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Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:02 pm
by vermeer
Aefecellis, with x files and fvf data, you have export lightmaps and uv channels to many engines....

as x with lightmaps is exported from many high end pacakges....

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 2:14 am
by ZDimitor
Ooops! I fixed my ss...

Now I working on exporting lights from MAX, to use them with Irrlicht.
After that maybe i'll release it, if somebody interesting in it.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 3:05 am
by afecelis
@Vermeer: I know what you mean, but I've had some problems trying to bake my textures. And then there's the channel merging thing in Unwrap3d. Got to ltake some time to read on it to make it work! if Zdimitor can help it would be nice!
btw: Jedive launched (commercial) bsp factory which exports lightmaps compatible with many game engines. Lmts exporter included. Check it, I'm sure you'll find it interesting!!! ... php?t=3798

@Zdimitor: thnx for correcting the SS. They look impressive indeed. I would be very interested in your work if you can release it! I could write the tutorial you needed on Lmts files step by step since I got it to work (except for LordTranco's bug in version 1.1).



Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 5:20 am
by ZDimitor

(1 step) - developing you 3d format (i have one - MY3D);

(2 step) - writing you exporter for 3DSMAX5 (i have one - MAX2MY3DExp)


(3 step) - compiling it into MAX2MY3DExp.dle or use precompiled;

(4 step) - copy it in MAX/plugins directory;

(5 step) - creating scene with 3DSMAX5 (3d objects, lights, materials e.t.c);

(6 step) - render your scene to lightmap texture in 3DSMAX5 ('Rendering'->'Render To Texture' option) - your lightmaps would be in MAX/images directory called *LightingMap.tga after that;

(7 step) - correcting *LightingMap.tga to be able use them with Irrlicht
(i use for this IrfanView with options 'i_view32.exe *.TGA /convert=*.tga');

(8 step) - convert *LightingMap.tga into *LightingMap.jpg format (you can use IrfanView for that too);

(9 step) - export your scene from MAX with your exporter into *.my3d;

(10 step) - copy *LightingMap.jpg in 'Lightmaps' directory where your *.my3d file stored by exporter;

(11 step) - write Irrlicht Mesh Loader for your format (i have one


You need to modify it a bit, to use with your Irrlicht engine version, because of my seriously differ from original (if you have questions, i answered them with pleasure);

(12 step) - load your exported scene in Irrlicht. Thats all...

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 5:35 am
by ZDimitor
BTW: Can anyone tell me about TGA-images issue? As i can see this problem not solved in new Irrlicht 0.7 version.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 7:27 am
by vermeer
zdimitor, sure you know you can convert in batch mode in the graphicall ui. If you have th every latest irfan veersion, I doubt there's an operation of the usual that you can't do using the graphical file, batch convert/advanced options...

"@Vermeer: I know what you mean, but I've had some problems trying to bake my textures. And then there's the channel merging thing in Unwrap3d."

Is really easy :) Just you are in channel 1 , or 2. And you can copy UVs from one to th eother, or just go to the othe rchannel and generate new uv coords.

UU has 'composite' material to generate a file with lightmaps, after u did the second uv channel set of coords...

then export the x file, setting it in th edialog to export lightmaps and multiple uv very easy when you know it ;)

"Got to ltake some time to read on it to make it work! if Zdimitor can help it would be nice!
btw: Jedive launched (commercial) bsp factory which exports lightmaps compatible with many game engines. Lmts exporter included. Check it, I'm sure you'll find it interesting!!! ... php?t=3798 ""

I know, I know. Seems very good for irrlicht.
But I have (more expensive) now Gile[s], and XSI 4.0 Foundation, so I rarely will need more lightmapping power...if I were into an irrlicht project, maybe, as seems integration with then engine will be easier with BSP factory now, but I'm in a project with no irrlicht, just someone doing it all from scratch in c++.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 7:44 am
by ZDimitor
@vermeer: I use ver 3.92 of IrfanView and batch converting works fine from command line.

P.S.: Each highend package of 3D developement have own SDK (must have or its sucks), and you can use it as you wish (with Irrlicht or with other 3d engine)...

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 11:50 am
by afecelis
@Zdimitor: many thnx for the tut man! I'll try it this afternoon after work. Looks very interesting. Let me know if there's anything I cand do for you in return.

@Vermeer: quite a nice set of tools u got! Giles rocks. I'm also planning to buy it. Remember I told u I got FinalRender Stage1? I know I could be doing some nice GI and stuff with it (I've done some GI work, but to enhance realism in my architectural renderings), but it's funny how I'm always putting myself in the position of a low budget. In other words, I'm always thinking, how would I achieve this if I didn't have max or powerful tools (or max is becoming to big for me? lol! :wink: ) Anyway, trying to find a low cost solution to develop a game is an obsession to me. That's how I got involved with opensource. It's been very rewarding to see you may get stuff done for free or at a very low cost also in Windoze and not only in Linux.
Of course I know I'll have to dig into the deeper stuff Max has got. Perhaps I'm being a bit lazy on that aspect and I prefer to use something that has been tested.

thnx for everything!

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 3:27 pm
by vermeer
woah, final render and max...

ehy, I don't know what max ur talking about, but if it's Max5...well, I'd look no where else...I'd rather change my XSI + giles for the set you have right now... :)

Truely, I've seen incredible wonder, uber realistic lightmaps and scenery done with that..

I worked in a game company an dthose guys really knew what they were, some of the coders knew way much bout game level nitty gritty than we the gfx guys....

Max is plainly a wonder in game development. It's my dream to some day become really rich (as much as it being so small money for me to don't care..;) ) and buy it...

In th emeantime, I deal with all my cheap an dfree tools.Already, and since long ago, I could go on just with the free one, but I wanna keep a compromise between super quality and my pocket.... ;)

It's easy the path to make lightmaps using brazil or final render and's specially easy with that wonder, Max6...but I know, is not how easy is how intimidating can look from outside... ;)

In max6 I think is all using certain material setting and render to texture, in max6, while testing the trial for the panda export, saw that , an ddid a quick test, successfuly too. :)

Besides, the standard render of Max6, gets better and better, area lights help a lot there, skylights and some othe rtricks. But Final render is a wonder :)

Lord Trancos

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 4:07 pm
by Guest
Hi guys!

I'm sorry but I couldn't finish the new (and last) version of LMTools since i was too lazy on holidays, and when I came back to job i was sent to bussines trip.... so still didn't do so much. :oops:

I've just bugfixed the colored lightmaps issue.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 4:31 pm
by etcaptor
@ZDimitor, very interesting stuff, thanks.
But I have not 3dMax5, unfortunate. Can your issue works with gmax?
I'm sure that if afecelis got results with your plugin and meshloader will upload some exported meshes with this stuf.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 6:39 pm
by afecelis
@etcaptor: thnx for the vow of trust. If I get Zdimitor's stuff to work I'll upload some work with source!!!

@LordT: you got the new version? Can we download it? great news!!! I was about to drop u a line to see if you had been abducted or something, lol! :D

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 6:44 pm
by Acki

I tried your tutorial above, but your meshloader doesn't work for me !!! :cry:

(I'm using Irrlicht6 with DevCpp)

You're using #include "../inc/my_inc.h" and #include "../os/os.h" which I don't have on my system...
Also you're using local pathes for all includes...

I tried to correct your source, but that doesn't work... :cry:

Maybe someone can recode it system undependet !?!?!

Or is there another way to use the lightmaps createt with 3DSM, perhaps for 3DSM exported X-files ????

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:43 pm
by vermeer
yep, with panda exporter, if you use max6, and latest panda exporter, that is a way, but probably zdimitor can explain you the problem you are having with his max exporter.

in general, I prefer x support, as is an standard in all high end packages, vi aexisting plugins, but there's room for everything, and a direct export vias script, or better, c++ directly and the sdk, can at the end give much more export'd be a lot of work, and for every package but if the user knows how to code it, and have strong interest, then is better than x exports.

Besides, also the panda exporter has its tricks, and many ppl do not discover them...

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 12:17 am
by ZDimitor
@Acki: As I told, I seriously change Irrlicht to use in my project, so its normally that you can not simply compile my stuff (you have to modify it).

And what about exporter is it works?

P.S. If I have some time, I change the Mesh Loader to use with standard Irrlicht 0.6 (not 0.7) and upload small example ...