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Re: Restructuring and Call for Help

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 7:27 am
by shurijo
Robomaniac wrote: P.S. --> a web designer would be nice too.
I can help you out with a web site design. I'd perfer not to be a full time webmaster (because I have my own projects), but I can provide a good layout design, graphics, etc. in a template (a few files, and you can copy, edit the files). It looks like you can handle HTML stuff pretty well, so you could maintain it, etc. I can put together a few examples this week and post them up for you. If you like..

Questions: Do you want to keep the Orange & Black (like in your game) or the Blue and Black like your web site? Or new colors? Logo? Hi-Res Screenshots ?(for making mosaics and other images, not for screenshot section.)? Send me a PM if you are interested.


a little help...

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 11:10 pm
by buhatkj
i dunno if i will be able to help you with the code, but i can contribute some models perhaps. i have a few weapon models you might like.
you can find a vast (haha...) library of semi-useful stuff some related, some unrelated at
i will try to pack up my model and put more specific links up soon.
maybe just release another fmorg prototype media pack and let ya know where to get it, dunno.
as for netcode, an FPS needs totally different netcode than what i've done, its needs to be realtime, and pretty hardcore. mine is all just simple string passing, it doesnt really handle lag at all, and you would need that. have you checked out some open source network libs like the GNE, hawkNL, or ICE? maybe they could help you get started. another option is to download the quake3 source and try and learn how carmack did it, cuz the q3 netcode is tight.

Distractions, distractions :-()

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 2:21 am
by Robomaniac
Well, as the title says, i've been distracted a bunch. First of all, my laptop kinda gave out on me, luckily after i backed up my code, so i've been trying to sort that out. Second of all, i have a kick ass idea for a game in my head, that i want to make, so i've been prototyping that a lot. So I havn't really worked on CF that much. In the little i did get done though, i've gotten my sound handler dll ready and good, and i've deleted all of my game code, as i am not please on how it was made. I will work on it more this week hopefully.

Halted Progress

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 5:21 am
by Robomaniac
Progress has slowed to a stop, as i have picked up another project (helping someone with an rpg). In a few weeks though, i will repickup development, and work fast (hopefully ;-) )

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 4:19 pm
by Robomaniac
Progress has been resumed a bit, however, not much. I have a bunch of internal stuff done (managers, etc) and am now working on physics integration, and then scripting is gonna go in, then weapons (shooting, kits, etc).

Been Very Busy Though, so havn't had much time to do anything

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 4:35 pm
by Robomaniac
Centaur Force is moving to Ogre.

Reasons Why :

Irrlicht Sucks!
Theres No CVS for Irrlicht
Ogre's graphics are awesome
April Fools!
Ogre's Community is huge
I like ogre better than irrlicht
niko is a horrible developer

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 7:13 pm
by stampsm
funny :D , after i read the first few words a thought you might have just got done smoking some funny cigarettes 8)

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 7:21 pm
by Robomaniac
Hey, just checking my ftp dir today, and noticed i uploaded a video of the demo for everyone who either couldn't get it to run, or didn't get the chance to download it. --> requires DivX

and then i also have the first screen of my game core rewrite

Looks awesome doesn't it ;-)

I GOT A SOURCEFORGE SITE :-) Yippee, figuring it all out now, and trying to get it to work.

[edit edit] ... _force.php

Blog (to be moved later)

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 3:54 pm
by Robomaniac
Niko, could you update the link to show

and Forum at

[also] I'm going to change this most likely tonight, so i'll edit the link if i do

04/09/04 --> 11:54 am est

[edited link this one is final :-)]

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:42 am
by Robomaniac
Update as on homepage:

Gamecore version 0.2 will be released by mid next week (depending on how long it takes for me to add all the script bindings to the core, and find a way to upload it to my sf page (w/o ftp access, but gonna work on a way around it if there's a way). Check the homepage for any information.

Also, when it is released, if there are any problems building/running/general questions about the game, please use my forums instead of this one, as to not clog up this forum.

Thank you!

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 1:10 am
by Robomaniac
In case you havn't read my homepage recently, i suggest you do.

I'm gonna just post a link so i don't have to actually post the news again, can be found in both the front page and forum.

Centaur Force Moving

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 12:42 am
by Robomaniac
I've know this for a while, however, I have not made an official announcement yet. So, here goes.

Centaur Force TCS Announcement :
Subj : Engine Moving

Centaur Force will be moving (as of 04/21/04) to the Crystal Space Engine. This is for many reasons, including engine development, features, coding style, and many other facts. Mainly these include :

Network Support
Large Community
Sound Support
Built in Physics/Collision Detection
Good Design
Better Extensibility
Windows/Linux/MaxOS Support

This is a brief list and not the only items. Also, I am in desparate need of moving to a more advanced engine than Irrlicht. I am passed the stage where I need Irrlicht's ease of use, and need another engine's portability, extensibility, and features. Irrlicht is not a bad engine, however, it is a begginners engine.

Also, not to dis niko's code, but it is not the best it can be. After Centaur Force is done, I plan on starting the RoboEngine Project. It will hopefully try to merge Irrlicht's ease of use and nice api with ogre/cs/neo's portability and extensibility and quality. I plan on taking a look at all the code in all major open source engines, doing an analysis of what is done right and wrong in my (and other's) eyes, and trying to merge all of them into a super clean design.

My time with the Irrlicht Engine and Community has been great, however, with me changing engines (for real now), I will be availible less around here. I will still try to help who i can, but i will not be here everyday anymore. I will continue to monitor the progress of the engine and its progress, and maybe even help with it (once Niko gets a cvs or it reaches v. 1.0.

In closing, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped me get started on this dream of mine. A year ago, my dream to make a game was merely a fantasy as I tried to learn C and OpenGL. Now however, I am capable of developing this dream into a reality thanks to this engine. Without it, I would be stumbling over OpenGL still.

Thank you all again, and Goodbye,

The Robomaniac

(If you would like further updates on Centaur Force, please use my homepage and forums [links follow] )