVec.y / ReflectVec.x ) + ( 0.0 ), (   -ReflectVec.z / ReflectVec.x ) - ( 0.0 )   );}     // (1)Right    ..  Z_POSITIVE   
     CubemapReflection = tex2D(CUBEMAPSample, (sky_coord + 1.0) * (1.0 / 6.0) );
     CubemapReflection.x *=  MappedERM.w; // REFLECT ONLY WHAT WE WANT..
     CubemapReflection.y *=  MappedERM.w;
     CubemapReflection.z *=  MappedERM.w;
                NDirectionCAMERA,  // O.K.!! 
                // GlossMapped.x,
                RawSpecularL003 ,
   // == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == = == =
   float3 FinalRGBA;
   FinalRGBA  = ( * MappedNSGrgba.z) + ( *(;
   FinalRGBA += ( * MappedNSGrgba.z) + ( *(; 
   FinalRGBA += ( * MappedNSGrgba.z) + ( *(;     
   FinalRGBA += ( * MappedNSGrgba.z) + ( *(;     
   float4 OutputRGBA = float4 (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);; =;
   OutputRGBA.x +=  CubemapReflection.x; // Here as reflection dont undergo much processing..
   OutputRGBA.y +=  CubemapReflection.y;
   OutputRGBA.z +=  CubemapReflection.z;
   OutputRGBA. w = MappedDTCDrgba.w;  // Clipmapped by our special renaged domain..
   return OutputRGBA;
 // There is a lot to do but this basis solves the most important lighting problems..
 // Enjoy! and please comment..
 // Vectrotek..
The Shader Callback showing how matrices were prepared..

Code: Select all

 class OurShaderCallBackClass : public video::IShaderConstantSetCallBack
   virtual void OnSetConstants(video::IMaterialRendererServices* TheServices, s32 userData)
    {video::IVideoDriver* TheDriver = TheServices->getVideoDriver();
     M01World = TheDriver->getTransform(video::ETS_WORLD);
     M05WorldViewProjection =  TheDriver->getTransform(video::ETS_PROJECTION);
     M05WorldViewProjection *= TheDriver->getTransform(video::ETS_VIEW);
     M05WorldViewProjection *= TheDriver->getTransform(video::ETS_WORLD);
     M17WorldInverseTranspose  = M01World.getTransposed(); // For Irrlicht this replaces the commonly used "wrold matrix!"
     // You may have to use.. MyMatrix = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("my_matrix"); etc..
     TheServices->setVertexShaderConstant("M01World", M01World.pointer(), 16);
     TheServices->setVertexShaderConstant("M05WorldViewProjection", M05WorldViewProjection.pointer(), 16);
     TheServices->setVertexShaderConstant("M17WorldInverseTranspose",   M17WorldInverseTranspose.pointer(), 16);
     // Now we do less in the Vertex Program and more in the Fragment Shader..
     core::vector3df L001PosFRAG ( 0.0 ,  100.0 ,  0.0 );     // hooked to the camera....
     core::vector3df L002PosFRAG ( -100.0 ,  0.0 ,  0.0 );    // Far Away..
     core::vector3df L003PosFRAG ( 100.0 ,  0.0 ,  0.0 );    
     core::vector3df L004PosFRAG ( 0.0 ,  -100.0 ,  0.0 );     // NEW LIGHT!!
     core::vector3df CameraPositionFRAG = TheDevice->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera()->getAbsolutePosition();
     video::SColorf L001Col(  1.0f  ,  1.0f  ,  1.0f  ); // Lights all set to white as we controll them in the shader for now..
     video::SColorf L002Col(  1.0f  ,  1.0f  ,  1.0f  );
     video::SColorf L003Col(  1.0f  ,  1.0f  ,  1.0f  );
     video::SColorf L004Col(  1.0f  ,  1.0f  ,  1.0f  );     // NEW LIGHT!!
     int PixelShaderCommand; // Not used from here yet, and you can change commands in the shader..
     if (GeneralCounter > 500) {PixelShaderCommand = 1;} // Automatically change commands, but not used now..
     if (GeneralCounter < 500) {PixelShaderCommand = 0;}
     // TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("ShaderCommand", reinterpret_cast<int*>(&PixelShaderCommand), 1); // NOT YET..
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("L001Col", reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&L001Col), 3);
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("L002Col", reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&L002Col), 3);
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("L003Col", reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&L003Col), 3);
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("L004Col", reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&L004Col), 3);
     f32 TextureLayerID0 = 0;
     f32 TextureLayerID1 = 1;
     f32 TextureLayerID2 = 2;
     f32 TextureLayerID3 = 3;
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("DTCDSample",    &TextureLayerID0, 1); // Same as GLSL..
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("NSGSample",   &TextureLayerID1, 1); 
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("ERMSample", &TextureLayerID2, 1); 
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("CUBEMAPSample", &TextureLayerID3, 1); 
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("ShaderCommand", reinterpret_cast<int*>(&CurrentShaderIntValue), 1);
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("GlobalLightMultiplier", reinterpret_cast<float*>(&GlobalLightMultiplier), 1);
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("CameraPosFRAG", reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&CameraPositionFRAG), 3);
     // NEW! YEAH!! (better off feeding these to the Fragment Shader) (not constrained by semantically named hardware channels!)
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("L001PosFRAG",   reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&CameraPositionFRAG), 3); // Camera Light..
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("L002PosFRAG",   reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&L002PosFRAG), 3);
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("L003PosFRAG",   reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&L003PosFRAG), 3);
     TheServices->setPixelShaderConstant("L004PosFRAG",   reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&L004PosFRAG), 3);
   //  GlobalLightMultiplier
   //  CurrentShaderIntValue
     float AppShaderCommand = 0;

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:18 pm
by Vectrotek
Project and Executable..
Runs with Irrlicht DLL 1.8.2 and 1.8.3 and others possibly. (I didn't include the dll)

1 & 2 Switch HLSL Shader Render Modes.
E Cycle through Irrlicht Debug Render Modes.
3 & 4 Inc Dec Background Brightness when no skycube is rendered..
5 & 6 Inc and Dec Global Light Intensity..
7 & 8 Inc and Dec Animation Speed..
O & P Zoom In and Out..

Enjoy! ... 8602967589

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:32 pm
by Vectrotek
Posting these just for kicks.

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:36 pm
by Vectrotek

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:52 pm
by Vectrotek
Here is the animated "*.b3d" model of the above.. ... 6201241176
(sorry about the size, ask for a smaller one if you want)

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:56 pm
by Vectrotek
Here is the BLENDER file before the IK was baked.


Zip File: ... 7127873398