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Discussion about everything. New games, 3d math, development tips...
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Post by miha »

My name's Mihailo (25) and i'm from Serbia.
Programming lang: ASM, Pascal, C++ (lately using only C++)
Spoken languages: English, a bit of French and German,
and a tendency :D towards Japanese
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Location: Belgium

Post by scippie »

My name is Dirk Schippers and I am from Belgium (Antwerp).
I've been programming since I was 8 (my mother taught me basic algebra then because I reaaaaally wanted it).

I have my own company, Frixx-iT (please don't look at the photo which needs urgent replacement), which was always intended for the development of games. Sadly enough, our first game "Tears of betrayal" (you can download a demo under downloads if you like) was not a big success because of the bad graphics (I wrote the 3D engine from scratch and although it worked great, it didn't have any special effects). The gameplay was great though, but you know how most young gamers think these days :). If you give it a try and a chance, you'll see that the game is really high fetched and that the only thing missing are great graphics. (btw. I'm very proud of the music which I also created myself)
The game got very good comments (high grades even) but a 4 on gfx :)

After that, we started with a new game: a horror adventure game, but our designer left us and since then the game is in the fridge. Those graphics were superb though... (it was a panoramic point and click adventure combined with 3D effects, so no real 3D gfx but great quality)... but it was real horror :)

My main occupations are:
- C++ development for our clients and for our own tests/games/projects
- C++ for our VisiTex (our own product but still in a too low state to show of with it) webserver
- PHP development for web-clients.
- LUA for almost every project of ours that needs scripting (I used to script with javaScript before until I found out about LUA)
- .NET because I really have to for one client :) (COM, VB, C++.NET, C#)
Edit: - forgot to mention: sql (mysql, oracle, sqlite), html, css, and lots of other stuff you need when playing with the big names.

I love games, I love playing them, but mostly I love creating them. In here, we probably all do. Irrlicht seems the perfect point to start when you want to create a low budget game. Maybe this time we'll do better, but we're absolutely not rushing things like we did with Tears of Betrayal.

I'd love to be able to revive Tears of Betrayal with superb graphics but I don't think it will ever happen.

I think I like it in here, in this Irrlicht forum and I hope that you'll all help me and I'll help you all with the progress of this great 3D engine.

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Post by Morgawr »

Location: Italy
Age: 17
Languages: C/C++, Pascal, Java, Javascript, PHP, Perl (a very little), HTML(lol)

I started using a computer when I was 3, not doing anything good actually, just using paint to draw stupid thing.. But it was funny and since windows 3.11 started in DOS I had to force my way to learning how to read/write at the age of 4.. just to use the computer :roll:

Now I'm trying to program games with a schoolfriend and my future project will be a MMORPG, Don't know how or when but that's what I want to do :wink:
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Location: Israel

Post by LosNir »

Name: Nir Azuelos
Age: 15
Languages: C#, C/C++, PHP, JS.. and some others (Event Scripts, PAWN)
Spoken Languages: Hebrew (1st language), English (Still learning :P)
Location: Rishon Le-Ziyyon, Israel
Last edited by LosNir on Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Q-efx »


Name: Rene XXX ;-)

Well startet programming with C64 after C64 died i lost the track, or better switched to just playing games on SNES. After this I bought a pc.

At php version 3 I started to "code" little addons for some clan sites.

well later in year 2000 I startet to learn C++. The teacher was a person which coded for some hardware vendors in germany, ( not websites the hardware itself! damn he was a real guru! ) I learned much from him.

At the moment I am thinking about to creatwe something with irrlicht.

Prog. Languages: PHP5, C++, "HTML, CSS2.1"
Languages: English, German
Framworks i play with: Prado for php5 and irrlicht for sure ^^
-= http://WWW.U-R-Reality.de =-


A social development project
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Post by oldskoolPunk »

Wow this is a long thread and lots of people to meet.

I am Chris, and I am from backwoods Manchester, Tennessee, home of Elvis's Ghost, Jason Vorheeves, and Bonnerroo!

I am 30 years old, and I got my first comp when I was 8. It was called "Coco", and it came packed with 16kb of onboard memory!
My first game was a text adventure, along the lines of Pyramid and Zork. My first graphical game was a Frogger clone, done in ascii type graphics, and a few more. All done without the help of the all powerful WWW! (no internet back then haha)

A few years ago I discovered Blender, and forgot coding altogether. After discovering the "poser community", I marveled at how easy it was to make a few bucks here and there selling 3d models and such. My greatest achievement I guess would be the menu graphics on the Saw1 & 2 region2 DVD's. I did the models in Blender.

Now I just play with Irrlicht. I love to create the art AND I love to code. I think the single most important aspect of a "game" is the interaction between the machine and the player. The "feel" of the controls. The funness. The fact that the player has just died 4 times in a row and doesnt think twice about hitting restart again because it is so dang fun.This is what I want to create.

Listening to my mother's tales of adventure, after sitting up till 3am in the morning trying to find that one secret star, in SuperMarioGalaxy gives me all the ummph I need to keep trying :D

OOps sorry so long heh. Goodbye and happy coding!

P.S. Oh hi Rene :) How are you?
Signature? I ain't signin nuthin!
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Post by GavRo »

My name is Gavin X. I am 15 years old and live in Jamaica. I've been programming since I was 6. My father used to be a programmer, and I used to take his books and read up on C++. I became interested in programming after playing duke nukem 2 (the 2nd 2d one).

My programming languages are C++, Javascript, Python, assembler(nothing special, speeds up little bits at times), QBasic, Lisp(helps me think about functions differently) and I'm trying to learn C# right now. My spoken languages are English, Spanish and a little bit of French.

I run a little blog http://happydesolation.blogspot.com, nothing really interesting happens, but you know, for the sake of having one.
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Post by wizecoder »

Name: Aengus
Age: 13
Location: Hawaii
I have been programming for about a year with c++ and before that i was fiddling with some gamemakers and level editors such as the elder scrolls construction set.
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Post by cs_riley »

21-year old CS grad student at the University of Ottawa. I specialize in logic and game development processes. I can code most things, and I'm trying to focus more on computer games, and learn that end of things right now.
Who says fifteen square inches of fabric can't be classy?
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Post by TiZ »

I'm Trent. I'm 18 years old (19 on February 21st), and I'm a freshman at Northern Kentucky University. I live in, well, northern Kentucky. My major is Computer Science. I speak English, Je parle Français, and nihongo ga chotto hanashimasu. (I'd type it in kana, but my IME's not working...)

I don't actually know C++; I'm a C# programmer. I've been programming since 7th grade, mostly with QBasic until 8th grade. I picked up the RPG Toolkit and tried to make games with it. I released a demo my freshman year of high school (and it won several awards in the RPGTK community), but due to the Toolkit's fallacies, I couldn't continue and ended up just waiting and waiting for the next version. I eventually just dropped the Toolkit.

I picked up some other game dev kits, and since their programming languages all have C-like syntax, I was able to test out of my first college programming class. I learned Java in INF 260 (Object-Oriented Programming), and learned about C# from my teacher. I tried to pick up XNA, but I didn't like it.

So now I'm working on my game with Irrlicht .NET CP.
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Post by TheBeef »


I'll be 18 in May, and have been programming since I was about 12 or so, maybe earlier.

Languages include (but aren't limited to): Visual Basic, Javascript, VB.NET, PHP, HTML, CSS, ActionScript 2.0, and just learning C# now.

I live in a little tiny town outside of Buffalo, NY, and plan to go to a local college next year to eventually major in Game Design and Development :D
Competition winner
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Post by Virion »

I'll be 18 in May
Hey... same with me. :wink:
Posts: 2
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Post by Gunslinger_x »

So I'm Wim, age 31 from Leuven, Belgium and I'm most certainly not a programmer (*waves Jedi hand* "I am NOT the programmer you're looking for. You can go about your business." :P )
I'm a self-taught graphical designer dude not a programmer but I can wrestle my way through most code, given time and even if I'm not able to reproduce much of it - I guess to each his own it's just not my thing.
Game design and gameplay design seems to work for me, as long as I can focus on the graphics and the playability.
Actually, I've been a Blender fanatic since many years and I've been working on a proof-of-concept Java game with a friend of mine for about a year or so (he wrote the 2D engine from scratch, I did the artwork and the modeling/texturing) but now that has been abandoned since it proved its concept LOL (filed vertically under D for dead). Now I'm trying to get back into a nice after-hours project to sink my teeth in and hopefully drag my friend in with me (sharing is caring).
I'm currently writing out some ideas for an RTS (my big dream) and since I discovered that there are now Java bindings for Irrlicht, I thought I'd try and do the tutorials, see if I can grasp some of the principal ideas behind the whole shebang ;) so I can convince my bud to join in.
This is my first day at this engine and its features, so it might be too soon to tell, but from what I can tell it packs a punch.

Oh yeah, I've been behind a computer screen since I was 15, started off with a hideous beast of an OS called Gem and then DOS 6.22, Win3.11, 95, 98, 98SE, XP and currently running dual boot Ubuntu64/XP32, for those who get a kick out of stuff like that ;)
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Location: Danang, Vietnam

Post by huydotnet »

I'm Huy, 16 years old, and will be 17 in September :D
I live in Vietnam, i've been programming since i was 14, my father, my brother, my mother, my sister, everyone is artist, but only me want to be a computer programmer :) so, may be, i know a bit of graphic design, but not well 8)
My programming languages are Pascal, VB, C#, C++, Java, and some web-programming language.
I've been learning for about 2 month with C++ and Irrlicht.
Here is my blog, nothing about programming there :D
Tried to use Linux but i think i prefer Windows to Linux, and prefer Visual Studio to GCC, but that not mean i hate Open Source, i'm using Firefox :D
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Location: Germany, FFM

Post by switch_case »

Heyho, finnaly its time:
Name: Fritz / Fritz_beta (wich is because there was another Fritz in my class)
Age:I'm turning 19 in July and feel quite old :D
Location: next to Frankfurt(Main) in Germany. Just in the middle of it. And I HATE this country.
Languages:german, english, used to speak Latinum and Spanish few years ago.
Programming: once HTML, now C++
Hobbies: I've got a band, i like skateboarding, playing guitar for myself (learned it alone thugh, very proud of it ^^ ), i like coding in C++, i like to go to concerts on the weekend, and i like goint to demonstrations, because showing germany how much you hate its social network and the people here (espacially politians) is improtant, because actually they do what they want, and i don't want to end up like america or russia.
Because i think that Music can tell you more than words about one, here is my favourite->
Music: WiZO, NOFX, fahnenflucht, ZSK, anti-flag, motörhead, Volbeat, madness, placebo, pascow, and lots of ska

at the moment?
At the moment i started to programm a 2-player pong game, with kind of weapons or power ups, dont know. its my first game ever and kind of hard, to get used to sitting in front of your computer untill 2o'click at night, neverminding you have to get up next morning at 5.45... (and yes im NOT at school now, but nevermind, i learn more at home than there, today i only have programming lessons, and i know a had a 15 / 15 mark in the test last week ;) lousy teachers, hate them for not teaching us anything. )
if life could only be written in C++...
so much features, money++, remove_childs(), choose parents, life = new life, and no more <IDIOT> templates !
if you're looking for an nerdy coding language: http://lolcode.com/
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