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Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:27 am
by fabietto
bluecat wrote:Hi,

I updated the README.txt for irrODE/XCode. Here is the latest version:

@fabietto: Please try this out to check if I forgot something. If it works, maybe Brainsaw could update this in the SVN repository.
Hey bluecat, sorry for the late reply but it looks like I completely missed your post! :/ I'll give it a look ASAP and I'll report you the results... many thanks in the meanwhile! :)

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:30 pm
by Zurzaza
I'm really sorry for my delay in my tasks...i've got a lot of job during this weeks and finally I compiled new library:


Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 1:49 pm
by Brainsaw
Thanks. I'll include it into the package within the next days ... I'm currently not at home ;). I do currently not that much coding ... lot to do at work and best weather of the year.

But I got a netbook for my next USA vacation (scheduled for September), and I've already been testing some of my stuff on it. Seems that this time the bottleneck is the processor (with my notebook it's the intel graphics chip ... but the netbook is ION powered). I am trying to make some additions to my favorite demo (IrrOdeCar) in order to get it running on the netbook at a reasonable speed (by removing all non-necessary objects at user's choice).

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:54 am
by Brainsaw
Fixed methods to remove objects from a scene created with the "IrrOdEdit" plugin and added the possibility to remove parts of the scene to the IrrOdeCar demo.

I also included Zurzaza's VC2005 lib which is already outdated due to the changes I added today (sorry). If you want to use the latest version with VC2005 you have to compile the lib yourself. I also removed the ode lib in order to keep the filesize down.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:58 pm
by Murloc992
Hey! Nice lib here :P But still as a new guy I have an issue. I have successfully compiled the lib itself, the samples, but if I try to launch IrrOdeCar after I set up the resolutions and so on, I get a crash at:

Code: Select all

Line 150:     IXMLWriter *pXml=m_pDevice->getFileSystem()->createXMLWriter(m_sSettingsFile);
and actually have no clue what can be wrong.. :D Won't it have issues with my DLL since it only has OpenGL compiled(I changed one place in the code for the settings window to start up)?

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:33 pm
by Zurzaza
what kind of error do you get? and which version of ODE did you compile?

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:51 pm
by Murloc992
Zurzaza wrote:what kind of error do you get? and which version of ODE did you compile?
It just simply crashes, but I think because my DLL is compiled with openGL only. But no worries, I will fix it myself if needed. Just integrated it into my framework and it is exactly that what I was looking for. :) Now I just only need to learn to use it to suit my needs. :P

EDIT: It's ODE 0.11 I have compilled with.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:27 am
by Brainsaw
It could be because of the IDE you use. Some IDEs (OK ... all IDEs I use) change the execution directory by default, so you might need to set it in the project properties dialog. In that case the files are not found (because the program is searching from a wrong starting point) and as I'm one of those lazy old-school C-Coders I don't do that much checking.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:21 am
by Murloc992
Ok I am REALLY confused now. I have changed all the resource paths from ../../data/ to ../data/ which are correct BUT now when loading IrrOdeCar demo it shows that it's still trying to load from ../../data/ (tires, all textures and so on) so it can't load resources and crashes(it actually shows that the demo is initialising). What can be wrong now? :?

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:24 am
by Brainsaw
Did you modify all paths in the IrrOdeCar.xml scene file? In that case I don't know the reason. The standard directory layout does, however, need "../..". There is the "bin/gcc-win32" and the "bin/vc20xy" folder, and the programs need to go back two directories to find the "data" folder.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:40 pm
by Murloc992
Brainsaw wrote:Did you modify all paths in the IrrOdeCar.xml scene file? In that case I don't know the reason. The standard directory layout does, however, need "../..". There is the "bin/gcc-win32" and the "bin/vc20xy" folder, and the programs need to go back two directories to find the "data" folder.
I have modified all the paths now. It loads resources, initialises ODE and hangs. Nothing happens after initialisation is fully done it's stuck on full initialisation and loading screen. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:24 am
by Brainsaw
Well ... it seems that the first step of ODE needs quite a long time in complex scenes (like the IrrOdeCar scene). Try the latest version of IrrOde, I have added a dialog in the beginning where you can choose the objects that are in the scene, the rest will be removed. If I leave everything in my netbook hangs for quite a long time (actually never tried to wait for the end), but when I remove everything except for the "normal" car and the gas stations it's OK (the road can't be removed).

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:44 pm
by Murloc992
Yeah.. I have selected only the car, and it runs on stable 1 FPS.. Others run on 1 FPS too, I am using the SVN version.. :?

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:31 am
by Brainsaw
1 FPS? What hardware are you using? That's pretty slow. After I added this object selection method the program runs fine (about 50 FPS) even on my netbook (with ION graphics) .. if you select the car only and stay on the road. On my other systems (Core 2 Duo with 2.0 / 2.4 Ghz and NVidia 9400 / Intel GMA) it runs fine with all objects present. In the beginning it always takes a little bit until the world is set, but after a few seconds the framerates go up to a decent value.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:47 am
by Murloc992
Brainsaw wrote:1 FPS? What hardware are you using? That's pretty slow. After I added this object selection method the program runs fine (about 50 FPS) even on my netbook (with ION graphics) .. if you select the car only and stay on the road. On my other systems (Core 2 Duo with 2.0 / 2.4 Ghz and NVidia 9400 / Intel GMA) it runs fine with all objects present. In the beginning it always takes a little bit until the world is set, but after a few seconds the framerates go up to a decent value.
It's medium-end system, Intel Pentium 4HT on 3.4GHz and GeForce 7600GT 512MB.