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Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:15 pm
by Halan
i said this because the documentation is only holding some functions but keep on going ;)

edit: any idea how i can use hitboxes (just a simple collision detection)? or is there maybe a simple physics engine that is more suitable for network updates etc (maybe without ragdoll etc)


Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:36 pm
by RapchikProgrammer
Ya, i didnt update the documentation! Neways and collision detection with iphysics is very easy if that is what you are asking for? Just download the latest version and look at the examples file!

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:37 pm
by sio2
RapchikProgrammer wrote:Ya, i didnt update the documentation! Neways and collision detection with iphysics is very easy if that is what you are asking for? Just download the latest version and look at the examples file!
How do I get the latest version of IPhysics?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 5:37 am
by RapchikProgrammer

Even though this is an ancient version, i dug up from a previous post,but i hav run into some very strange probs with iphysics currently so i wud like to completely debug it and set up the documentation and better examples and then release it! For now this is the latest release!

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:33 am
by sio2
RapchikProgrammer wrote:

Even though this is an ancient version, i dug up from a previous post,but i hav run into some very strange probs with iphysics currently so i wud like to completely debug it and set up the documentation and better examples and then release it! For now this is the latest release!
Ah, right. Thanks for the info. I got that yesterday (after digging back a few pages) and saw it was three weeks old. Assumed there'd be a newer version. :wink:

BTW That download says it will expire on 8th Feb?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:11 pm
by RapchikProgrammer
Ya, i have set up a permanent home for iphysics,! I will upload the website and the newer version there!

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:22 pm
by Baiame
When I tried to compile a project with the IPhysics example files, the linker complained about not being able to find 'libcd.lib'. I excluded it, tried again, this time it was 'libcid.lib'. Same again, and the next time it was 'libcpd.lib'. As expected, things still didn't work with all those libraries excluded (by the way, I couldn't tell where those libs were being referenced with the /verbose parameter). I can't tell whether or not IPhysics is calling those libraries, but 11 errors in the IPhysics lib were returned. They all look something like this:

IPhysics.lib(CPhysics.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall CPhysicsCar::assembleCarPhysics(struct SPhysicsCar *,struct NewtonWorld *)" (?assembleCarPhysics@CPhysicsCar@@QAEXPAUSPhysicsCar@@PAUNewtonWorld@@@Z) referenced in function "public: class IPhysicsCar * __thiscall CPhysics::addCar(struct SPhysicsCar *)" (?addCar@CPhysics@@QAEPAVIPhysicsCar@@PAUSPhysicsCar@@@Z)"

I'm using MS Visual 2005 (the irony is that I switched to Visual for better third-party lib support...). The Newton, IPhysics, and Irrlicht includes and libs are set up, and the appropriate DLLs are in place. Anyone know what the cause might be? Thanks for any help.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:43 pm
by RapchikProgrammer
As i said in an earlier post, i accidently removed the car.cpp file so if you try to add a car in the examples it is gonna cause a problem till i release the new version! Srry for this tho!

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:14 pm
by Baiame
^ Ah, I should've read the topic more carefully (I had read that bit, but didn't make the connection). Sorry about that.

EDIT- I successfully compiled a working .a library (I think monkeycrack's is outdated now). If anyone's having trouble, PM me, I can email it to you.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:13 pm
by RapchikProgrammer
Hey thanx for doing this baime, that gets me some more time to release, version 2.0! Nowadays i wasnt feeling relaxed while programming cause i wanted to release a new version as soon as i can! Currently there is basically one problem that is stopping the release of v2.0! You can check out the problem here: ... php?t=3260

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:41 pm
by Baiame
^ Hmm, doesn't seem to be many replies there (though I'm unfamiliar with the standards of the Newton forums). Didn't Luke successfully implement ragdolls using Newton? Couldn't you ask him to take a look at your code?

Example 2 Problem (Terrain)

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:15 pm
by leonardoaraujo.santos
Hi ! First off all congratulations for the IPhysics it's really helping me.

One question.... I Compiled those samples (example1 example 2 example3) with Visual C 6 and irrlitch-1.2 the samples example1 and example2 work fine.

But when I execute example2 (That uses terrain) it crashes on the line
IPhysicsEntity* terrainEntity = physics.addEntity(&terrain);

First I`ve read some post`s and the first thing that you talked about is to be certain that the mesh node (terrain) was ok.. If I take the line IPhysicsEntity* terrainEntity = physics.addEntity(&terrain); the sample works but the Cubes fall from the Map.

Do you know what I could do to solve this.

The bitmap field was exactly the field that comes with IPhysics (I`ve downloaded from the page)

Another question IPhysics works with DevC++?

Example 2 Problem (Terrain)

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:15 pm
by leonardoaraujo.santos
Hi ! First off all congratulations for the IPhysics it's really helping me.

One question.... I Compiled those samples (example1 example 2 example3) with Visual C 6 and irrlitch-1.2 the samples example1 and example2 work fine.

But when I execute example2 (That uses terrain) it crashes on the line
IPhysicsEntity* terrainEntity = physics.addEntity(&terrain);

First I`ve read some post`s and the first thing that you talked about is to be certain that the mesh node (terrain) was ok.. If I take the line IPhysicsEntity* terrainEntity = physics.addEntity(&terrain); the sample works but the Cubes fall from the Map.

Do you know what I could do to solve this.

The bitmap field was exactly the field that comes with IPhysics (I`ve downloaded from the page)

Another question IPhysics works with DevC++?

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 9:19 am
by RapchikProgrammer
Firstly, i hav just thought up of a probable solution for the custom joints problem i posted earlier but as i am out of town rit now i wont know if it works till sunday, if the problem perists i will ask luke to help out!

Secondly, character controller is almost complete! It works awesome on terrain with no jitters due to a new function i added. Secondly the character can now also go up stairs, but its not absoloutely smooth cause once a while you do get stuck and then you have to move to the side and then it works smooth again. Its only a minor bug, so wont take long to solve. And i have also done a lot of commenting and sorting of the code, preparing for the official release.

Thirdly about the terrain problem, hmm very strange! As soon as i get bak to ma other home on sunday i will chek it out.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:52 am
by monkeycracks
Moving forward is very very jerky on examples 2 and 3.