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Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 7:13 pm
by Masterhawk
Unfortunatly not :(
This "bug" occurs in every line. For a time it worked to cut off the last two signs...but now it doesn't....i'm veeeeeeery confused....

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 11:06 am
by Sylence
me 2 ^^
Could you please send me your code and your ini file?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 5:22 pm
by Masterhawk
you got pm...;)

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:54 am
by vizzy
thanks, great code 8)

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 1:09 pm
by MasterGod
So is it fixed? Everything working as it should?

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:35 pm
by L1zb3th
ohhhhhh, i hated that class xDDD
for windows users, try this :


Code: Select all

class CIniReader
 CIniReader(char* szFileName);
 int ReadInteger(char* szSection, char* szKey, int iDefaultValue);
 float ReadFloat(char* szSection, char* szKey, float fltDefaultValue);
 bool ReadBoolean(char* szSection, char* szKey, bool bolDefaultValue);
 char* ReadString(char* szSection, char* szKey, const char* szDefaultValue);
  char m_szFileName[255];


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class CIniWriter
 CIniWriter(char* szFileName);
 void WriteInteger(char* szSection, char* szKey, int iValue);
 void WriteFloat(char* szSection, char* szKey, float fltValue);
 void WriteBoolean(char* szSection, char* szKey, bool bolValue);
 void WriteString(char* szSection, char* szKey, char* szValue);
 char m_szFileName[255];
#endif //INIWRITER_H

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#ifndef INI_H
#define INI_H
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Stdio.h>
#include "IniReader.h"
#include "IniWriter.h"

CIniReader::CIniReader(char* szFileName)
 memset(m_szFileName, 0x00, 255);
 memcpy(m_szFileName, szFileName, strlen(szFileName));
int CIniReader::ReadInteger(char* szSection, char* szKey, int iDefaultValue)
 int iResult = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSection,  szKey, iDefaultValue, m_szFileName);
 return iResult;
float CIniReader::ReadFloat(char* szSection, char* szKey, float fltDefaultValue)
 char szResult[255];
 char szDefault[255];
 float fltResult;
 sprintf(szDefault, "%f",fltDefaultValue);
 GetPrivateProfileString(szSection,  szKey, szDefault, szResult, 255, m_szFileName);
 fltResult =  atof(szResult);
 return fltResult;
bool CIniReader::ReadBoolean(char* szSection, char* szKey, bool bolDefaultValue)
 char szResult[255];
 char szDefault[255];
 bool bolResult;
 sprintf(szDefault, "%s", bolDefaultValue? "True" : "False");
 GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szDefault, szResult, 255, m_szFileName);
 bolResult =  (strcmp(szResult, "true") == 0) ? true : false;
 return bolResult;
char* CIniReader::ReadString(char* szSection, char* szKey, const char* szDefaultValue)
 char* szResult = new char[255];
 memset(szResult, 0x00, 255);
 GetPrivateProfileString(szSection,  szKey, szDefaultValue, szResult, 255, m_szFileName);
 return szResult;


CIniWriter::CIniWriter(char* szFileName)
 memset(m_szFileName, 0x00, 255);
 memcpy(m_szFileName, szFileName, strlen(szFileName));
void CIniWriter::WriteInteger(char* szSection, char* szKey, int iValue)
 char szValue[255];
 sprintf(szValue, "%d", iValue);
 WritePrivateProfileString(szSection,  szKey, szValue, m_szFileName);
void CIniWriter::WriteFloat(char* szSection, char* szKey, float fltValue)
 char szValue[255];
 sprintf(szValue, "%f", fltValue);
 WritePrivateProfileString(szSection,  szKey, szValue, m_szFileName);
void CIniWriter::WriteBoolean(char* szSection, char* szKey, bool bolValue)
 char szValue[255];
 sprintf(szValue, "%s", bolValue ? "True" : "False");
 WritePrivateProfileString(szSection,  szKey, szValue, m_szFileName);
void CIniWriter::WriteString(char* szSection, char* szKey, char* szValue)
 WritePrivateProfileString(szSection,  szKey, szValue, m_szFileName);
#endif //INI_H
Enjoy !

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:39 pm
by Sylence
I moved the class to my new website. (Avaible here)
I redesigned it, fixed some bugs and made some minor speed improvements.

I know that it works this way, but it's everything but plattform-independent.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:52 pm
by MasterGod
Its just too good :D.
Its a MUST BE in the next release (1.4)!! MUST!

Awesome Job!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 8:20 pm
by MasterGod
Hi, I'm having troubles with the writing methods of this class.
I've downloaded the latest version from the site and tried this code with the following results:

Code: Select all

bool CConfigManager::saveChanges()
	case EDT_SOFTWARE: ini->addKeyToSection("Settings","DriverType","EDT_SOFTWARE");
	case EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO: ini->addKeyToSection("Settings","DriverType","EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO");
	case EDT_DIRECT3D8: ini->addKeyToSection("Settings","DriverType","EDT_DIRECT3D8");
	case EDT_DIRECT3D9: ini->addKeyToSection("Settings","DriverType","EDT_DIRECT3D9");
	case EDT_OPENGL: ini->addKeyToSection("Settings","DriverType","EDT_OPENGL");
	default: ini->addKeyToSection("Settings","DriverType","EDT_NULL");

	stringc winSize = deviceParam.WindowSize.Width;
	winSize += "x";
	winSize += deviceParam.WindowSize.Height;

	return ini->save();
config.ini wrote: [Settings]

*Notice those few new empty lines..
And there is a problem that if there isn't a new empty line at the end of the file it can't read it right. -I don't care much about this cause its a simple new empty line but if it will be fixed I'll be pretty glad :wink:

Except that, Thank you very much for your class, its very helpful and I'm using it in my project.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:11 am
by bull
Why don't you use lua? It's even cross-platform. The syntax will not be as nice as INI though

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:16 pm
by MasterGod
I've never used lua and for some reason I don't want to :lol:..
I really like this class and I like working with it..

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:36 pm
by Sylence
Yeah I know about this bug and to be honest I didn't figure out yet why the file is read wrong if there is no new line at the end of the file.
I'll try to fix this when I have more time to work on it (maybe in 2 weeks or so)

@bull When you only need configuration files lua is overkill.

oh and btw you can pass a dimension2d directy to setValue() ;)

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:43 pm
by MasterGod
Sylence wrote:Yeah I know about this bug and to be honest I didn't figure out yet why the file is read wrong if there is no new line at the end of the file.
I'll try to fix this when I have more time to work on it (maybe in 2 weeks or so)

@bull When you only need configuration files lua is overkill.

oh and btw you can pass a dimension2d directy to setValue() ;)
Didn't noticed SValue2Di(core::dimension2di); -> cool.

The /n @ eof bug isn't as important as the not-working writing methods.
Maybe you didn't understand me but when I write to the file it just add what after the '=' and some garbage to the end of the file instead of editing an existing key with the new values - see me post above for clarification.

Thanks for not abandoning this project. Its really useful especially when working with irrlicht, very nice and clean code, I really like it and learn from it a lot.

TWO WEEK!?.. Please can you speed it up, I know its only 2 weeks and I'm making it sounds like a year but I don't wanna have any wholes in my project, when I finish a category (as all configuration handling classes for example) I want it done bugless (as much as I can) before I move to the next part which means two weeks of cleaning up to a pretty cleaned up code..

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:05 pm
by Sylence
damn I really have to make a test programm for it... in the CIniFileReaderStub::addKeyToSection() there is the line (CIniFileReaderStub.cpp , line 260)

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change it to

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and it should work fine. At least it does on my machine...

Going to update the source on the site tomorrow

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:34 pm
by MasterGod
Nice, it clears the garbage but this is the config file I get after changing it:
config.ini wrote: [Settings]

It adds to the end instead of editing the existing keys. Still adding 2 new lines at the end (except the /n to make it work)

It was line 256 not 260 on my machine..