New Animation System for Irrlicht

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Post by hybrid »

You won't have the new features from SVN in this binary. You can just test mesh loading. All GUI features etc. should be ignored as they are not changed by the animation system. So just remember: This is *NOT* the merged version! Just check if it loads your meshes.
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Post by Luke »

- Program crashes (without any new console line/output) if I try to load a simple b3d file containing only a simple quad - no animation (works perfect in my svn build - custom program and meshviewer example).
That's pretty bad, it's from the code:

Code: Select all

// Apply Material/Colour/etc...
irr::video::S3DVertex *Vertex=MeshBuffer->getVertex(MeshBuffer->getVertexCount()-1);

if (Vertex->Color.getAlpha() == 255) //Note: Irrlicht docs state that 0 is opaque, are they wrong?
	Vertex->Color.setAlpha( (s32)(B3dMaterial->alpha * 255.0f) );

if (B3dMaterial)
	// Use texture's scale
I'm not checking if the B3dMaterial exists before the B3dMaterial->alpha call

exporters writing meshes without a material is pretty rare, it wasn't tested with the skinnedMesh.

Thanks, the fix has been committed.
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Post by hybrid »

Ok, since there was only one bug report so far we have merged the branch back into trunk. You can now test the new animation system with the usual SVN code and all latest features.
I'll compile the meshviewer once more with the new code and update the files tomorrow. We'll work on fixing bugs which might occur, but everyone should send in feedback such that we know what seems to work and what not.
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Re: SkinnedMesh betatest phase 1

Post by hybrid »

Now that we have merged the branch I have prepared some nwe zipfile with the MeshViewer binary. Note that I did not bother with directories this time, so be careful when unzipping.
You can get the files here:
http://parsys.informatik.uni-oldenburg. ...
http://parsys.informatik.uni-oldenburg. ...

The rest keeps the same:
hybrid wrote: To be used with animated meshes everyone has lying around. Please test as many meshes as possible. Report any problems back here, but also positive feedback is important.
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Post by elvman »

Ok, you have merged the new animation system into the Irrlicht. Can you now start working on VBO's or Cubemaps?
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Post by hybrid »

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Post by buhatkj »

hybrid wrote:No.
awww....pwetty pwease???

lol ok seriously, nicely done guys, the new anim system is a great addition for 1.4 or 1.3.2 or whatever it turns out to be :-)
My irrlicht-based projects have gone underground for now, but if you want, check out my webcomic instead!
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Post by hybrid »

It's already tagged as 1.4alpha, so it will become 1.4 sooner or later. We'll have to fix the mesh loaders and some other stuff recently added (e.g. user clip planes) and Niko's adding some more stuff this week. Then a longer beta phase and tadaa, the release :D
BTW: The 'No' was just that harsh because I'm really annoyed by these repeated begging in every situation. Most people should know that we are constantly working on lots of features. So at least right now, in the final phase of the next release, it's the community's task to give feedback. The sooner the release is done the sooner we can go for the next features :idea:
Last edited by hybrid on Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MasterGod »

What's the ETA for v1.4?
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Post by hybrid »

It's right after the beta phase, just before the actual release, isn't it?
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Post by MasterGod »

How much days from now you think?
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Post by xray »


I tested the latest svn skinnedMesh. I downloaded and compiled it from .../branches/SkinnedMesh svn server, I also tested the .../trunk folder but I still have some problems with modifying bone rotations of an .X model. I created a player model in blender and exported it to directX format. With ackis IrrExtension and its custom bones I dont have any problems modifying the bones like you can see here in my skeletal human animation: ... hp?t=23344

But now I want to rewrite the class to get it working with the new animation system. So you can get the player model from here, to test it out:

for changing the bone rotation Im using the following code:

Code: Select all

// loading model
IAnimatedMesh *mesh = (IAnimatedMesh*) smgr->getMesh("media/player.x");
skeleton = (IAnimatedMeshSceneNode*) smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(mesh);

if (skeleton) {

	IBoneSceneNode *knochen = skeleton->getJointNode((irr::c8*) "legL");

	if (knochen) {

		cout << "knochen" << endl;

...the console give me a "knochen", thats just to check if the getJointNode method gave me a valid pointer.

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Post by vermeer »

Most people should know that we are constantly working on lots of features.

Actually am hearing a whip noise with all those questions, lol. "As is" is what must be expected as much, like when you are given a present...You never say "what an ugly pair of trousers" to your grand mother... ;) (and in this case is so much better present, so...)

While I am not a programmer, I like seing irrlicht really nice that is getting there with the animation system...
Finally making games again!
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Post by elvman »

Ok, I am really sorry for my annoying begging!
And I am really glad too to see that irrlicht evolves faster than ever.
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Post by MasterGod »

sudhir123 wrote:I m new to game development and i am using irrlicht for my hobby FPS game project .

my problem is whenever i load an animated model in .md3 format , irrlicht losses all the control over it.

in short:
1. i m not able to position it.
2. i m not able to rotate it.
3. i m not able to scale it.
4 and i cannot control the just keep on playing the full animation again and again..

I m using hello world example as the base code.
Will this be fixed in the new animation system?
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