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Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:47 pm
by vermeer

seen your mesh, julius.

seems you did a good uv map start. Dont get messed with word "shaders".Is much of a maya, or cg terminology...

here you want actually materials and textures.

I havent yet plaied with luke's plugin, but usually bone and weights plugins in blender, need mainly materials, and mostly UV image maps applied...

I think you already have 4 materials... here, a trick :

first, select the object (get out of pose mode, get into "object" mode)

the heck. A video. is faster :D (is not done in an specific order, I just did with no preparation, and you have a powerful brain, sure you understand )

(note u can set use cursor as center of world rotation so blender becomes waaaay easier tohandle, just have a look)
(also, pay attention: RMB button is blue rings, and wehn u see red rings, is left button...tho I dunno if I have set it as usual blender is, as u can change it now in prefs, and I do often (I swap functionality))

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:15 pm
by vermeer
oops , the videos: ... 4df010bb92

remember , try not to use weight painting, but selecting vertices with selections tools, and go asigning weights via vertex groups menu in edit buttos (hitting tab to enter edit mode/vertices , as allways)

the prob I see in the irrlicht viewer from ur screenshot...looks weirder..soemthing related with elft handed systems, or bad skeleton...hmm...did u mirrored the bones? that is usually no good for 3d tools working fro game engine...a mirror is a negative scale or somethin...

the modifier not well aplied, not made "real"
avoid the "." and all punctuation in bones and material names, and whatever.messes exporters...

hmmm...your model is badly weighted.several vertices dont have full weight, or no weight at all...grab all bones in pose mode (a key) and grab it...drag around...u'll see how u leave stuff glued to world space points. .. unaffected verts.

carpal tunnel

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:19 pm
by juliusctw
hello friends

i have been diagnozed with carpal tunnel syndrom, i think working on the computer 14 hours a day did the job, i guess this means i should shift my work to reading and learning for a while, and less typing :?

oh maybe i should actually go outside and see the sun

i'm gonna spent more time, learning the theories on art, maybe a book on animation, i need to stay away from the computer so reading abook would be a good thing.

i'm looking forward to your videos :D

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:33 pm
by vermeer
" oh maybe i should actually go outside and see the sun "

Do so. You wont get wrong :)

if with a loving woman, better ;) (if u like women)

btw, that model woul dneed yet :

-constraints .You would want to move whole body for jumps, and any walk has movement of body trunk, ups and downs, hips torsion,etc.
So u need constraints to leave feet on ground as u do this.

Ludwig rig is a good example.
elephant dream's macandy, too.

constraints I personally use...Just ik solver for the foot bone, with an Empty loacated in floor as target, just where foot is based... and...a "track to" constraint to upper or lower leg bone, that points to another empty (caring renaming empties, not using stuff like Empty.001, for export probs) which is positioned in the knee front, quite in advance for possible jumps forward. This will keep leg in same plane unless u move empty side to side , for lateral rotations (like soccer players when warming up lateral muscles of leg, b4 getting out to play... )

Of course, some angle limitation, so the leg never do weird rotations.

And that'd be it, basicly. XSI is better prepared for this, but heh, is way powerful for free...

carpal thunel ?

in what does this consist?
is a hard pain in the wrist, or just some hardening under the skin ? (the secon one I have in the hand palm bone, for too much mouse ;) )

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:47 pm
by vermeer

well, angle limits for bones in blender have reaaally improved since last time I checked...Just is important how u did set the bone rotations, the axes, in your pose ode, as this is key here. Better good orientations....


I wouldnt need more than what mentioned to do cool anims in blender ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:23 pm
by vermeer

Dont worry about the box. (surely is weird geometry.If worm goes ok, it's ok)

I only did fast a box for floor reference, not actual export.As a helper for anim. I usually just deleted the box. This worm was made with basic features, to test md5/x plugins only.

BTW, the deformation thingie...could be for the amrature modifier, tho shouldnt give surely mostly any of the other thingies I already mentioned.

but just in case, the last video I made...uses the apply deformation script as a solution : ... 8a550c00aa

Luke, I'd love to have that blender plugin and irrlicht loader when you see th emoment to release or before :)

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:21 am
by juliusctw
hello vermeer

Thanks for the video, i followed your video and got the UVmap in there, but it just doesn't look right. I did the original uV map in maya, and it looks very different from blender
inside maya , it looks like this ... 6201337874

but inside blender it looks like this ... 9429313554

can you please tell me what i have done wrong??? Or how i can make blender look just like how it looks in Maya

I have sent in Gmail account the girls as well as the UV map, any help would be appreciated,

thank you

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:14 am
by vermeer
One thing....Arent having those carpal tunnel pains? Man, leave the mouse now, and do as u said you would, go for a walk with the girlfriend! NOW.

Nothing is more important than health.(well, maybe a pair of things, but not an uvmap...)

BTW, Now I understand you. Dont worry. Texturing mode in blender does not do opengl standard shading. Create a camera and make it point to the model, so that it picks the girl...then go to render buttons and render.You'll see it ok then ;)

I mean, internal data is ok, just the viewport texture viewer in Blender has that problem,as far as I know...

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:19 am
by vermeer irrlicht can happen a similar effect -and make u confused thinkin is the same prob when it isnt- if ambient material setting is to high, or maybe lights are disabled or something. I dont know well as I dont handle irrlicht, but I know you must take care of it in code too.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:40 pm
by JPulham
OK. I joined this topic late so tell me If I'm going over old ground.

Can we use you loader to access the bone information for Ragdolls ect?
I had a look a the source in 1.1 and it says AddMatrixToJoint() doesn't work.

From a quick browse throught this topic I can see theres some debate about that functions existance. (i think :roll: )

so whats happening? what kinda access do we get to bone info?

or has this been said a million times and your all gunna flame me in to the corner crying? :oops:


Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:09 pm
by juliusctw
Yep, its in the SVN for the next release that you will be able to access bone. The latest thing we are talking about is adding pointers to access animation of other mesh.
THis means that you can just use download 1 standard mesh with all the animation.
Then you can make separate mesh, as long as the bones are name the same way, you can use the pointer to animate your mesh, that follows the first mesh.

this is only currently being talked about might not make into the next version.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:44 am
by Luke
Can we use you loader to access the bone information for Ragdolls ect?
I had a look a the source in 1.1 and it says AddMatrixToJoint() doesn't work.

You can access the bone information of b3ds in the SVN, but you cannot control them, the joint control thing I made ( ... gives you full control of bones (but it probably needs to be optimized a bit).

With the joint control thing, getB3DJointNode returns a scene node that when moved moves bone linked to it, it works like the old method except its two way.

You can find out move about it reading from page 6.

You see the example (in that link) controls the bones of the mesh to move the hand around

I decided not to use AddMatrixToJoint() as you would have much less control over the bones and all nodes using that mesh would be doing that same thing.

Yes, ragdolls are possible with the joint control thing, I’d like too make up that example of it later when I have some free time.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:22 pm
by jacky
great work!
i hope something like this will soon get added to irrlicht!

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:33 am
by juliusctw
hey luke

how do you apply UV map to your b3d object? I thought it would load automatically, i have 3 separate

right now its still just white ... 7723829266

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:56 am
by Luke
It should load automatically, all the other meshes I’ve exported were fine.

There is a bug in the exporter with the materials but it still should work.

Are you getting any cannot find textures in your program log?

It could be something to do with how the textures are linked into the blender file, or how they are used.

Sorry, but I cannot really look into it until the weekend.