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Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:46 am
by JP
Very nice redesign for the website! It's more Egyptiany now which is good and it's got a very nice style to it. The new banner in your signature is also pretty cool, though it seems a bit too... sci-fi in a way, i think the hieroglyphs look more like chipboards and i think the colours seem a bit too bright for an Egyptian theme.

I noticed some errors on the website. Developer is spelt with one p, not 2 and you've got my old website address for irrAI (new one:

Other than that, good job!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:45 pm
by christianclavet
Thanks JP. I've updated your info for your site and corrected the typos (I think the word in french use 2 p's. I didnt saw it)

It's good that you had a "sci-fi" feeling when you saw the banner. I distorded the text like in a star wars credits (or superman movie). There's a good reason for it.

I will try to see for the hieroglyph and colors if something can be done to make it better.

I should polish the design documentation in a few days. There will be much more details about the story and elements of the game in there and also some optional enhancements to the game (if the team is big enough to implement them).

I'm still wondering if I should make a private developpement forum or keep it public. If it's public, I should warn that thoses will be reading the document will know everything that will happen had they will not have any "new" thing so put a spoiler warning.

How do you guys think about this? Private (so the details are kept secrets) or public (and everything is divulged, and will have to put a spoiler warning)

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:54 am
by JP
I'd say public with a spoiler warning if you want to keep it as 'open source' and informative as possible, but you don't have to divulge every little detail of the game development really i wouldn't think.

I kinda forgot that this game is actually a sci-fi game like stargate :lol: so the sci-fi feel is fine!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:02 pm
by Halifax
JP wrote:I'd say public with a spoiler warning if you want to keep it as 'open source' and informative as possible, but you don't have to divulge every little detail of the game development really i wouldn't think.
Yeah I agree with that.

And I don't want to start anything with this, but I would just like to say that I liked the banner (in your signature) that was there before, then the one that is there now.

The other banner looked so much more "clean", and easy on the eyes to me, and professional.

I just wanted to let you know my opinion, and that is all it is, an opinion.

Project documentation updated

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:40 am
by christianclavet
Hi, I've updated the documentation on my sourceforge site for this project.

Overall there is much details on everything.
Here the link:

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:02 pm
by dejai
Nice, site. I agree with the above keep it open, "Fans" don't read the development documentation :D Its sort of ironic they call them fans, all they do is make developers hot and frustrated. Jj

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:56 am
by almondega
is the event manager working with another events managers?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:11 am
by JP
Blabbages.. er... Micklebraufen...?

Or in other words what on earth do you mean? :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:50 pm
by full.metal.coder
Above all I second JP statement :wink:

Now let's introduce myself

<insert boring paragrah about my life here>

So now I'm working on The First King. I've started rewriting the engine from scratch (or rather writing an engin at all... those who had a look at the code will probably agree).

I came to something quite satisfying using Irrlicht, Bullet, OpenAL and Lua. The only problem is that it requires some patches to be applied to Irrlicht and Bullet (one for each has been accepted already but there are still two left for Irrlicht and one for Bullet).

Basically I got all pieces to fall together. Level loading, collision detection for both camera and characters, character controller, sound, scripting and a tiny bit of GUI. What's left now is 1) game logic 2) bindings (lua scripts can do much atm) 3) polishing

I should be able to post screens/videos soon, and maybe even a windows build if I happen to reboot under Vista in the coming days.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:23 pm
by christianclavet
Cool! I could help you build the window version, If I could have access to all the patchs and library that you used. (had most of them in the last release, but don't have the patch and where/how to apply them). From the source, you seem to use paths inside the compiler to find the source files (I didnt see any paths in your includes files).

For the engine you're right. It was not an engine before but a camera rig demo to demonstrate that my gameplay idea was working. My code was really not clean enough. :oops:

I can't wait to be able to test your new prototype! :D

Will be the physic working inside the game? Would we be able to define a collision proxy for an object and put that object dynamic (as physic enabled). (Hope I got the correct term so you understand what I mean. :? )

JP if you have some time (not now as you're really busy on your own game project) could check the source when the game logic is implemented, and give us hints on implementation of IRRai. You could check that with fullmetalcoder. We'll also need to refer to your portal source as an example (Curse of the Pharaoh). Do you still have your source available? We'll need that to create Kensu (I'm still figuring out the concept sketch on how it will look like).

It would be great if someone could compile it on the Mac also! 8)

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 3:10 am
by Repgahroll
Hey man! I could help!

I really don't know about programming, but i'm an experienced 3D modeller, so i could help modelling! :D

I don't speak english very much, but i think it isnt a big problem.

I worked profissionally on Maya, but now i'm poor so i'm using blender :D hehehe

I don't have good textures at all, and i dunno how to animate in Blender, but i could make the furniture!

Just ask me what you want and ill do my best to make it!

Contact me if interested(PM) and ill send you some samples of low-poly models!


Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:24 pm
by full.metal.coder
You're welcome. Better discuss this with Christian because I'm only a programmer and far from being an artist :wink:

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 5:15 pm
by christianclavet
Hi, Repgahroll.

On the art side, we're not there yet. The modeling need are more needed for character modeling, rigging and animation as they will require the most work.

I'm still waiting for other concept sketches from Charlie to give to David for other characters. And currently David, is working on the animation of one of the main ennemy character.

You could contact David, if you could be of assistance (PM lostanimator, and check this thread: ... hp?t=26186

For the level modeling and details, we're still in concept. We're using my demo level for now. For the game levels, I have a rough scketch(on paper) of the levels now, but need much more references about Sumerian architecture (In case somebody have a site were I could find info about this).

The things that are the most important for the project right now, is to have a working prototype of the engine, and a working level editor.
Luc (fullmetalcoder) is going very well on the engine, and I'm late on my progress with the editor :oops: Writing this cleanly is harder than I tought. (Using my previous editor ideas but rewriting it properly so it's expandable by me and others)

Once the working prototype will be working, if the editor is working correctly, I'll start modeling some assets (just for "blocking" the level, by this I mean creating rough shape like "blocks" to define the basic shape of the level.).

Once we're sure about the gameplay is working, we'll details the assets, and add some props for details (Doing a correct low poly version, creating a high poly version and produce the baked maps for them to apply on the low poly version)

In the blocking period, if we could have a working character for each group for testing it will be great (depend on David progress). If their not ready we'll take some models from the internet to use for the test.